Tag Archives: Trump was a FAKE President

Donald Trump was an Illegitimate President

Trump was a Illegitimate President because he LOST the 2016 election by almost 3 million votes. This isn’t Democracy, it’s the type of Rigged Elections you find in Dictator Banana Republics where the LOSER is declared the “winner”.


Republicans used Crosscheck to illegally purge thousands of voters thereby rigging the 2016 election for Donald Trump, a illegitimate President who LOST by almost 3 million votes

When Donald Trump said, “This election is rigged”—he should know. His buddies rigged it.

Rolling Stone investigative reporter Greg Palast busted Jeb Bush for stealing the 2000 election by purging Black voters from Florida’s electoral rolls. Now Palast is back to take a deep dive into the Republicans’ dark operation, Crosscheck, the secret purge list that helped steal the 2016 Election.

Crosscheck is controlled by a Trump henchman, Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State who claims his computer program has identified 7.2 million people in 29 states who may have voted twice in the same election–a felony crime. The catch? Most of these “suspects” are minorities—in other words, mainly Democratic voters. Yet the lists and the evidence remain “confidential”.


2016 Election Rigged for Trump


Rolling Stone investigative reporter Greg Palast busted Jeb Bush for stealing the 2000 election by purging Black voters from Florida’s electoral rolls. Now Palast is back to take a deep dive into the Republicans’ dark operation, Crosscheck, designed to steal a million votes by November.

Crosscheck is controlled by a Trump henchman, Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State who claims his computer program has identified 7.2 million people in 29 states who may have voted twice in the same election–a felony crime. The catch? Most of these “suspects” are minorities—in other words, mainly Democratic voters. Yet the lists and the evidence remain “confidential.”

Palast and his investigative side-kick Badpenny do what it takes to get their hands on the data, analyze it and go find some of these 7.2 million Americans tagged “suspects” and “potential duplicate voters” whose votes are threatened this November.

They hunt down and confront Kobach with the evidence of his “lynching by laptop.” Then they are off to find the billionaires behind this voting scam.

In this interview, Greg talks about his new film, “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy”. Called “The most important investigative journalist of our time”, Palast has been working for the BBC for 20 years and writes for the Guardian and the Rolling Stone.


In 27 states, a program called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck suppressed and purged enough minority voters to swing the election for Donald Trump.

The rigging was a simple process: in 27 Republican-controlled states (including critical swing states) hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of people showed up to vote, but were mysteriously blocked from voting for allegedly being registered with the intent to vote in multiple states.


The above video recorded on November 26, 2017 with MSNBC Host Joy Reid interviewing Greg Palast is the only interview done about this on any Television Network.


Millions of Black, Hispanic & Asians Voters Have Been Purged

Greg Palast, Al Jazeera, BBC News, The Guardian/Billionaires & Ballot Bandits joins Thom Hartmann. Jim Crow-style voter suppression has returned to America. That’s the conclusion of a shocking new report from investigative journalist Greg Palast for Al Jazeera America that takes a deep dive into a controversial program known as Interstate Crosscheck. According to his investigation “election officials in 27 states, most of them Republicans, have launched a program that threatens a massive purge of voters from the rolls. Millions, especially black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters, are at risk.”


The massive election-rigging scandal the media ignored

In 27 states, a program called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck suppressed and purged minority votes

Per the above article: The massive election-rigging scandal the media ignored. In 27 states, a program called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck suppressed and purged minority votes

The election of 2016 may well have been stolen — or to use Donald Trump’s oft-repeated phrase — “rigged,” and nobody in the media seems willing to discuss it.

The rigging was a pretty simple process, in fact: in 27 Republican-controlled states (including critical swing states) hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of people showed up to vote, but were mysteriously blocked from voting for allegedly being registered with the intent to vote in multiple states.

Greg Palast, an award-winning investigative journalist, writes a stinging piece in Rolling Stone magazine (August 2016 edition), predicting that the presidential election had already been decided: “The GOP’s Stealth War Against Voters.” He also wrote and produced a brilliant documentary on this exact subject that was released well before the election, titled The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.

