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Trump's Slurred Speech… Incoherent Answers

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Trump’s Slurred Speech… Incoherent Answers

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insert into wp_yarpp_related_cache (reference_ID,ID,score) SELECT 16287 AS reference_ID, ID, ROUND(0 + (MATCH (post_content) AGAINST ('trump video words shows slurred biden his talking examples 2020 hey supporters dear leader hilarious president chump fox pundits making')) * 1 + (MATCH (post_title) AGAINST ('trump slurred speech incoherent answers')) * 1 + (1 = 0) * 1 + (1 = 0) * 1,4) AS score FROM wp_posts left join wp_term_relationships as terms on ( terms.object_id = wp_posts.ID ) WHERE post_status IN ( 'publish', 'static' ) AND post_password ='' AND post_type IN ('post') AND wp_posts.ID NOT IN (16287) GROUP BY ID HAVING score >= 4.000000 AND ID != 0 AND bit_or(terms.term_taxonomy_id IN (0)) = 0 ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 5 on duplicate key update date = now()

Video shows examples of Trump talking with his words slurred

Video shows examples of Trump talking with his words slurred


Video of Trump mispronouncing and slurring words, acting confused, etc.


Why did Trump have a secretive, midnight run to Walter Reed Medical Center?


Chris Hayes reads aloud the transcript of what Trump said on Brian Kilmeade’s radio show this week. Shows how incoherent Trump’s speech pattern is. Aired on 6/5/2020.


Hey TRUMP Supporters This Is Your Dear Leader *Hilarious*


President CHUMP!


Video of Fox Pundits making negative comments about Joe Biden which ALL totally fits Trump. This is a prime example of what partisan hacks they are… demonizing Biden while failing to tell their audience the TRUTH about Trump.