Kelly Loeffler: Radical Right Wing Republican Trump Supporter

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Kelly Loeffler Says Scary “Socialist” Word During Debate



Op-Ed: Why Beating Loeffler and Perdue Will Save Democracy

‘We’re already a socialist country, but we’re socialist towards the rich’ — This millionaire says beating Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in Georgia is the only way to protect our democracy.


The above video exposes how Republicans are hypocrites who engage in, and condone Socialism for the Rich in the form of corporate bails-outs, tax payer funded sports stadiums, farm subsidies (22 billion in 2019 when Trump was President), but harsh “pull yourself by up by your own bootstraps” Capitalism for everyone else.

For decades, Republicans has used the term “Socialism” and “Socialist” as a scare tactic to try and keep people from voting for Democrats.

Republicans like to proclaim… “The United States will NEVER be a Socialist Country”.

Well, it already is and they’re either too stupid to realize it, or too dishonest to admit it. Here’s examples of Socialism we all take for granted…

Guaranteed public education

Public transportation

Fire departments

Police departments

Public libraries

Every branch of the US military

Roads & highways

Social Security


Public, not private prisons & jails

Public hospitals

The Veterans Affairs Administration

Public universities

Public parks

Public toilets

Public drinking fountains

Public parking

Public everything


Here’s some of the typical ridiculous claims Republicans make about Democrats and “Socialism”.


Taxpayers, stadiums, and sports socialism

Taxpayer funded construction of sports stadiums is rarely an investment that generates enough revenue to justify the expense.

John Elroy executive vice president of football operations for the Denver Broncos of the National Football League (NFL), say’s he’s a Republican because he’s against “safety nets”.

Republicans keep saying they are less government and wasteful spending. As shown in this video, a Democrat Mayor in Atlanta said NO to construction of a new taxpayer funded sports stadium while a Republican in a nearby town said YES.

This is an example of “Welfare for the Wealthy” and how Republicans have no problem using millions of taxpayer money for sports, but do not want to help regular Americans and the poor.

Sports and Farm Bill Socialism “safety nets” is OK fine with Republicans but most of these Repub scrooges don’t believe in helping the poor.



I’d rather be a “Socialist” any day of the week, rather than a Disgusting, Lying, Anti-Democratic FASCIST, Radical Right-Wing Authoritarian, Banana Republic Republican


From; “Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) has come under fire for posing for a photo with a white supremacist. The selfie shows Loeffler smiling next to Chester Doles, who has been associated with the Ku Klux Klan and the neo-Nazi National Alliance. Doles marched in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017 and was sent to prison for the beating of a Black man in 1993, according to an Atlanta Journal-Constitution report. After the photo was widely circulated on social media, the Loeffler campaign rushed to her defense. ‘Kelly had no idea who that was,’ Loeffler spokesperson Stephen Lawson told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, ‘and if she had she would have kicked him out immediately because we condemn in the most vociferous terms everything that he stands for.’

Loeffler’s opponent, Rev. Raphael Warnock, said over the weekend that he did not believe Loeffler was unfamiliar with Doles. In September, Doles was removed from a campaign event for Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene that Loeffler attended. Greene also posed for a photo with him months prior. ‘While Kelly Loeffler runs a campaign based on dividing and misleading Georgians, she is once again trying to distance herself from someone who is a known white supremacist and former KKK leader who nearly beat a Black man to death,’ said Warnock campaign spokesperson Michael Brewer”.


Video Description from YouTube; Democrats, Republicans and Independents express why they don’t like Kelly Loeffler


Kelly Loeffler FACEPLANTS During Georgia Runoff Debate


Don’t Go Back (Thank GOD for Lincoln Project Videos!)


Video Title from YouTube; “Kelly Loeffler Gets HUMILIATED By WNBA Players”


Video Title from YouTube;  “Republicans ADMIT Kelly Loeffler Is A Corrupt Politician”


Jon Ossoff called out Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s affiliation with white supremacists live on Fox News


This graphic accurately depicts how Trump has been subservient to Russia / Putin’s wishes. Republicans are doing nothing to “Defend and Protect” the United States from this foreign adversary which is dedicated to our destruction. The list of items which Russia has gotten as a result of Trump being president is staggering.





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