Tom Cotton Sucks

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Sen. Tom Cotton’s diatribe against DC statehood exposed the racist underbelly of the Republican Party
Cotton implied the only reason Democrats want to grant statehood to D.C. is because they want two more Senators from their party in perpetuity.
Democrats NEED to grant statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico to balance the over-representation of Red / Republicans states because the Senate is currently Rigged for Republicans. In 2018, Democrats received almost 12 million more votes than Republicans in Senate races yet suffered losses and failed to win a majority of seats. Because each state gets two senators irrespective of population, states such as Wyoming have as many seats as California, despite the latter having more than 60 times the population. Smaller states also tend to be the more rural and Republican.
According to 2018 Census Bureau estimates, more than half of the US population lives in just nine states but is represented by only 18 Senators. Less than half of the population controls about 82 percent of the Senate. So the majority is not receiving equal representation in the Senate.
During military testimony on Afghanistan, Gen. Milley SHUTS DOWN Tom Cotton’s (R-AR) Ridiculous Question
Tom Cotton Wants More Americans In Jail
The US has the highest amount of incarceration in the world. Senator Tom Cotton recently stated that he thinks even more Americans should be in prison. What a FUCKING IDIOT!
The US incarcerates more people than any other country in the world… even more than Communist China.
Tom Cotton sparks controversy with comments on slavery, history
Donald Trump recently sat down with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, who reminded the president that he’s argued that U.S. schools are teaching people to “hate America.” The Republican insisted that his assessment is accurate, and when pressed to support the claim, Trump said, “I look at school.
Per the above article; “We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said. Instead of portraying America as “an irredeemably corrupt, rotten and racist country,” the nation should be viewed “as an imperfect and flawed land, but the greatest and noblest country in the history of mankind,” Cotton said.
Not surprisingly, it wasn’t long before a controversy ensued over Cotton’s use of the phrase “necessary evil.” Obviously, describing slavery as “evil” was appropriate, but suggesting that slavery was once “necessary” is something else altogether.
The Arkansan, who makes little effort to hide his ambitions, seemed to recognize fairly quickly how much damage a story like this could do, and Cotton published multiple tweets yesterday arguing that he didn’t see slavery as a “necessary evil,” he was simply summarizing the beliefs of the nation’s framers. The senator took his case to Fox News.
Tom Cotton Accepted $1 Million From Israel To Sabotage Iran Nuclear Deal
How much money does it take for a foreign nation to buy a United States Senator? Just ask Republican Tom Cotton. For a lousy $1 million paycheck, Israel hired Cotton to lead an effort to sabotage the Iran nuclear deal that the Obama Administration toiled for months to achieve.
According to the above article, Tom Cotton Accepted $1 Million From Israel To Sabotage Iran Nuclear Deal
The report states “Bill Kristol’s Emergency Committee for Israel donated to Cotton’s senatorial campaign and not long after taking office, Cotton penned a letter signed by 47 of his colleagues to Iranian leaders in an attempt to get them to abandon the negotiations by warning that a Republican president will not honor any deal struck. Then Cotton openly made an oath to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a trip to Israel in which he pledged his allegiance to Israel and vowed to sabotage the Iran deal”.
Video Title: US unity on Iran shattered by Sen. Tom Cotton’s ‘open letter’
Tom Cotton was the traitor responsible for the letter to Iran
Sen. Tom Cotton’s Dumbass Iran Warmongering Comments
Several prominent Republicans have recently backed off from full support of the Iraq war, which is certainly a change of pace from just a few years ago. Tom Cotton however has indicated that he feels the Iraq War Was Justified
Republican’s Odd Claim That Bush Kept Us Safe ‘Except for 9/11’
WASHINGTON — An odd argument that President George W. Bush kept America safe from terrorism “except for 9/11” made its way to the House floor Wednesday, coming from Rep. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.). The claim resurfaced on the right immediately after the Boston bombings, and made its way back into conservative punditry in the days that followed, Steve Benen reported.
