Lunatic Louie Gohmert Suing to Overturn 2020 Election

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Crackpot Republican Louie Gohmert sues to have the 2020 Election Overturned


A group of Trump supporters have filed a lawsuit against Vice President Mike Pence that has one election lawyer saying the suit is “just so dumb.” These supporters are suing Pence because he has to preside over the certification of the electoral college votes during the joint session of Congress, and the supporters are now claiming that the electoral college votes aren’t actually official. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.


Rep. Gohmert denies he called for riots in remarks about tossed suit

Gohmert made the remarks in an interview with Newsmax on Friday It came after a court rejected his suit seeking to allow Pence to overturn election Gohmert, a Texas Republican, denies he was calling for violence It comes ahead of a massive pro-Trump rally in DC as Congress votes President Donald Trump’s ally Rep.

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