Elon Musk Reaping What He Sowed & Getting Comeuppance

WordPress database error: [Table 'republic_wp.wp_term_relationships' doesn't exist]insert into wp_yarpp_related_cache (reference_ID,ID,score) SELECT 18476 AS reference_ID, ID, ROUND(0 + (MATCH (post_content) AGAINST ('twitter elon getting musk 2020 rapid twitters turmoil katy tur sat business insiders linette lopez talk decline uploads acquired buggier')) * 1 + (MATCH (post_title) AGAINST ('elon musk reaping sowed getting comeuppance')) * 1 + (1 = 0) * 1 + (1 = 0) * 1,4) AS score
FROM wp_posts
left join wp_term_relationships as terms on ( terms.object_id = wp_posts.ID )
WHERE post_status IN ( 'publish', 'static' ) AND post_password ='' AND post_type IN ('post') AND wp_posts.ID NOT IN (18476)
HAVING score >= 4.000000 AND ID != 0 AND bit_or(terms.term_taxonomy_id IN (0)) = 0 ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 5 on duplicate key update date = now()
Elon Musk’s huge ego has ensured that he’s Reaping what he sowed & getting his comeuppance over Twitter.
Description from YouTube: “Musk continues to crumble after purchasing Twitter by blaming activists for Twitter losing revenue when in reality he is making and claiming he will make clear changes to the social media platform”.
‘Things Are Getting Buggier’ Inside Twitter’s Turmoil
“Katy Tur sat down with Business Insider’s Linette Lopez to talk about the rapid decline of Twitter after Elon Musk acquired the site”.