He said a program called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck had been quietly put together in Kansas and was being used by Republican secretaries of state in 27 states to suppress and purge African American, Asian and Hispanic votes in what would almost certainly be the swing states of the 2016 election.

Crosscheck was started by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach back in 2007 under the guise of combating so-called voter fraud. In the ultimate thumb in the eye to the American voter, the state where Crosscheck started was the only state to refuse to participate in a New York Times review of voter fraud in the 2016 election, which found that, basically, there wasn’t any fraud at the level of individual voters. Turns out, according to Palast, that a total of 7 million voters—including up to 344,000 in Pennsylvania, 589,000 in North Carolina and up to 449,000 in Michigan (based on available Crosscheck data from 2014)—may have been denied the right to have their votes counted under this little known but enormously potent Crosscheck program.



2016 Exit Polls vs. Actual Results: Here’s What May Have Happened

The 2016 presidential election polls show that Donald Trump lost in four key swing states. Did Hillary Clinton win the election after all? Here are the facts.


Here are examples of Crosscheck in action:
Trump victory margin in Michigan: 13,107
Michigan Crosscheck purge list: 449,922

Trump victory margin in Arizona: 85,257
Arizona Crosscheck purge list: 270,824

Trump victory margin in North Carolina: 177,008
North Carolina Crosscheck purge list: 589,393

“University of Wisconsin-Madison political scientist Kenneth Mayer found that between 12,000 and 23,000 registered voters in Madison and Milwaukee—and as many as 45,000 statewide—were deterred from voting by the ID law. “We have hard evidence there were tens of thousands of people who were unable to vote because of the voter ID law”. Link to full article below.

That’s way more than enough votes to swing the 2016 election to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

There’s more…

Exit polls in key states, FLORIDA , NORTH CAROLINA and WISCONSIN showed Hillary Clinton the winner.

Using exit poll totals compiled by election researcher Theodore de Macedo Soares, seen in the table below on this page as well as available at this link, compared to an ongoing tally of raw votes totals posted at this link by Dave Wasserman of Cook Political Report, here is the discrepancy that has caused the suspicions of what Trump himself would call a “rigged election.”

Note that actual vote totals are compiled as of November 16.

FLORIDA — 29 Electoral Votes

(numbers equal percentage points)

Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7, Trump 46.4 — Clinton wins by 1.3

Actual: Clinton 47.8, Trump 49.0 — Trump wins by 1.2

Trump gain between exit polls and actual results: 2.5

NORTH CAROLINA — 15 Electoral Votes

Exit Polls: Clinton 48.6, Trump 46.5 — Clinton wins by 2.1

Actual: Clinton 46.1, Trump 49.9 — Trump wins by 3.8

Trump gain: 5.9

WISCONSIN — 10 Electoral Votes

Exit Polls: Clinton 48.2, Trump 44.3 — Clinton wins by 3.9

Actual: Clinton 47.6, Trump 48.8 — Trump wins by 1.2

Trump gain: 5.1

Full story at: heavy.com/news/2016/11/2016-exit-polls-did-hillaty-clinton-win-presidential-election-voter-fraud-donald-trump-lose-rigged/



The League of Women Voters claim “The 2016 Presidential Election WAS Rigged” in their article at lwv.org/press-releases/2016-presidential-election-was-rigged by Voter Suppression.

Chris Carson, president of the League of Women Voters stated “In Wisconsin, President-elect Trump beat Secretary Clinton by roughly 27,000 votes, however according to federal court, 300,000 registered voters lacked the proper photo ID.

Details regarding 300,000 registered voters lacked photo ID at thenation.com/article/the-gops-attack-on-voting-rights-was-the-most-under-covered-story-of-2016/

“We are not talking about vigilante voter intimidation,” said Carson. “We are talking about official, legal voter suppression by state legislatures and election officials.”

Like the 2000 & 2004 Elections, this matter is not being reported by the mainstream media.


