Twitter Sues Texas Republican Attorney General

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Twitter Sues Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton who tried to punish Twitter after they banned Donald Trump from their platform, but that move has now apparently backfired. Twitter is now suing Paxton for retaliation, as his move against the company was to embarrass them, not to actually address any kind of legal transgression.
Rachel Maddow explains some of the troubled legal backstory behind Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and notes recent reporting about Donald Trump considering passing out pardons like Halloween candy as Paxton files a bizarre and very unlikely election lawsuit of the kind that humors Trump’s upset over his election loss
Ken Paxton Lawsuit to Overturn Election – EPIC FAIL, LOL!!!
U.S. Supreme Court REJECTS Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton bid to overturn presidential election
Republicans Are Stupid!
Liberals Laughing at Dumb-ass Conservatives!