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Virginians STUPID Voting for Republican Glenn Youngkin

Virginians prove they’re STUPID by voting for Radical Right Wing REPUBLICAN Glenn Youngkin who’s against Women’s Rights and a Trump supporter.





Former President Donald Trump (R) was indicted in four separate criminal cases after leaving office in January 2021: Indictment in New York on charges of falsifying business records, indictment in U.S. District Court on charges related to the handling of Classified Documents and U.S. District court on charges related to interference in the certification of the 2020 presidential election. [source:,_2023]
• March 2023, former President Donald Trump (R) was indicted in New York on 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.
• June 2023, Trump was indicted on 37 federal criminal charges related to his handling of classified government documents. The prosecution added three additional criminal charges to the case the following month
• August 2023, Trump was indicted on four federal criminal charges related to interference in the certification of the 2020 presidential election.
• August 2023, Trump was indicted in Georgia on 13 criminal counts related to interference in the 2020 election in Georgia.



REPUBLICAN GOV. GLENN YOUNGKIN IS A LIAR who LIES about Democrats Being for Abortion Until Birth

Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin LIES to voters, falsely claiming Democrats are for abortions up until Birth as a scare tacit to deflect from Republicans own Radical Anti-Abortion policies such as NO exceptions for rape or incest, forcing 10 year old girls to give birth to a rapists child, prison sentences if a woman gets an abortion and laws allowing Anti-Abortion Vigilantes to sue anyone who assists a women seeking an abortion for $10,000.


Republican LIE about Democrats to deflect from their own Policies which are EXTREME and CRUEL. Republicans are UNFIT to hold Public Office.



MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on a major win by Democrats in Virginia. This has been shaping up to be a huge win for Democrats and big repudiation of MAGA and Donald Trump.


MeidasTouch reports on how Glen Younkin and the GOP is seeking to the rebrand MAGA extremism and are using November 7, 2023 as the date to carry out their plan.

Right-wing media promoted misinformation that helped GOP win in Virginia

Per the above Article: “Fox News has spent months falsely describing anti-racist curricula in public school systems as “critical race theory,” a term describing an academic approach to the study of systemic racism that the right deploys as a stand-in for any teaching about racism that they don’t like.

In June, Media Matters for America reported that Fox News had mentioned “critical race theory” over 1,900 times in the previous 3 1/2 months. In July, it reported that the network had spent 4 1/2 hours of air time running 78 segments about purported “critical race theory” in Virginia’s Loudoun County public schools in the preceding four months.

This repetition dovetailed with Youngkin’s promise to “ban” the subject from Virginia public schools, where it is not being taught, school officials say”.

“President Biden’s major tax proposal has been centered on increasing taxes for billionaires and large corporations. But in conservative media, the plan has been falsely portrayed as targeting middle- and low-income earners.

Fox host Sean Hannity (who is a multimillionaire) alleged that taxes would be raised on “all of us,” including on pension funds and 401(k) plans, after Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in October discussed raising taxes on “extremely wealthy individuals.” Without evidence, Fox host Charles Payne said the proposed taxes would expand over time to those earning less money.

Conservative pundit Stephen Moore, who was also an adviser to the Youngkin campaign, made similarly baseless accusations that the taxes would spread to lower-income people during appearances on One America News and Newsmax”.

“From the beginning of the virus outbreak, Fox News has serially misinformed its viewers about the dangers of COVID-19 and attacked masking, vaccination, and vaccine mandates. Newsmax has also lied to its viewers about the virus, making false claims like the allegation that there is a plan “now underway to use vaccine mandates to take your guns.” One America News, contradicting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, repeatedly told viewers that COVID-19 vaccines are unproven and unsafe, even while the death toll from the delta variant of the coronavirus was increasing.

Echoing right-wing media’s fearmongering, Youngkin said in September that he could “remove” Virginia’s vaccine requirement for state employees on his first day in office as governor”.

