Mitch McConnell Sucks


Mitch McConnell Pledges Support for Trump’s 2024 Run Despite Trump Being Responsible for Attack on Capitol


Mitch McConnell Is Furious That Democrats Might Expose Trump’s Criminal Behavior

Senate Democrats want to launch an investigation into the abuse of power by former President Donald Trump, specifically his use of the DOJ to spy on his political enemies. And Mitch McConnell is furious. McConnell believes that the whole effort is just another attempt by Democrats to weaponize investigations to further tarnish Trump. But facts are facts, and Trump did the things and now we need answers.


Dems Mobilize Campaign To Boot ‘Grim-Reaper’ McConnell

Democratic challenger of Senator Mitch McConnell breaks fundraising record by raising $2.5 million in the first 24 hours of her campaign. Her debut political ad blames McConnell for dysfunction in Washington, calling it a place where ‘ideals go to die.’ Former Dem Congressman Steve Israel, who helped head fundraising for democratic candidates in Congress, says the record-haul is a direct response to the ‘seething resentment’ democrats have for McConnell.


Mitch McConnell Hit With Ethics Complaint Over Impeachment Charade

Advocacy group Public Citizen has filed a formal ethics complaint against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell over statements that he has made recently about not being an impartial juror in the upcoming impeachment trial. By refusing to even act like he’s not going to vote to acquit Trump, McConnell has violated his oath of office, according to the complaint.






McConnell Russia Quid Pro Quo

It appears that Mitch McConnell lifted sanctions against a Russian oligarch in exchange for a steel mill to be built by Russians in Kentucky



Mitch McConnell Won’t Secure Elections Because Voting Machine Makers Fund Him

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell keeps blocking bipartisan efforts to protect our election systems from outside interference, both foreign and domestic. According to a new report by Sludge, McConnell has been taking in a boat load of cash from lobbyists who represent voting machine manufacturers



Fox News Calls Out ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell’s Inaction on Russia

‘The Russians are absolutely intent on trying to interfere with our elections.’ — Even Fox News is joining the chorus of leaders and pundits calling out Majority Leader ‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell’s inaction on Russian interference in past and future elections.


‘Moscow Mitch’ angry at being called ‘Moscow Mitch’


Mitch McConnell Is Right. Secure, Open Elections Would Elect More Democrats.

Legislation to secure our elections is partisan. And the fact that it’s partisan shows just how pathological the Republican Party has become in its determination to hold on to power.

Secure Elections Would Elect More Democrats. In other words, he’s afraid without Russia’s help, Republicans will LOSE


How Mitch McConnell Is Destroying the Senate




Mitch McConnell Most Corrupt Congressman in History


Mitch McConnell’s Trump Problem


Maddow reports how J. Todd Inman, who was a top aide on McConnell’s 2014 re-election campaign has been making money recently; “The Transportation Department under Secretary Elaine Chao designated a special liaison to help with grant applications and other priorities from her husband Mitch McConnell’s state of Kentucky, paving the way for grants totaling at least $78 million for favored projects as McConnell prepared to campaign for reelection,”


Mitch McConnell: Bought and paid for by Special Interest Lobbyists


McConnell told Republicans to obstruct from the start

Vice President Joe Biden stated on the record stating that Republican Senators warned him that Sen. Mitch McConnell had ordered the GOP to oppose whatever President Obama proposed


I think Mitch McConnell sucks for putting politics above serving the American people. I feel he is one of the worst Senators in Congress, for deciding to “just say no” to everything president Obama proposed, for being an obstructionist, for voting no on gun control legislation and for wanting to cut social security

He proved he really meant “Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term. He has opposed everything President Obama wanted which was good for Americans for Political purposes.


Opinion | Mitch McConnell, the man who broke America

No one has done more in recent years to undermine the functioning of U.S. government.

McConnell told fellow Republicans after Obama’s election: “We have a new president with an approval rating in the 70 percent area. We do not take him on frontally. We find issues where we can win, and we begin to take him down, one issue at a time. We create an inventory of losses, so it’s Obama lost on this, Obama lost on that. ”

And that’s what he did. By 2013, for example, 79 of Obama’s nominees had been blocked by filibusters, compared with 68 in the entire previous history of the Republic. Full article above.

This proves McConnell don’t give a DAMN about the American people or respect their wishes. The Majority voted for and supported President Obama, and this no good piece of shit McConnell did everything possible to prevent Obama from being able to pursue the work he was elected to do.

I think McConnell and other obstructionists Republicans who put politics above the needs of the American People, deserves to be thrown out of congress.

