Trump Advisor Steve Bannon Arrested on Fraud Charges

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Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon has been arrested after being charged with defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors through the “We Build the Wall” campaign.
Steve Bannon is just the latest domino to fall in Trump’s criminal enterprise. And he won’t be the last.
Steve Bannon Defeated!
Lawrence O’Donnell: ‘Donald Trump is collapsing. Trumpism is collapsing. A look at the Democratic victory for Doug Jones in the Alabama Senate special election and the fallout for President Donald Trump and the Republicans.
Steve Bannon Speechless After Roy Moore Loss In Alabama
Steve Bannon does not make a comment after Roy Moore lost the Alabama senate race to Doug Jones. (Love this video!)
Steve Bannon Melts Down On Hannity After His Loser Candidate Fails, Says McConnell Should Resign
Representative for New York’s 2nd congressional district Peter King (R) stated: Steve Bannon “looks like some disheveled drunk who wandered on to the political stage” says Alabama vote was a “revulsion by people” of Bannon’s style and political views.
“Steve Bannon Looks Like a Drunk!”
I agree with Peter King. Ever since I first saw Steve Bannon, I thought he looked like a drunk and homeless bum who sleeps on park benches, who probably has BO and Halitosis (bad breath).
King is calling for the GOP to cut all ties with Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon saying that Bannon has no place on the national political stage.
His supporting Trump while preaching populism and trying to get poor & middle class people to vote for Republicans is nuts. Republicans (including Trump) are CLEARLY for big businesses and the rich. Anyone who makes less than $50K per year who listens to and believes his BS is either nuts, delusional or uninformed.
The only thing Trump and Republicans want to do is give tax breaks and government hand-outs to the wealthy, take away people’s Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Healthcare and increase military spending.
‘Fire And Fury’ Author Michael Wolff: ‘I Absolutely’ Spoke To President Donald Trump
In an exclusive interview on TODAY, Michael Wolff, author of “Fire and Fury,” says that “I absolutely spoke to the president” despite President Trump’s claims that he never spoke to Wolff. He stands by the book, including the account that Trump has a childish need for immediate gratification and frequently repeats himself: “He does not read and does not listen.” He adds: “I will quote Steve Bannon: ‘He’s lost it.’”
Steve Bannon Steps Down From Breitbart News Network
Karl Rove Says Bannon is effectively dead as a political figure
Karl Rove, former deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush, discusses his political predictions for 2018 and the battle between President Trump and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon.
Here’s the bizarre route Steve Bannon took from Goldman Sachs, to Hollywood, and ultimately, the White House