Electoral College Should Be Abolished

The Electoral College has allowed two unpopular Republican candidates who received less popular votes in 2 elections during the past 16 years to become President; George W. Bush who lost the popular vote by almost 600,000 votes in the 2000 election and Donald Trump who lost the popular vote by 2.9 million. Neither of these incompetent people should have been president. More people voted against them than for them.

If we had a REAL democracy, the person who gets the most votes would be the winner. In every other country which has a democracy on this planet, the person who receives the most votes is the winner. The fact that we don’t elect our president by the most votes proves there is NO REAL DEMOCRACY IN THE UNITED STATES.



And speaking of Democracy, the United States ranks #25th!

The fault is 100% Republicans because they refuse to eliminate the Electoral College because it installed two (2) Unpopular Republicans into office who the majority didn’t vote for… George W. Bush and Donald Trump.

The Electoral College is one of the reasons why the United States ranks #25th as a Flawed Democracy.


Clapper Russia assessment calls Trump legitimacy into question

Rachel Maddow puts into perspective former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper’s assertion that Donald Trump is only in office because Russia put him there, and what that means to current political events.


Rep. John Lewis: Donald Trump Won’t Be A ‘Legitimate President’

In an exclusive interview for “Meet the Press,” Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said he believes Donald Trump’s election is illegitimate because of Russian interference.


Three Reasons John Lewis Is Right That Trump Is Illegitimate

Three Reasons John Lewis Is Right That Trump Is Illegitimate


Former President of Mexico Vicente Fox, shares his take on President-elect Donald Trump, and his threat to U.S.-Mexico relations.


Trump – Most Hated President Ever | Top 10 Reasons




Most Young Americans (like me) Consider Donald Trump An ‘Illegitimate’ President, Poll Says’

More than half of Americans like me, age 18 to 30 view Donald Trump’s presidency as “illegitimate,” according to a new poll. Also view him as disgusting lacking decency and morals.



The GOP’s Stealth War Against Voters

Will an anti-voter-fraud program designed by one of Donald Trump’s advisers deny tens of thousands their right to vote in November?

Yes, the election was rigged. Here’s the proof.

It starts with this story in Wisconsin.


Writer and author Thom Hartman discusses exit polls which showed Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump in states like Florida. Also discussed is a Voter Suppression tactic Republicans has been using for the last 50 years called “Redshift”.


Clint Curtis, a veteran computer programmer, testifies at a U.S. Congressional Hearing about being contacted by a Florida Republican to rig Florida’s elections.


In the above video, a computer programmer (Clint Curtis) testified to a congressional committee that in October of 2000, he wrote a program for a prominent Florida Republican (Tom Feeney, who was Speaker of the House, per testimony in the above video) which could flip votes and be undetectable. In September 2006, Feeney was named one of the “20 Most Corrupt Members of Congress”.

This shows Republicans history of efforts to rig / flip elections so it would be undetectable.


The above video explains how Ohio Republicans Rigged the 2004 election


The above video explains how Ohio Election votes were flipped and how the man who oversaw the operation died mysteriously in a plane crash soon after giving a deposition in federal court regarding a lawsuit alleging that he took part in tampering with Ohio’s voting results in the 2004 election.

Reports claim he was told by a close friend not to fly his plane because his plane might be sabotaged. Connell, who was an experienced pilot, cancelled two flights because of suspicious problems with his plane.

One of the attorneys involved in the referenced lawsuit has stated they are willing to testify and provide evidence to prove the above allegations.

It’s amazing how the news media, politicians or no one on the national level has discussed this bomb-shell scandal and attack on Democracy.


A secret document obtained from inside Bush campaign headquarters in Florida suggests a plan – possibly in violation of US law – to disrupt voting in the state’s African-American voting districts, a BBC Newsnight investigation reveals.


Note how this machine is rigged for Romney in 2012. It appears when a voting machine is rigged, it’s usually rigged for a Republican. Most companies which makes voting machine are owned by Republican owners.

UPDATE: Jan 24, 2007 Two election workers in the state’s most populous county were convicted of illegally rigging the 2004 presidential election recount so they could avoid a more thorough review of the votes.