[More at]


Republican Glenn Youngkin brings Donald Trump and Betsy Devos’s Education Policies to Virginia


Radical Right Wing REPUBLICAN Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin Brings MAGA Culture Wars Into Schools

Investigative correspondent with Politico Heidi Przybyla, former Congresswoman Donna Edwards, and host of “American Voices” on MSNBC Alicia Menendez discuss the proposals by VA Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s new school board that include removing MLK Jr. from holidays that kindergarteners learn about.


Radical Right Wing REPUBLICAN Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin Installs Regressive Education Board Members determined to Suppress and Re-Write History


Radical Right Wing Republican Glenn Youngkin Wants to Ban Books


VA GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Wants To Ban Toni Morrison’s ‘Beloved’

Joe Biden campaigned for VA Gov. McAuliffe, calling out his opponent, Glenn Youngkin, for an ad attacking Toni Morrison’s masterpiece “Beloved.” Larry Sabato joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss why Youngkin’s campaign tactics are “designed to get Republicans out to vote and it’s working.”


Dem. Virginia Governor Candidate Terry McAuliffe Calls GOP Opponent Youngkin ‘Dangerous’

The Virginia governor race between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Trump-backed Republican Glenn Youngkin has entered its final stretch. Terry McAuliffe joins Joy Reid to decry Youngkin attacking books such as ‘Beloved’ by Toni Morrison, calling the conservative candidate ‘dangerous.’


Glenn Youngkin’s Mask Mess

Virginia’s new governor is stirring up trouble when it comes to mask mandates and education. Adrienne Elrod and Susan Del Percio break it down.


Glenn Youngkin Can’t Hide From His Radical Right-Wing Republican Party and Support for TRUMP


Trump, who Radical Right Wing REPUBLICAN Glenn Youngkin supports, engaged in a violent coup to overturn the United States Government and the 2020 election.


Republican Glenn Youngkin: Anti-Vaxx?


Republican Glenn Youngkin: Small Smiles Scandal?


Republican Glenn Youngkin: Wall Street Executive


Republicans don’t Believe in Democracy. Similar to Putin / Russia they’re intent on DESTROYING Democracy.


Why Republicans Don’t Want A Democracy



On Right-Wing Radio, Glenn Youngkin Says He Will “Stand Up” for the Right of Unvaccinated Teachers to Infect Students

From DPVA: On Right-Wing Radio, Glenn Youngkin Says He Will “Stand Up” for the Right of Unvaccinated Teachers to Infect Students Richmond, VA – Glenn Youngkin appeared on far-right Breitbart radio to continue his crusade against science and the effectiveness of vaccines by saying he will “stand up” for the right of unvaccinated teachers to expose and infect Virginia’s…


A Virginian’s Guide to Glenn Youngkin’s Exploitation of the Culture Wars in the Commonwealth

by Glen Besa To the casual observer of the 2021 campaign for Virginia governor – e.g., those whose primary source of information on politics was TV news and/or ads – Glenn Youngkin probably appeared to be a “moderate” suburban dad who wanted to cut taxes and give parents a greater voice in their schools.

Per the above article, here’s a list of Glenn Youngkin’s Executive Order’s since taking Office. All had innocuous, deceptive titles which hid their Right-Wing objectives:

“Starting before Inauguration Day, however, Youngkin’s true character as a Trump-style culture warrior became undeniable, as he went with several hard-right and/or anti-environmental picks for his Cabinet, along with a host of executive orders that were clearly geared towards the Fox “News”-viewing, hard-core Republican base. Consider Youngkin’s initial Executive Orders, issued on Day One of his administration, as well as EO-10 issued four days later:”

