Trump’s Handling Of The Shutdown: “Total Chaos”

WordPress database error: [Table 'republic_wp.wp_term_relationships' doesn't exist]insert into wp_yarpp_related_cache (reference_ID,ID,score) SELECT 3606 AS reference_ID, ID, ROUND(0 + (MATCH (post_content) AGAINST ('position nancy implore continue his hold lawmakers republican trump capitol pelosi donald wall firm held democrats shutdown')) * 1 + (MATCH (post_title) AGAINST ('trumps handling shutdown total chaos')) * 1 + (1 = 0) * 1 + (1 = 0) * 1,4) AS score
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Nancy Pelosi and Democrats held their position today- a firm no to the wall- while Donald Trump went to the Capitol to implore Republican lawmakers to hold his position to continue the shutdown