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Hackers Declares 'Cyber War' On Putin's Russia

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Hackers Declares ‘Cyber War’ On Putin’s Russia

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The online hacker group known as ‘Anonymous’ has declared that it is at ‘cyber war’ against Russia and the regime of President Vladimir Putin, targeting more than 1,500 Russian websites. U.S. officials confirmed they have seen evidence of the Anonymous hacks.


Alleged “Anonymous” member says hackers successfully targeting Russia

Ukrainian forces are battling Russian troops on the ground but a different war is being waged online. NewsNation’s Brian Entin spoke with a woman who claims to be a member of “Anonymous,” an international hacker collective. The woman said the group is successfully battling Vladimir Putin’s propaganda online.


Hackers Humiliate Putin; Prominent Media Vandalized On Russian Holiday

Rachel Maddow reports on hackers defacing Russia’s TV schedule grid with an antiwar message, and replacing the content on a major Russian news website with antiwar and anti-Putin content on a day when Vladimir Putin put himself at the center of Russia’s celebration the World War II victory in Europe.





Fiona Hill says Russia’s hackers ‘already declared war’ on the US and want to prove they’re a ‘major cyber force’

Fiona Hill told FT that Russia “declared war quite a long time ago in the information sphere.” Hill’s comments came ahead of Biden’s highly anticipated summit with Putin in Geneva. After recent hacks and cyberattacks linked to Russia, cybersecurity is poised to be a major topic.

Fiona Hill says Russia’s hackers ‘already declared war’ on the US and want to prove they’re a ‘major cyber force’

Per the above article: “The Russians take great pride in their novel ways of getting at you … in many respects it’s a continuation of the Cold War,” Hill said. “They don’t really care about the harm they could cause.”

The US has accused Russia of interfering in recent elections, including via the use of “troll farms” like the Kremlin-backed Internet Research Agency. The Internet Research Agency in 2016 “used social media to wage an information warfare campaign designed to spread disinformation and societal division in the United States,” a report by the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence said.

“Masquerading as Americans, these operatives used targeted advertisements, intentionally falsified news articles, self-generated content, and social media platform tools to interact with and attempt to deceive tens of millions of social media users in the United States,” the report added.

The US in 2018 indicted 13 people associated with the Internet Research Agency, alleging they violated “US criminal laws in order to interfere with US elections and political processes.”