Executive Order 1. Virginia doesn’t teach “critical race theory” in our public schools. So what’s this order all about? Apparently, burying America’s original sin of slavery, along with centuries of racism – “Jim Crow,” “Massive Resistance” right here in Virginia, etc. – appears to be Youngkin’s #1 priority. That’s right – less than two years after Americans witnessed systemic racism in its most brutal form, with the murder of George Floyd, Gov. Youngkin and Republican message gurus want to convince us that racism no longer exists. To accomplish that, they are arguing that teaching actual history about the institution of slavery enshrined in the US Constitution, “Jim Crow” enshrined in state laws across the country, and the persistent racial discrimination in our society is too divisive and upsetting for young (white?) students to bear. Apparently, “Excellence in Education” necessitates state-sponsored historical amnesia, with an Orwellian hotline to the Governor’s desk as the enforcement tool. If book banning, revisionist history and a snitch line are not enough, then quasi-privatization of public education should keep “those people” out of their children’s classrooms. The last time Virginia went down that path in the 1950s, at least the segregationists were honest as to their intentions.

Executive Order 2. This order is all about masks. It has set off intense debate, argument and dissension in schools and at school board meetings across the state. Too many conservatives, including Christian nationalists, appear to have abandoned the Golden Rule in favor of elevating selfishness as their most cherished value. We know that masks are just as important or more so in preventing infected people from spreading Covid as in protecting us from contracting it. But apparently, in Youngkin’s view, the right of a child to be free of the shared burden of masking trumps others’ concerns for the safety of their children. And so it goes for vaccines as well.

Executive Order 6. “Burdensome regulations” – While this EO is primarily focused on COVID-19 regulations, Youngkin and Republican legislators wrongly consider environmental regulations – aka, protections – to be overly burdensome as well. In other words, laws and regulations ensuring us clean air and water and a safer climate are too much to ask of those corporate interests backing Glenn Youngkin. That’s how we end up with Republican bills gutting the permitting authority of the citizen air and water boards and pulling Virginia from a regional cap and trade program to reduce carbon pollution harming our planet. Apparently, that’s what Trump Republicans like Youngkin (falsely) believe will keep Virginia at the top of the leaderboard, at least in the eyes of their members-only-country-club buddies.

Executive Order 7. With all the culture war tropes spouting from Youngkin’s talking head, this sound like a dog whistle to the QAnon conspiracists’ (wildly false) contention that prominent Democrats (e.g., Hillary Clinton) and Jews (e.g., George Soros) are trafficking children to serve their desires as a cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic pedophiles. Anyway stay tuned for who Youngkin appoints to his commission, and if any of them have ties to QAnon.

Executive Order 8. I believe Executive Order 8 is more intended as a sop for the “End Times” Christian nationalists who support Youngkin and Trump than as an honest concern for the well-being of Jews. Remember, you can’t get to the End Times if peace comes to the Middle East, and if “Armageddon” never occurs. Also, when you think about it for a minute, this commission is coming from someone who was endorsed by the guy (Trump) who has helped fuel the rise of racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, etc. hatred and even violence in recent years. Then there’s the role of right-wing media, which Youngkin frequently appears on. Is Youngkin’s commission going to “study” Trump and right wing media and report on how they’ve contributed to the rise of anti-Semitism? Something tells me the answer to that is no. Also, in the context of the sophisticated divisiveness emanating from this suburban dad in a red vest, I am reminded of that famous quote by Martin Niemöller regarding the Nazis: “First they came for the socialists, and I didn’t do anything because I wasn’t a socialist…” In his case, Youngkin went after Blacks first – as has, sadly, been the American way for centuries. But the movement that Youngkin is playing footsies with is already chock full of antisemites. And gays are on that list right after Blacks. During the campaign, who knew that Youngkin opposes gay marriage? I am not calling Youngkin a Nazi or an anti-Semite, of course; but since he is more than willing to use racism to advance his political career, just how far is he willing to go with this divide-and-conquer strategy? Here again, we will judge Youngkin’s sincerity by the quality of his appointments to this commission, and by whatever conclusions they come to.

Executive Order 9. Youngkin announced his intentions to dismantle the modest steps Virginia has taken to address climate change, by withdrawing from RGGI and gutting the Virginia Clean Economy Act. All of this makes it crystal clear that Youngkin, like Trump, has no intention of addressing this crisis at all, other than to make it *worse*. And like the Republicans in Hampton Roads who are all-in on spending billions of tax dollars for adaptation to “recurrent flooding,” Youngkin has no plan to address the root cause (global heating) of the flooding.