Bush kept America safe, ignoring 9/11
At every opportunity, he made hateful, unpatriotic, ridiculous, pathological comments about President Obama as he did in the above video.
Tom Cotton’s claim that “Bush kept us safe” while ignoring the largest attack on the United States on American soil during Bush’s watch shows what stupid, disgusting partisan hack he is, who’s unfit to be a DOG CATCHER. The fact the majority of people in Arkansas keep voting for this idiot shows how stupid the people in the state of Arkansas are.
Cotton is a classic example of why the Republican party is the STUPID party, because only stupid people would vote for such an idiot.
Tom Cotton’s false claim reveals an appalling truth | CNN
Tom Cotton’s description of slavery as a “necessary evil” and his vendetta against the 1619 Project reveal a telling truth about how many White Americans compartmentalize when it comes to race and how the US elected (and could re-elect) a racist President, says Issac Bailey.
Per the above article: “Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas probably thought he was being clever when he accidentally said the quiet part aloud to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette for an article that ran Sunday – he said that slavery was a necessary evil to ensure the creation of the United States of America.’
Here is what he told the paper: “We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.”
It’s a belief likely held by millions of White Americans and also by a number of white historians. It’s just that Cotton said it more plainly and directly than most. It’s that ability – White Americans’ penchant for compartmentalizing and rationalizing when it comes to issues of race – that has made it possible for a president as inept and racist as Donald Trump to have any chance of being re-elected.
Even amid the racial reckoning underway in America, there’s evidence that that type of rationalizing remains. Cotton is merely Exhibit A. For example, while polls show a growing percentage of White people are willing to acknowledge that Black people are treated differently by the criminal justice system, a majority tell pollsters they still believe Confederate monuments should essentially be left alone – like Cotton does.
Cotton’s plainspoken demonstration of racist rationalizing to the Arkansas paper began after he tried to use his position as a US Senator to cancel and smear the groundbreaking 1619 Project, a New York Times initiative that forced readers to see this nation’s founding anew, through the eyes of the enslaved and those who came after them – instead of through the eyes of the enslavers, as most traditional histories of America have done. Cotton wants to deny federal funding to schools who use the 1619 Project as a teaching tool. Several schools have adopted it; others plan to. I’ve used it in my journalism classes at Davidson College and will again this fall.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JUNE 19: People participate in a march in Brooklyn for both Black Lives Matter and to commemorate the 155th anniversary of Juneteenth on June 19, 2020 in New York City. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. As the nation comes to terms from a number of recent killings of black Americans by police, Juneteenth is being celebrated and recognized throughout the country in marches, memorials and services.
Cotton shouldn’t be dictating what goes on inside classrooms, and those serious about free speech should vigorously oppose his proposed law, which would financially penalize school districts using the 1619 Project curriculum by depriving them of federal professional development funds and lowering their overall federal funding to reflect any “cost associated with teaching the 1619 Project, including in planning time and teaching time.”
But that he attacked the 1619 Project in particular is telling. The project is an unapologetic series of essays and other works that has upended America’s foundational story like little else. Its authors, led by Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones, didn’t treat the founders as near god-like wise men. Instead, they told the truth about what it means for a nation to have been built on a contradiction: that all men are created equal but that Black people needed to be in chains and shackles. They explained why Black people decided to love a country that hated it and why it took Black people to make real the words the founders wrote but didn’t live up to”.
The GOP Candidate Who Wants Journos Jailed
UPDATE: On Nov. 4, 2014, Cotton won a Senate seat in Arkansas, defeating incumbent Democrat Mark Pryor. We’ll update this post again when he runs for president. UPDATE: On May 22, 2012, Cotton won the GOP nomination in Arkansas’ 4th congressional district. On November 6, he won the general election.
Tom Cotton is Nuts and unfit for ANY position in public office or government