Tag Archives: Radical Right Wing Republican Glenn Youngkin Wants to Ban Books

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Virginians STUPID Voting for Republican Glenn Youngkin

Virginians prove they’re STUPID by voting for Radical Right Wing REPUBLICAN Glenn Youngkin who’s against Women’s Rights and a Trump supporter.





Former President Donald Trump (R) was indicted in four separate criminal cases after leaving office in January 2021: Indictment in New York on charges of falsifying business records, indictment in U.S. District Court on charges related to the handling of Classified Documents and U.S. District court on charges related to interference in the certification of the 2020 presidential election. [source: ballotpedia.org/Donald_Trump_indictments,_2023]
• March 2023, former President Donald Trump (R) was indicted in New York on 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.
• June 2023, Trump was indicted on 37 federal criminal charges related to his handling of classified government documents. The prosecution added three additional criminal charges to the case the following month
• August 2023, Trump was indicted on four federal criminal charges related to interference in the certification of the 2020 presidential election.
• August 2023, Trump was indicted in Georgia on 13 criminal counts related to interference in the 2020 election in Georgia.



REPUBLICAN GOV. GLENN YOUNGKIN IS A LIAR who LIES about Democrats Being for Abortion Until Birth

Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin LIES to voters, falsely claiming Democrats are for abortions up until Birth as a scare tacit to deflect from Republicans own Radical Anti-Abortion policies such as NO exceptions for rape or incest, forcing 10 year old girls to give birth to a rapists child, prison sentences if a woman gets an abortion and laws allowing Anti-Abortion Vigilantes to sue anyone who assists a women seeking an abortion for $10,000.


Republican LIE about Democrats to deflect from their own Policies which are EXTREME and CRUEL. Republicans are UNFIT to hold Public Office.



MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on a major win by Democrats in Virginia. This has been shaping up to be a huge win for Democrats and big repudiation of MAGA and Donald Trump.


MeidasTouch reports on how Glen Younkin and the GOP is seeking to the rebrand MAGA extremism and are using November 7, 2023 as the date to carry out their plan.




Right-wing media promoted misinformation that helped GOP win in Virginia

Per the above Article: “Fox News has spent months falsely describing anti-racist curricula in public school systems as “critical race theory,” a term describing an academic approach to the study of systemic racism that the right deploys as a stand-in for any teaching about racism that they don’t like.

In June, Media Matters for America reported that Fox News had mentioned “critical race theory” over 1,900 times in the previous 3 1/2 months. In July, it reported that the network had spent 4 1/2 hours of air time running 78 segments about purported “critical race theory” in Virginia’s Loudoun County public schools in the preceding four months.

This repetition dovetailed with Youngkin’s promise to “ban” the subject from Virginia public schools, where it is not being taught, school officials say”.

“President Biden’s major tax proposal has been centered on increasing taxes for billionaires and large corporations. But in conservative media, the plan has been falsely portrayed as targeting middle- and low-income earners.

Fox host Sean Hannity (who is a multimillionaire) alleged that taxes would be raised on “all of us,” including on pension funds and 401(k) plans, after Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in October discussed raising taxes on “extremely wealthy individuals.” Without evidence, Fox host Charles Payne said the proposed taxes would expand over time to those earning less money.

Conservative pundit Stephen Moore, who was also an adviser to the Youngkin campaign, made similarly baseless accusations that the taxes would spread to lower-income people during appearances on One America News and Newsmax”.

“From the beginning of the virus outbreak, Fox News has serially misinformed its viewers about the dangers of COVID-19 and attacked masking, vaccination, and vaccine mandates. Newsmax has also lied to its viewers about the virus, making false claims like the allegation that there is a plan “now underway to use vaccine mandates to take your guns.” One America News, contradicting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, repeatedly told viewers that COVID-19 vaccines are unproven and unsafe, even while the death toll from the delta variant of the coronavirus was increasing.

Echoing right-wing media’s fearmongering, Youngkin said in September that he could “remove” Virginia’s vaccine requirement for state employees on his first day in office as governor”.

[More at americanindependent.com/republicans-virginia-governor-election-glenn-youngkin-right-wing-media-fox-newsmax-lies-misinformation]


Republican Glenn Youngkin brings Donald Trump and Betsy Devos’s Education Policies to Virginia


Radical Right Wing REPUBLICAN Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin Brings MAGA Culture Wars Into Schools

Investigative correspondent with Politico Heidi Przybyla, former Congresswoman Donna Edwards, and host of “American Voices” on MSNBC Alicia Menendez discuss the proposals by VA Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s new school board that include removing MLK Jr. from holidays that kindergarteners learn about.


