Tucker Carlson Sucks for Being a Republican Propaganda Minister

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In the above video, Jesse Dollemore (a United States Marine Corps veteran) rails against Tucker Carlson after he questions the patriotism and love for the country of Democrats and especially United States Senator and former Army Lieutenant Colonel Tammy Duckworth, who lost both of her legs in combat operations in Iraq.

IMO, “Tucker” Carlson Sucks for supporting & defending Trump, being a Fox Republican Propaganda Minister, questioning the patriotism of Joe Biden, Tammy Duckworth & Democrats. He exhibits the type of stupidity typical of Neanderthal Right Wingers… so stupid they don’t know how dumb they are.



This video shows Carlson attacking women who serve in our military. Another example of Carlson’s DISRESPECT for our Military and our Troops


Four-star Gen. Barry McCaffrey Blasts FOX News Attacks On Gen. Milley


Retired United States Army Major (who served in the West Virginia Senate) Richard Ojeda calls out Tucker Carlson for yet another ridiculous conspiracy theory to his gullible Fox News audience


This video shows what a psychotic punk-ass Tucker Carlson is and why no reputable person with integrity should ever appear on his bullshit show (which only BRAIN-WASHED MORONS watch).


Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA) reacts to threats against his family and says Fox News’s Tucker Carlson is to blame


Rep. Eric Swalwell claims Tucker Carlson has been causing Swalwell to get death threats from his INSANE, VIOLENT viewers.



See Russian state TV’s reaction to this Tucker Carlson banner


CNN’s Nic Robertson looks at Fox host Tucker Carlson’s popularity on Russian state run television.



Russia LOVES “COMRADE” Tucker Carlson for repeating their PRO-Russia Propaganda


Keilar on Tucker Carlson: Why is Fox airing ‘anti-democratic BS’?


While the FDA comes close to clearing a new COVID vaccine for children as young as five years old, anti-vaxxers continue to get more aggressive and vocal. At the same time, Fox News largely continues to push misinformation about the vaccine. When one longtime Fox News anchor did actually promote vaccines, viewers responded to his message with death threats and vile attacks.


Ex-Fox reporter reveals why Tucker Carlson is lying about vaccines

Former Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron discusses Tucker Carlson spreading disinformation about the Covid-19 vaccines.


Man confronts Tucker Carlson at Montana store: “You are the worst human being”

Anti-vaxx Fox News opinion commentator host, Tucker Carlson, was caught inside a sporting goods store in Livingston, Montana, and gets confronted. The guy, Dan Bailey, said, “You are the worst human being known to mankind. I want you to know that.” Tucker the realizes he was being filmed and walked away.



Title from Youtube; “Why Tucker Carlson pretends to hate elites”

Description from Youtube; “Tucker Carlson has branded himself as a populist, condemning the “liberal elite” that he argues makes up the American “ruling class.” It’s a good shtick, and it’s helped him stand out from other Fox News hosts. But while Tucker decries the “elite” on his show, he regularly ignores major stories of Republican economic policies that harm the working class, choosing instead to focus on bogus culture war stories.

That isn’t an accident. Carlson’s show is meant to distract Fox News viewers from Republican economics, channeling their frustration and anger at groups that don’t deserve it. That kind of misdirection produces what Marxist theorists call “false consciousness”: when workers are tricked into accepting their own exploitation”.


When spoiled kids whine

Is there anything funnier than listening to Tucker Carlson whine about why the White House “can’t not give us a pass!” in the wake of Neil Munro’s prep-boy heckling of President Obama? You can watch it below (h/t Crooks and Liars). “We’re bigger than the Chicago Tribune!” Carlson sputtered on Fox News Monday.

Per the above article; “Nothing says “spoiled child” like Tucker Carlson. The son of wealthy Republican William Carlson, a former Los Angeles television anchor who became the head of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and a U.S. ambassador, Carlson used his family connections to sail into journalism. Except for a brief moment when he seemed willing to ruffle the powers that be – his first George W. Bush profile for Talk magazine comes to mind – he has done nothing but afflict the afflicted and comfort the comfortable in his career. Examples of his partisan ethics abound, but my favorite was his shrill defense of Scooter Libby in the Valerie Plame case while never acknowledging that his father headed Libby’s defense fund. Wealthy Republican family values at work”.


Per an article at velvetropes.com/backstage/tucker-carlson-house; “Tucker Carlson’s house is 7,400 square feet with 5 bedrooms and 6.5 bathrooms.  In the fully-enclosed backyard is a 40-foot heated swimming pool, a veranda, a flagstone terrace, a lush lawn, and perfectly manicured mature landscaping”.

When you look at the lavish lifestyle Carlson lives, one can see why he has a vested interest in doing / saying what-ever it takes to maintain his lavish lifestyle.


Avlon calls out Tucker Carlson’s ‘replacement’ theory defense

CNN’s John Avlon looks at Fox News’ Tucker Carlson and his defense of the ‘great replacement’ theory. Where did the racist theory start and what does it have to do with the Capitol riot?


CNN’s Brian Stelter compares Fox News host Tucker Carlson to Trump


Title from Youtube: Tucker Carlson Rants Wildly About Groups Coming to “Take Over Your Country” & “Cancel Your Rights!”

Description from Youtube: Jesse talks about Tucker Carlson’s show last night, during which he discussed the threats (as he sees them) that face us in America. Including groups “who want to take over your country – cancel your rights – eliminate our centuries-long tradition of tolerance.” He then showed (as his first evidence) a clip from Sesame Street characters on CNN.


Tucker Denies White Supremacists Attacked the Capitol


Title from Youtube; “Tucker Carlson Finds New Low”


Description from Youtube; “Fox News refused to air this full interview with historian Rutger Bregman after Fox News host Tucker Carlson lost his temper, calling his guest a ‘tiny brain…moron’ during the interview”.


