Chris Christie Fired by Trump over Prosecution of Charles Kushner?
WordPress database error: [Table 'republic_wp.wp_term_relationships' doesn't exist]insert into wp_yarpp_related_cache (reference_ID,ID,score) SELECT 12292 AS reference_ID, ID, ROUND(0 + (MATCH (post_content) AGAINST ('christie chris his sandy bridgegate ads scandal governor youtube funds jersey him relief kushner title christies aid people ad transition')) * 1 + (MATCH (post_title) AGAINST ('chris christie fired trump prosecution charles kushner')) * 1 + (1 = 0) * 1 + (1 = 0) * 1,4) AS score
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Personal payback catches up with Christie under Trump
Rachel Maddow tells the backstory of Chris Christie’s criminal prosecution of Donald Trump’s son-in-law’s father, Charles Kushner and looks at new reports of the purging of Chris Christie’s work on President-elect Trump’s transition to the White House.
Per an article posted at “Christie’s ousting is thought to be the result of a feud with Kushner. As a federal prosecutor, Christie prosecuted Kushner’s father, Charles, who was convicted and jailed on charges of tax evasion, witness tampering and illegal campaign contributions. He got two years in jail, and was released after one. While he was in jail, Kushner took over the running of his father’s property business. Earlier this week, two more senior members of Trump’s team were sacked. They were Mike Rogers, who had been handling national security, and Matthew Freedman, a lobbyist and liaison with business and foreign governments. Both were allies of Christie”.
Full article at:
Some people has speculated that Jared Kushner had Chris Christie fired from heading Trump’s transition to the White House and firing everyone Christie selected for positions as payback.
Chris Christie called out by MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace
Chris Christie gets taken to task over his GOP hypocrisy plus failure to hold FOX & Right Wing Media accountable by MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace
Feds probe Chrisite’s use of Sandy funds
Federal investigators are looking into whether Gov. Chris Christie misused Sandy relief funds for political ads.
Thousands of people were displaced by the storm and have not received any Hurricane Sandy aid money. Governor Chris Christ spent 2 million dollars more on ads which featured he and his family in the ads, than another ad agency which would not feature him in the ads. Chris Christie is facing questions over the use of Superstorm Sandy relief funds.
Mayor Was Told to Expedite Project to get More Sandy Aid.
Top officials in Chris Christie’s administration appear to be linked to an effort to use Sandy relief funds to force the city of Hoboken to expedite a project that also happens to involve the law firm of the Port Authority chairman. Steve Kornacki talks about what Hoboken mayor is alleging.
Chris Christie ‘Bridgegate’ Scandal
New Jersey governor’s aides were warned ahead of time the traffic shutdown would be dangerous.
What to know about Bridgegate
Title from YouTube: “He Knew: After Leaving Prison, GOP Aide Busts Ex-Boss Chris Christie For Bridgegate”
Description from YouTube: “In an exclusive interview, former Chris Christie appointee Bill Baroni speaks out about his former boss’s role in the explosive Bridgegate scandal. Baroni says Christie knew about the infamous revenge plot that got two of his appointees convicted of crimes – which were then overturned in an unanimous Supreme Court ruling in May 2020.
This newsmaking interview is Baroni’s first since the high court decision and since leaving prison, and he discusses the scandal; his own regret over his actions; the veracity of allegations against Christie by another aide; Christie’s statements blaming the plot on Baroni and others; and prison reform with MSNBC’s Ari Melber, who reports on the Supreme Court ruling that the plot was not a property fraud crime, while noting the Court also found the plot was “deceptive, corrupt and an abuse of power.” (May 14, 2020)
Title from YouTube: “Chris Christie Knew About Bridgegate Traffic Jam, Witness Claims”
Description from YouTube: “Four lanes of traffic on the George Washington Bridge were shut down unexpectedly in 2013, causing a nightmare for commuters, allegedly as payback against a political rival of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Now a key witness is claiming for the first time publicly that Christie knew what was happening at the time, which he has denied. NBC’s Stephanie Gosk reports for TODAY from Fort Lee, New Jersey”.
Title from YouTube: Chris Christie’s Future Likely Affected By Bridgegate Scandal
Rachel Maddow looks back at Chris Christie’s short-lived 2016 presidential run, his role early-on in the Trump transition team, and posits how his role in the Bridgegate scandal may have been the reason he didn’t get an important job in the administration.
Title from YouTube: Ex-Chris Christie Aide Blames Him For Bridgegate
“I worked for a bully… looking back now, I trusted way too many people,” Bridget Kelly, former deputy chief of staff to Chris Christie, says on the former New Jersey Governor.
Bridget Kelly Talks About ‘Bridgegate’ Scandal
Governor Chris Christie ‘Flat Out Lied’
Matt Katz, reporter for WNYC radio, talks with Steve Kornacki about new details in the New Jersey bridge scandal in which documents show an aid to Governor Chris Christie accused Christie of lying about the involvement of senior staff in the bridge lane closures.
Thousands of people are still displaced by the storm and have not received any Hurricane Sandy aid money. Governor Chris Christ spent 2 million dollars more on ads which featured he and his family in the ads, than another ad agency which would not feature him in the ads. Chris Christie is facing questions over the use of Superstorm Sandy relief funds.
Chris Christie Bully
The above videos show that Governor Chris Christie IS a bully who exacts revenge against those who cross him
5 NJ public school teachers wrongly punished
In Trenders, a CA Tea Party candidate releases a weird ad, while groups fight to stop TPP. Ed Schultz and Diane Ravitch discuss Newark Public School firings.
Bridge Gate Scandal scandal isn’t first for Christie
In 2010 a grand jury in Hunterdon County, New Jersey returned a forty-three count indictment of a local sheriff and her two deputies for abuse of power and misconduct. According to the New York Times, the sheriff was an active supporter of Governor Christie.
Feds Investigating Christie’s Use Of Sandy Relief Funds
Thousands of people are still displaced by the storm and have not received any Hurricane Sandy aid money. Governor Chris Christ spent 2 million dollars more on ads which featured he and his family in the ads, than another ad agency which would not feature him in the ads. Chris Christie is facing questions over the use of Superstorm Sandy relief funds.
Title from YouTube: Chris Christie Screwed NJ, Now America!
The Time Chris Christie Shut Down a Public Television Station That Did a Tough Story on Him
There’s a fair amount of Schadenfreude this week among the New Jersey press corps, as they wait for the other shoe to drop in Chris Christie’s Bridgegate scandal and wonder if it’s Michael Drewniak, Christie’s press secretary and his “id,” as one official calls him.