Republicans are “Rotten to the Core”

WordPress database error: [Table 'republic_wp.wp_term_relationships' doesn't exist]insert into wp_yarpp_related_cache (reference_ID,ID,score) SELECT 7270 AS reference_ID, ID, ROUND(0 + (MATCH (post_content) AGAINST ('republican former rotten core party without jolly politicians trump self mcmullin evan donald senate his unleashes david gop forming discussed')) * 1 + (MATCH (post_title) AGAINST ('republicans rotten core')) * 1 + (1 = 0) * 1 + (1 = 0) * 1,4) AS score
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Former Republican David Jolly unleashes on the ‘rotten to the core’ politicians of the GOP
These are, in today’s Republican party, spineless politicians rotten to the core without virtue, without any level of human integrity, devoid of self respect, self reflection…Without courage and without the moral compass to recognize their own malevolence.’
“There is no greater example of selling your soul to a charlatan than what Republicans are doing right now in the House and the Senate,” he added. “And their legacies are on the line just as much as Donald Trump’s.”
Jolly was a lifelong Republican until he jumped ship in 2018. Before then, he served in Congress from 2014 to 2017 following the death of his boss. He ran for Senate in 2016 but dropped out when Marco Rubio opted to seek a second term. (Source:
Evan McMullin: The Republican Party Is ‘Rotten To The Core’
Evan McMullin, Executive Director of Stand Up Republic, and more than 120 former Republican officials have discussed forming an Anti-Trump third party. He tells Lawrence O’Donnell that the Republican response to the events of January 6 was the impetus for that meeting. Aired on 02/12/2021.
Ex-Republican Speaks Out
Former Republican Rep. David Jolly is is speaking out against his old party amid President Donald Trump’s Ukraine scandal