Radical Right Wing REPUBLICAN Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin Installs Regressive Education Board Members determined to Suppress and Re-Write History


Radical Right Wing Republican Glenn Youngkin Wants to Ban Books


VA GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Wants To Ban Toni Morrison’s ‘Beloved’

Joe Biden campaigned for VA Gov. McAuliffe, calling out his opponent, Glenn Youngkin, for an ad attacking Toni Morrison’s masterpiece “Beloved.” Larry Sabato joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss why Youngkin’s campaign tactics are “designed to get Republicans out to vote and it’s working.”


Dem. Virginia Governor Candidate Terry McAuliffe Calls GOP Opponent Youngkin ‘Dangerous’

The Virginia governor race between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Trump-backed Republican Glenn Youngkin has entered its final stretch. Terry McAuliffe joins Joy Reid to decry Youngkin attacking books such as ‘Beloved’ by Toni Morrison, calling the conservative candidate ‘dangerous.’


Glenn Youngkin’s Mask Mess

Virginia’s new governor is stirring up trouble when it comes to mask mandates and education. Adrienne Elrod and Susan Del Percio break it down.


Glenn Youngkin Can’t Hide From His Radical Right-Wing Republican Party and Support for TRUMP


Trump, who Radical Right Wing REPUBLICAN Glenn Youngkin supports, engaged in a violent coup to overturn the United States Government and the 2020 election.


Republican Glenn Youngkin: Anti-Vaxx?


Republican Glenn Youngkin: Small Smiles Scandal?


Republican Glenn Youngkin: Wall Street Executive


Republicans don’t Believe in Democracy. Similar to Putin / Russia they’re intent on DESTROYING Democracy.


Why Republicans Don’t Want A Democracy



On Right-Wing Radio, Glenn Youngkin Says He Will “Stand Up” for the Right of Unvaccinated Teachers to Infect Students

From DPVA: On Right-Wing Radio, Glenn Youngkin Says He Will “Stand Up” for the Right of Unvaccinated Teachers to Infect Students Richmond, VA – Glenn Youngkin appeared on far-right Breitbart radio to continue his crusade against science and the effectiveness of vaccines by saying he will “stand up” for the right of unvaccinated teachers to expose and infect Virginia’s…


A Virginian’s Guide to Glenn Youngkin’s Exploitation of the Culture Wars in the Commonwealth

by Glen Besa To the casual observer of the 2021 campaign for Virginia governor – e.g., those whose primary source of information on politics was TV news and/or ads – Glenn Youngkin probably appeared to be a “moderate” suburban dad who wanted to cut taxes and give parents a greater voice in their schools.

Per the above article, here’s a list of Glenn Youngkin’s Executive Order’s since taking Office. All had innocuous, deceptive titles which hid their Right-Wing objectives:

“Starting before Inauguration Day, however, Youngkin’s true character as a Trump-style culture warrior became undeniable, as he went with several hard-right and/or anti-environmental picks for his Cabinet, along with a host of executive orders that were clearly geared towards the Fox “News”-viewing, hard-core Republican base. Consider Youngkin’s initial Executive Orders, issued on Day One of his administration, as well as EO-10 issued four days later:”

Executive Order 1. Virginia doesn’t teach “critical race theory” in our public schools. So what’s this order all about? Apparently, burying America’s original sin of slavery, along with centuries of racism – “Jim Crow,” “Massive Resistance” right here in Virginia, etc. – appears to be Youngkin’s #1 priority. That’s right – less than two years after Americans witnessed systemic racism in its most brutal form, with the murder of George Floyd, Gov. Youngkin and Republican message gurus want to convince us that racism no longer exists. To accomplish that, they are arguing that teaching actual history about the institution of slavery enshrined in the US Constitution, “Jim Crow” enshrined in state laws across the country, and the persistent racial discrimination in our society is too divisive and upsetting for young (white?) students to bear. Apparently, “Excellence in Education” necessitates state-sponsored historical amnesia, with an Orwellian hotline to the Governor’s desk as the enforcement tool. If book banning, revisionist history and a snitch line are not enough, then quasi-privatization of public education should keep “those people” out of their children’s classrooms. The last time Virginia went down that path in the 1950s, at least the segregationists were honest as to their intentions.

Executive Order 2. This order is all about masks. It has set off intense debate, argument and dissension in schools and at school board meetings across the state. Too many conservatives, including Christian nationalists, appear to have abandoned the Golden Rule in favor of elevating selfishness as their most cherished value. We know that masks are just as important or more so in preventing infected people from spreading Covid as in protecting us from contracting it. But apparently, in Youngkin’s view, the right of a child to be free of the shared burden of masking trumps others’ concerns for the safety of their children. And so it goes for vaccines as well.

Executive Order 6. “Burdensome regulations” – While this EO is primarily focused on COVID-19 regulations, Youngkin and Republican legislators wrongly consider environmental regulations – aka, protections – to be overly burdensome as well. In other words, laws and regulations ensuring us clean air and water and a safer climate are too much to ask of those corporate interests backing Glenn Youngkin. That’s how we end up with Republican bills gutting the permitting authority of the citizen air and water boards and pulling Virginia from a regional cap and trade program to reduce carbon pollution harming our planet. Apparently, that’s what Trump Republicans like Youngkin (falsely) believe will keep Virginia at the top of the leaderboard, at least in the eyes of their members-only-country-club buddies.

