Cindy Hyde-Smith Sucks for Objecting to 2020 Election

IMO, Cindy Hyde-Smith sucks and is unfit to hold public office for objecting to certifying the 2020 Election when over 50 courts found no evidence of voter fraud


(Republican Senator from Mississippi, Cindy Hyde-Smith caught on video saying “it’s a great idea’ to make it harder for liberal folks to vote”)

Cindy Hyde-Smith sucks and is unfit to hold public office for saying “it’s a great idea’ to make it harder for liberal folks to vote”. No surprise since that’s the tactic UN-Democratic Fascist Repubs has used for years to win elections


Cindy Hyde-Smith is part of the new Jim Crow Caucus


A Tea Partier admits on tape, Republicans don’t want people to vote who isn’t likely to vote for them


Former Florida Republican Party Chair Jim Greer testified in a lawsuit filed against his former party that “whack-a-do, right-wing crazies” wanted to suppress the black vote through Voter ID and tactics like current state Gov. Rick Scott’s efforts to purge voter rolls.

Jim Greer, stated “I sat in on many meetings where it was discussed how to make sure what happened in 2008, when Obama brought out the college-aged voters, the minority voters, never happened again”.


GOP Gerrymandering


Historian Carol Anderson traces the evolution of voter suppression tactics, from poll taxes and literacy tests instituted after the passage of the 15th Amendment to the rise of strict voter ID laws and poll closures after the election of America’s first Black president. Anderson argues voter suppression is rooted in white supremacy and White rage


Cindy Hyde-Smith proves to be a Blood Thirsty, Sadistic SAVAGE by saying she wants to be in the front row of a “Public Hanging!”


Racist Republican Gets Blindsided By The Bible


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