How Victims of Texas Anti-Abortion Law Can FIGHT BACK

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(Legal Disclaimer): Here’s some ideas on tactics to fight back against Texas Anti-Abortion Law. Please note that I’m not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. Anyone who chooses to follow any of these tactics would be assuming full responsibility of any negative consequences which may arise. I also encourage anyone who is interested in pursuing any of the tactics to first seek legal advise from a licensed attorney.
- An old saying; “The squeaky wheel gets the grease” which means making a lot of noise about something can cause action, change and a positive outcome. Anyone who is sued for $10,000 as a result of the Texas Republicans Radical Anti-Abortion Law should contact every TV Network & National News Outlet. Tell your story regrading the hardship being suffered and EXPOSE the person who sues to make an example out of them and Texas OPPRESSIVE Anti-Abortion law. The worst thing to do is remain silent and let someone quietly get away with victimizing you. When attacked, I believe in “Scorched earth warfare” and turning up the volume to 11. MAKE THEM PAY and EXPOSE THEM. Turn their lives upside-down by using every legal tactic available (such as calling them out using Media Outlets) to make them wish they had left you alone. Doing so might make them withdraw their case and leave you alone.
- Private Detectives who find this law outrageous should consider donating their time to INVESTIGATE anyone who sues and REPORT any dirt they find on the person who sues. This would help FIGHT BACK against those who would VICTIMIZE a woman or anyone who tries to help her.
- At every opportunity, call out and expose the person who filed the lawsuit as a HEARTLESS Bounty Hunter and Anti-Abortion zealot attempting to “cash in” on other’s pain and suffering as a result of an immoral (and possibly illegal) law passed by heartless Republicans.
- At every opportunity, call out Texas Governor Greg Abbot and Republicans for the hardship they are causing.
- COUNTER SUE PERSON WHO FILES LAWSUIT: One could test the legality of Texas “Heartbeat” law by suing the person who initiates a lawsuit for “Legal Harassment” due to the person lacking “Legal Standing” and the law being unconstitutional. Ask millions in Punitive Damages, plus attorney’s fees, court costs and collection costs.
- SUE THE STATE OF TEXAS: Any women who lives in Texas who wishes to get abortion and is unable to due to Texas Unconstitutional Law should contact the ACLU and pro-bono civil rights attorneys to file Multi-million dollar Lawsuits against the State of Texas for the “pain & suffering”, hardship and trauma they caused making it nearly impossible to get an abortion. IMO, the Texas law violates women rights as a citizen to have control over her own body and her own health.
- If a woman has to carry the pregnancy to term against their will, she might be able to SUE the State of Texas for LIFETIME SUPPORT of the child…. including medical coverage.
Although I’m not an attorney I know enough about the law to understand that the standard for filing a lawsuit has always been to have “standing” and be able to prove personal damages or injuries for a lawsuit to move forward. In relation to the Texas Anti-Abortion Law, the person who sues must have a direct interest in preventing a women from having an abortion and be able to prove they will somehow suffer injury. If not, they would lack legal standing.
A stranger or someone who cannot prove personal damages as a result of a woman getting an abortion does not have legal standing, so a lawsuit under these conditions is unconstitutional and unenforceable. The person being sued should make that argument in court and demand the suit be thrown out.
The above strategies could help bring down this law. Again, I’m not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. Anyone who chooses to follow any of these tactics would be assuming full responsibility of any negative consequences which may arise. I also encourage anyone who is interested in pursuing any of the tactics to first seek legal advise from a licensed attorney.
Texas’s Taliban Sharia Anti-Women’s Rights Laws forces a women to carry and give birth to a rapist’s child and allows Anti-Abortion Vigilantes to sue anyone who assists a women seeking an abortion for $10,000.
Don’t get mad… GET EVEN!
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TikTok Activists Are Fighting Back Against the Extreme Texas Abortion Law
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