Executive Order 7. With all the culture war tropes spouting from Youngkin’s talking head, this sound like a dog whistle to the QAnon conspiracists’ (wildly false) contention that prominent Democrats (e.g., Hillary Clinton) and Jews (e.g., George Soros) are trafficking children to serve their desires as a cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic pedophiles. Anyway stay tuned for who Youngkin appoints to his commission, and if any of them have ties to QAnon.

Executive Order 8. I believe Executive Order 8 is more intended as a sop for the “End Times” Christian nationalists who support Youngkin and Trump than as an honest concern for the well-being of Jews. Remember, you can’t get to the End Times if peace comes to the Middle East, and if “Armageddon” never occurs. Also, when you think about it for a minute, this commission is coming from someone who was endorsed by the guy (Trump) who has helped fuel the rise of racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, etc. hatred and even violence in recent years. Then there’s the role of right-wing media, which Youngkin frequently appears on. Is Youngkin’s commission going to “study” Trump and right wing media and report on how they’ve contributed to the rise of anti-Semitism? Something tells me the answer to that is no. Also, in the context of the sophisticated divisiveness emanating from this suburban dad in a red vest, I am reminded of that famous quote by Martin Niemöller regarding the Nazis: “First they came for the socialists, and I didn’t do anything because I wasn’t a socialist…” In his case, Youngkin went after Blacks first – as has, sadly, been the American way for centuries. But the movement that Youngkin is playing footsies with is already chock full of antisemites. And gays are on that list right after Blacks. During the campaign, who knew that Youngkin opposes gay marriage? I am not calling Youngkin a Nazi or an anti-Semite, of course; but since he is more than willing to use racism to advance his political career, just how far is he willing to go with this divide-and-conquer strategy? Here again, we will judge Youngkin’s sincerity by the quality of his appointments to this commission, and by whatever conclusions they come to.

Executive Order 9. Youngkin announced his intentions to dismantle the modest steps Virginia has taken to address climate change, by withdrawing from RGGI and gutting the Virginia Clean Economy Act. All of this makes it crystal clear that Youngkin, like Trump, has no intention of addressing this crisis at all, other than to make it *worse*. And like the Republicans in Hampton Roads who are all-in on spending billions of tax dollars for adaptation to “recurrent flooding,” Youngkin has no plan to address the root cause (global heating) of the flooding.

Executive Order 10. Youngkin’s victory was attributable, in part, to his artful use of the Republicans’ newest racist dog whistle, Critical Race Theory – “CRT,” for short. Amoral (or immoral) Republican strategists across the country are salivating at how they can model Youngkin’s campaign use of “CRT” to scare suburban white women into voting Republican in the upcoming midterm elections. Dropping “Equity” from the title of Virginia’s Chief Diversity officer and substituting “Opportunity” is one more way of undermining progress on the gross financial inequities that break along racial lines. “Equity” or fairness is anathema to Republicans and the Christian nationalists who adhere to the prosperity gospel. In their view, if you’re born poor, that’s your tough luck. If you have a hard time advancing in a neighborhood plagued by drugs and guns and underfunded schools, then once again, the fault lies with you. And in these people’s view, whether a kid is raised in an inner city public housing project or toney Great Falls, he or she has the same “opportunity” to succeed, which is a convenient perspective for a guy who sent his kids to private school. “Equity” would mean that the very privileged, like Youngkin, would have to pay more taxes to actually equalize the opportunity for kids. Of course, Youngkin will have none of that. Additionally, if you care about women’s reproductive rights consider that the new “Chief Diversity, Opportunity & Inclusion Officer will … be an ambassador for unborn children.” Past experience tells me that the Youngkin administration will care a whole lot more about the “unborn children” than the children living in poverty today.

Eight years of Democrats in the Governor’s mansion had somewhat insulated many – but not all – of us from dealing with it up close and personal, even as Trump misgoverned our nation. Now, we are seeing first hand the damage that can be done to civility and civil society by the likes of a Greg Abbott or Glenn Youngkin. All of those governors, and many others, are using Trump’s right-wing “populist” playbook, with ambitions to be the president of the United States.


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Per the above article: Glenn Youngkin pledges to support Trump in 2024 if he is GOP nominee

“Virginia gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin said he would support former President Donald Trump in 2024 if he gets the Republican Party’s nomination.

Mr. Youngkin, who received the president’s endorsement several times, made the pledge at the final debate against Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe in Alexandria on Tuesday.

“If he’s the Republican nominee, I’ll support him,” Mr. Youngkin said, while adding the caveat that nobody knows yet who will seek the party’s presidential nod”.




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