Title from Youtube; Chris Hayes: “Tucker Carlson’s Racist Writer Is No Surprise”

Chris Hayes on Tucker Carlson: “You have a guy who had a racist writing his scripts for years, who founded a publication that employed multiple people with ties to white nationalism, who has been praised again and again by the most outspoken racists in the country.” Aired on 7/13/2020.


Title from Youtube; “Tucker Carlson Attack BACKFIRES”


Republicans Are Stupid (but they don’t know it)


Anyone agree that Tucker Carlson looks like a puzzled German Shepherd? (LOL)


I’m not the only one who thinks Tucker Carlson looks like a dog… here’s a screenshot from someone on twitter who says; “Tucker Carlson looks exactly like my dog when he doesn’t understand people words” LOL





Video of Fox Pundits making negative comments about Joe Biden. Amazing how well their comments fit Trump on EVERY point they try and make.


Video shows examples of Trump talking with his words slurred and acting like an IDIOT (as he usually does)


Video of Trump mispronouncing and slurring words


Why did Trump have a secretive, midnight run to Walter Reed Medical Center?




Title from Youtube; Sean Hannity And Tucker Carlson Are Too Biased To Air In UK, Regulators Say

Description from Youtube; Regulators at Ofcom in the United Kingdom have decided that Fox News broadcasts by Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson have violated their country’s impartiality rules. While Fox News was taken off the air in the UK in August of this year, this decision to publicly acknowledge how horrible the network is should be a wake up call for American citizens, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.



Description from YouTube; “On his Fox News show, Tucker Carlson unleashed a monologue telling viewers that a Black Lives Matter “mob” was coming after them”.


Title from Youtube: Major Advertisers BAIL on Tucker Carlson after AWFUL comments on Black Lives Matter and George Floyd

Description from Youtube: “After Fox News Host Tucker Carlson suggested that Black Lives Matter and those supporting George Floyd were actually bad people coming to get good white Americans, major companies like Disney, T-Mobile, and Papa John’s have cut ties with Tucker Carlson, and others are calling for an AD boycott

His words: “this may be a lot of things, this moment we are living through, but it is definitely not about black lives and remember that when they come for you, and at this rate, they will”


Title from Youtube: “Tucker Carlson And Sean Hannity Implicated In Sexual Misconduct Lawsuit”

Description from Youtube: “Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity have been accused of sexual harassment in a new lawsuit”


Description from Youtube: Tucker Carlson, the anti-immigration Fox News anchor has become a favorite of White Supremacists. Samm Levine (Freaks & Geeks) explains how Carlson went from being rejected to the CIA to being taken down by Jon Stewart on to Dancing With The Stars to Fox News.



Title from Youtube: Confused Tucker Carlson Has TOTAL MELTDOWN On Live TV

Description from Youtube: Fox News host Tucker Carlson completely lost his mind during an interview while he was debating a Congressional candidate on the issue of gun control. He began screaming and shouting and almost threatening the candidate because Tucker couldn’t wrap his head around the facts. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.


Title from Youtube: Tucker Carlson Says Rape Victims Are “Part Of The Problem”

Description from Youtube: In an attempt to prove that he is just as heartless and disgusting as everyone else on the network, Fox News host Tucker Carlson said this week that rape victims who “wait too long” to report their assault are part of the problem. Perhaps Tucker needs to go back and watch all of the negative coverage his network has given to the women who do step forward and then maybe he’ll understand why it is so difficult for women to speak out. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.


Title from Youtube: Why white supremacists love Tucker Carlson


Title from Youtube: Fox’s Tucker Carlson Stretches Reality To Defend Trump

Description from Youtube: “Tucker Carlson knows how to change the subject, and as news was breaking about the Comey Memo that threatens to take down the Trump administration, Carlson spent a few minutes talking about Comey, and then went right into other topics as if they mattered. Topics included the sudden cancellation of Tim Allen’s ABC show Last Man Standing, and several segments on what Hillary Clinton is doing these days.”


Title from Youtube: Tucker Carlson Proudly Displays His Stupidity In Debate Against Bill Nye

Description from Youtube: “Fox News host Tucker Carlson thought it would be a good idea to debate Bill Nye the Science Guy about climate change on the air this week, and the only thing he proved to his audience is that he’s quite possibly one of the dumbest people on television”.


Tucker Carlson Compares Trump To A Sexual Assault Victim

Fox News host Tucker Carlson dropped a crass comparison Friday as he insisted that “the left” criticizing Donald Trump’s behavior in contracting COVID-19 is the same as blaming the victim of a sexual assault.

Per the above article: “Fox News host Tucker Carlson dropped a crass comparison Friday as he insisted that “the left” criticizing Donald Trump’s behavior in contracting COVID-19 is the same as blaming the victim of a sexual assault.

Critics have pointed out that the president could have vastly reduced his chances of getting the coronavirus by following the strongly recommended guidelines of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, such as avoiding crowds, wearing a mask and maintaining appropriate social distancing.

Instead, he has hosted crowded campaign rallies — against the advice of several local officials — where few people, including the president, have worn masks or maintained a safe distance.

Carlson falsely insisted that CNN said Trump “deserved the sickness that he got.” He played a clip of CNN’s John Harwood, for example, who said that the president’s behavior has put a “lot of people” in “jeopardy,” including the “president himself.”


Carlson’s show rocked by writer’s racist posts

Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s top writer, Blake Neff, has resigned after CNN Business discovered that he had been posting racist and sexist material in an online forum under a pseudonym. A Fox News spokesperson confirmed to TheWrap on Friday that Neff had resigned but did not elaborate on the reason why.



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