Executive Order 10. Youngkin’s victory was attributable, in part, to his artful use of the Republicans’ newest racist dog whistle, Critical Race Theory – “CRT,” for short. Amoral (or immoral) Republican strategists across the country are salivating at how they can model Youngkin’s campaign use of “CRT” to scare suburban white women into voting Republican in the upcoming midterm elections. Dropping “Equity” from the title of Virginia’s Chief Diversity officer and substituting “Opportunity” is one more way of undermining progress on the gross financial inequities that break along racial lines. “Equity” or fairness is anathema to Republicans and the Christian nationalists who adhere to the prosperity gospel. In their view, if you’re born poor, that’s your tough luck. If you have a hard time advancing in a neighborhood plagued by drugs and guns and underfunded schools, then once again, the fault lies with you. And in these people’s view, whether a kid is raised in an inner city public housing project or toney Great Falls, he or she has the same “opportunity” to succeed, which is a convenient perspective for a guy who sent his kids to private school. “Equity” would mean that the very privileged, like Youngkin, would have to pay more taxes to actually equalize the opportunity for kids. Of course, Youngkin will have none of that. Additionally, if you care about women’s reproductive rights consider that the new “Chief Diversity, Opportunity & Inclusion Officer will … be an ambassador for unborn children.” Past experience tells me that the Youngkin administration will care a whole lot more about the “unborn children” than the children living in poverty today.

Eight years of Democrats in the Governor’s mansion had somewhat insulated many – but not all – of us from dealing with it up close and personal, even as Trump misgoverned our nation. Now, we are seeing first hand the damage that can be done to civility and civil society by the likes of a Greg Abbott or Glenn Youngkin. All of those governors, and many others, are using Trump’s right-wing “populist” playbook, with ambitions to be the president of the United States.


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Per the above article: Glenn Youngkin pledges to support Trump in 2024 if he is GOP nominee

“Virginia gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin said he would support former President Donald Trump in 2024 if he gets the Republican Party’s nomination.

Mr. Youngkin, who received the president’s endorsement several times, made the pledge at the final debate against Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe in Alexandria on Tuesday.

“If he’s the Republican nominee, I’ll support him,” Mr. Youngkin said, while adding the caveat that nobody knows yet who will seek the party’s presidential nod”.




Visits: 119

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Virginia Foxx: Unfit to Hold Office for Yelling at Reporter

Rep. Virginia Foxx is UNFIT to hold public office and should resign immediately for yelling at a reporter to “shut up” after Mike Johnson was asked about his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Virginia Foxx and Republicans who yelled at the reporter has forgotten that they are PUBLIC SERVANTS so they should answer ANY question the press asks.

Republicans like Virginia Foxx want to sweep their TREASON under the rug and want everyone to forget their TREACHERY. But we’re not gonna forget what these Anti-Democratic Fascist BASTARDS did. If we had a properly function government, these treasonous bastards would have been removed from congress and should never be allowed to hold public office again.


GOP Lawmaker’s Nastiness Comes Back To Bite Her

Republican Congresswoman Virginia Foxx gets a taste of her own medicine


Mike Johnson is one of the Treasonous, Anti-Democratic Republicans who voted to overturn the 2020 election and should be REMOVED from congress


Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment stipulates that: “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof”.


18 Republican Attorney Generals and 126 Republican House members signed onto a baseless, treasonous, ANTI-Democratic lawsuit to overturn the 2020 election in the Supreme Court and over-ride the will of the American people.


Steve Schmidt: ‘106 Members Of Congress Broke Faith With American Democracy’

Fmr. Republican strategist Steve Schmidt joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss how some House Republicans refusing to accept that Biden won means “we’re one election away from losing the country to people who do not believe in democracy.” Aired on 12/11/2020.