They are a DISGRACE to our forefathers and to those who died fighting for freedom and democracy. This also applies to Republicans who passed laws making it difficult for people to vote.




Piece-of-shit McConnell blocked President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee and refused to allow a vote on the confirmation on Merrick Garland. This was a slap in the face to the overwhelming majority who voted for President Obama.


Antonin Scalia’s seat SHOULD have been filed by President Obama, who had the support of the MAJORITY of Americans. The fact the Republicans were kept this seat open for almost a year until a Republican (Trump) became president is an OUTRAGE and more proof of how screwed up, lawless and unjust the US Government is.


Since President Obama was put into office by an overwhelming majority, McConnell violated the Will of the People. This outrage CAN be undone as described by former Federal Prosecutor / Assistant U.S. Attorney Glenn Kirschner.


It appears Brett Kavanaugh lied Lied Under Oath, so if proved true he could be removed as a Supreme Court Justice.

Also, it appears Conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas may have Lied Under Oath so he could also be removed.

That’s TWO (2) Supreme Court which could be flipped to right the wrong which was done to the American people when Democrats has control of the Presidency, Congress and enough vote to Impeach these POS Conservative & Unfit “Justices”.


McConnell May Have Violated Senate Ethics Rules

Senate ethics rules prohibit Senate employees from participating in political activities while on government time. But the tape indicates that several of McConnell’s legislative aides, whose salaries are paid by the taxpayer, were involved with producing “digging up dirt” research on Judd that was discussed at the February 2 meeting.

If McConnell used anyone on his legislative staff to do opposition research, or paid campaign workers from his Senate payroll, he broke federal law on two separate counts and is in violation of Senate ethics rules.

FOCUS | Mitch McConnell Is the Cancer of the U.S. Senate

‘Never before in our history has the U.S. Senate been as unproductive as the U.S. Senate post-2008. Even the staunchly obstructionist Republicans during FDR’s tenure got more done than our current Senate.’ Carl Gibson, RSN

Crew Smost Corrupt

crewsmostcorrupt – Blog yang memberikan informasi tentang kasus dan tokoh korupsi di USA


Video Title: Mitch McConnell Tied To Millions In Cocaine

Description: “Before the Ping May, a rusty cargo vessel, could disembark from the port of Santa Marta en route to the Netherlands in late August, Colombian inspectors boarded the boat and made a discovery. Hidden in the ship’s chain locker, amidst its load of coal bound for Europe, were approximately 40 kilograms, or about ninety pounds, of cocaine. A Colombian Coast Guard official told The Nation that there is an ongoing investigation.

The seizure of the narcotics shipment in the Caribbean port occurred far away from Kentucky, the state in which Senator Mitch McConnell is now facing a career-defining election. But the Republican Senate minority leader has the closest of ties to the owner of the Ping May, the vessel containing the illicit materials: the Foremost Maritime Corporation, a firm founded and owned by McConnell’s in-laws, the Chao family.

Though Foremost has played a pivotal role in McConnell’s life, bestowing the senator with most of his personal wealth and generating thousands in donations to his campaign committees, the drug bust went unnoticed in Kentucky, where every bit of McConnell-related news has generated fodder for the campaign trail.”


Cashing In On Obstruction: How Mitch McConnell’s Abuse of the Filibuster Benefits His Big Money Donors –


These photos was taken at Fancy Farm and are screen shots from the above video.

Mitch Mcconnell exemplifies everything that is wrong with Republicans and our government


Mitch McConnell May Have Committed Two Felonies With Illegal Voter Intimidation Tactics

Senator Mitch McConnell appears to have committed two separate felony offenses, and that’s just under Kentucky state laws. The Kentucky GOP is beginning to look like a band of lawbreakers.

Per the article above posted on, Mitch McConnell may have committed two Felonies with illegal Voter Intimidation tactics.

Per Kentucky House Speaker Greg Stumbo, the McConnell flyer violates state law KRS 516.030. KRS 516.030 is Forgery in the Second Degree, which is a Class D felony for intent to deceive with falsely designed “official” “public” documents designed to trick voters into thinking they are government documents.

A second felony is possible for violating a KRS 119.155; unlawfully preventing or attempting to prevent a voter from casting their ballot or intimidation or attempts to intimidate any voter so as to prevent them from casting their vote. That’s another Class D felony. There is a reason why it’s a felony crime to interfere with democracy, and any “lawmaker” who is willing to break these laws to win an election is not someone who is suited to their job.


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