Jacqueline Maiden, the elections’ coordinator who was the board’s third-highest ranking employee when she was indicted last March, and ballot manager Kathleen Dreamer each were convicted of a felony count of negligent misconduct of an elections employee.

Maiden and Dreamer also were convicted of one misdemeanor count each of failure of elections employees to perform their duty. Both Maiden & Dreamer got 18 months in prison.


GOP Stole The 2004 Election

Progressive Radio Talk Show Host, Thom Hartmann, talks to Bob Fitrakis, Political Science Professor in the Social and Behavioral Sciences department at Columbus State Community College, on how Evidence GOP hacked/stole the 2004 election. – Jul 28, 2011


2016 Election at Risk: EXIT POLL DISPARITIES: A Blazing Red Flag

(videos located at electionsatrisk.org/clips/exit_poll_disparities_blazing_red_flag.shtml)


2016 Election at Risk: Guess Who Counts Your Vote? For-Profit Private Companies


“Code Red: Computerized Election Theft and the New American Century” gives you cues and clues to taking action.

Counting our votes in an observable way ensures the legitimacy of our elections. The public needs to have an undistorted voice in the making these hard choices. Problems facing us as a nation in the years to come include climate change, overpopulation, food and resource distribution, weapons control, protection of privacy, and numerous other challenges.. We need to break the spell of convenience, passivity, helplessness and remember and recognize that democracy is not something that we watch on TV; it is something that we do.


2016 Election at Risk: Exit Polls & Final Tallies Didn’t Match in 2016. IS THIS A REPEAT OF 2004?


Rachel Maddow reviews some of the highlights of a lengthy report from The Washington Post that Vladimir Putin was directing a cyberattack on the U.S. election.


NSA Leaks Reveal Russian Hacks Against Voting Software Companies

A top-secret report from the NSA shows Russian tampering days before 2016 election


It has been determined by National Security experts that Russia has been involved in efforts to influence the 2016 election so Trump would win.


The US intelligence community found that Russia tried to influence the outcome of the 2016 US election by boosting Donald Trump and harming Hillary Clinton, according to the declassified intelligence report released by the Director of National Intelligence.

Click the link below to read and download a copy of the report;



New evidence on Russian interference in 2016 election

A Senate Intelligence Committee report details how Russia targeted voting systems across the U.S. and warns the threat persists today.


13 Russians Indicted With Charges Of Interfering In 2016 U.S. Election


Vladimir Putin not only engaged in tactics to incluence the US 2016 election, but according to President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili has a history of interfering in elections in the Ukraine and Georgia


Video title: Putin resented Clinton for calling out his rigged election

Rachel Maddow reports on the findings in the U.S. intelligence report on Russia that Vladimir Putin sought to undermine Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election because he blames her for fomenting unrest in Russia after he rigged his own election.


Video title: Trump favor for unpopular Russia raises questions of influence

Rachel Maddow relays reports of espionage and treason arrests in Russia and wonders what Russia has done for the U.S. to warrant favorable treatment from Donald Trump given Russia’s political unpopularity in the U.S.


Video title: Russia treason arrest seen as tacit corroboration of US intel

Rachel Maddow reports on concerns about Russia’s influence over Donald Trump, and the likelihood that Russia’s arrests of FSB members for treason is confirmation of some part of recent U.S. intelligence releases about Russia.


Hardball Video Title: Trump: “this is a political witch hunt”

Former Ambassador Michael McFaul and David Corn join Chris Matthews to dissect the intelligence briefing on Russian hackers and expand on Putin’s rocky relationship with Secretary Clinton.


As we mentioned in the video, CIA Director John Brennan believes this is the case. In AP: http://bigstory.ap.org/article/a77426c00cea4e75882c820423058e00/cia-head-warns-russian-hacking-says-us-must-be-guard

U.S Director of National Intelligence James Clapper believes this as well. In WSJ: http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-intelligence-chief-suggests-russia-behind-hacks-of-democratic-party-groups-1473254992
Those articles aren’t shown on screen but it was widely reported.

Some articles from the video:
NY Times



Touch-screen voting machines raise hacking concerns – Click here to read article








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