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Republicans Try to Blame Biden & Antifa for Capitol Riot

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Republicans Try to Blame Biden & Antifa for Capitol Riot

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FOX News Republicans Propaganda Ministers and Delusional Republicans try to blame Joe Biden and Antifa for the Capitol Riot


In an effort to shift blame away from MAGA Terrorists destruction, Delusional, Fact Free Trump Republicans try to blame Joe Biden & Antifa for the attack on the US Capitol Building


Don’t fall for the antifa trap




Sean Hannity suggests anti-fascists wearing “MAGA gear” led the mob storming US Capitol building

HANNITY: I’ve seen videos like you have, but I — I don’t think — but that doesn’t represent how we the people feel, or why we feel like we do, the honest peaceful protester. Why are we mad? Why are people mad?

FOX Republican Propaganda Minister Sean Hannity suggests antifa wearing “MAGA gear” led the mob storming US Capitol building


Here’s a retweet from a well known Republican and Trump supporter (owner of My Pillow) attempting to pin the blame on Antifa, instead MAGA Domestic Terrorists, where it belongs.

Note the above post with the photo of the guy with the horns identified as a member of is “Antifa” which Lindell retweeted. WRONG!

The name of the guy with horns is Jacob Chansley, the “QAnon Shaman” and on November 17, 2021, was sentenced to 41 Months in Prison for his Role in the Capitol Riot!


QAnon Shaman’ Sentenced To 41 Months In Prison For Role in Capitol Riot

Jacob Chansley, the “QAnon Shaman,” has been sentenced to 41 months in prison for his role in the Capitol riot on January 6

And this is just the beginning because over 700 people have been arrested.




How do you like those apples?!



Gaetz claims MAGA mob was Antifa ‘masquerading as Trump supporters’

Donald Trump supporters are beginning to point the finger of blame at Antifa Florida congressman Matt Gaetz declared the mob were ‘masquerading’ He said they were Left-wing agitators disguising themselves as Trump backers The Washington Times said XRVision had identified two Antifa supporters XRVision has not commented on the paper’s reporting Laura Ingraham, Mike Lindell and Sidney Powell seized on the suggestion Donald Trump’s most fervent followers are beginning to claim that the mob that overran the Capitol on Wednesday were not MAGA supporters, but instead were Antifa ‘masquerading’ as the president’s backers.

Fact free LUNATIC Matt Gaetz and other dumb-ass Republicans make the ridiculous, fact-free claim that their favorite boogie-men “Antifa, are the ones who stormed the Capital…  not LAWLESS Trump Supporting THUGS.

You never hear Democrats make such ridiculous, fact-free claims… further proving that Republican / Ring-Wingers ARE the Problem in the United States.


Daniel Dale debunks GOP lawmakers’ Antifa claims

In the wake of pro-Trump supporters storming the Capitol Wednesday, several Republican allies of the President are attempting to shift blame to supposed left-wing activists, namely Antifa.


PolitiFact – There’s no proof antifa stormed the Capitol. The rumor spread quickly anyway

In a violent scene like no other in American history, a sprawling crowd of President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol and halted congressional proceedings, wearing and waving Trump-branded paraphernalia and flags as they sought to overturn the election. Lawmakers were evacuated as the rioters overwhelmed Capitol Police and bashed through the building’s doors and windows.


Police release photos of Trump mob members wanted for storming Capitol

Acting US attorney for DC Michael Sherwin on Thursday said ‘all options are on the table’ for charging members of the pro-Trump mob FBI and DC Police are still searching for at least 36 suspects who stormed the Capitol building on Wednesday More than 90 people have been arrested so

Per the above article: Trump rioters face TEN YEAR sentences because of Trump’s Monuments Act targeting BLM: DC attorney says Trump could also face charges for inciting trouble

  • Acting US attorney for DC Michael Sherwin on Thursday said ‘all options are on the table’ for charging members of the pro-Trump mob
  • FBI and DC Police are still searching for at least 36 suspects who stormed the Capitol building on Wednesday
  • More than 90 people have been arrested so far in connection to the violent siege that came as Congress was certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s win
  • Photos of the suspects were revealed at a press conference on Thursday, as authorities vowed to find and bring to justice anyone involved in the insurrection
  • Four people, including two men and two women were killed in the massive insurrection
  • Ashli Babbit, 35, a US Air Force veteran from San Diego, died in the chaos after being shot in the chest by cops
  • Another three victims died after suffering unspecified ‘medical emergencies’ related to the breach
  • They were identified as: Benjamin Phillips, 50, of Ringtown, Pennsylvania, Kevin Greason, 55, of Athens, Alabama, and Rosanne Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Georgia
  • Of the arrests, five were related to unlawful firearm possession and two were for other prohibited weapons
  • Acting AG Jeffrey Rosen said the violent protesters could face up to 10 years in prison for ‘injury of federal property,’ under President Trump’s executive order signed in June
  • Experts said some could face the rarely used seditious conspiracy charge