Steve Schmidt: We Are ‘One Election Away… From Losing Our Democracy’


Trump and Republicans are TRAITORS!


Lawsuit to Have the Election Overturned by U.S. Supreme Court

Description from YouTube: Jesse talks about the bogus election case which has been brought before the U.S. Supreme Court by the state of Texas et al. Jesse reads some of the response from Pennsylvania, one of the defendants in the case, who called the case seditious!


After 40 bogus lawsuits brought by Trump were struck down, 18 Republican Attorney Generals & over 100 Congressional Republicans signed onto a “Last Ditch Effort” Treasonous Lawsuit brought by Texas to have the Supreme Court disregard millions of voters and Overturn the 2020 Election. IMO, this is IN YOUR FACE Seditious Abuse, Insurrection and (IMO) all involved should be Tried for Treason.


Critics Condemn ‘Unforgivable’ Push To Steal Biden Win For Trump

With 17 states now joining a pro-Trump lawsuit from the Texas attorney general to overturn the 2020 election, Tim Miller and Eugene Robinson join us and call out the lawsuit as ‘undemocratic’ and ‘unconscionable.’ Political director of ‘Republican Voters Against Trump’ Tim Miller, blasts the GOP, arguing that many congressmen and senators have chosen to align with Trump instead of protecting our country from authoritarianism. Republicans Have ‘Completely Thrown In With Autocratic Values’ Aired on 12/9/2020.


On Friday morning, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough and co-host Willie Geist accused Vice President Mike Pence and the 106 Republican House members who signed onto Donald Trump’s attack on the 2020 presidential election of committing sedition and treason against the people of the United States.

In the words of Geist, what they are doing by signing onto an amicus brief attacking the election in support of the president can only be described as a “lame coup.”

“It’s bad enough that Mike Pence and other Republicans at the highest reaches of government are doing what they’re doing over the last 5 1/2 weeks which is looking the other way while the president tries to pull off this lame coup, but knowing is the worst part,” Geist began. “Knowing that it’s wrong, knowing that it’s false, knowing that Joe Biden is the president-elect. They all know, they all say it in private, they’re calling Joe Biden to congratulate him. But they’re going out and again, they’re signing on in the Congress to these letters and these amicus briefs to support lawsuits, they’re fraudulent.”


These 18 Republican (ANTI-DEMOCRATIC FASCIST) Attorney Generals who attempted to overturn the 2020 election in the Supreme Court and over-ride the will of the American people.


Steve Schmidt: We Are ‘One Election Away… From Losing Our Democracy’


After SCOTUS Bid, One Last Act For Anti-Democracy GOP To Try To Install Trump

Rep. Jamie Raskin describes the last step in the election process before inauguration in which Republicans in Congress will have a chance to object to the counting of electors on January 6th. That scheme, however, if it is deployed, is still unlikely to overturn Donald Trump’s losing bid for reelection. Aired on 12/11/2020.


Description from Youtube: “Seditious Abuse” – The Coup Attempt By The Corrupt Texas Attorney General

“Call what is going on by its real name: treason against democracy.

We are in this mess because we use euphemisms. Today, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro refused to sugarcoat it. His response to the actions of his corrupt counterpart in Texas – who is facing decades in prison and is angling for a Trump pardon – was to call the bid by one state to overturn the election results in four DIFFERENT states exactly what it is: “seditious abuse.”

We need to call things by their correct name. 126 people signed an amicus brief on behalf of the Texas coup attempt. They claim to be GOP Congresspeople. In fact, they are traitors to democracy. And the likelihood that the suit for which they – Jim Jordan, Louie Gohmert, Mo Brooks, Steve Scalise and others – have now prostituted themselves will go nowhere is irrelevant.

The mere action, without any consequences, sets a precedent, that whenever Republicans don’t like the outcome of an election anywhere, they can sue to overturn it, and dismantle democracy. Sooner or later, one of these suits will work. And not acknowledging this means we are also not acknowledging that the Republican Party is completing its metamorphosis from opposition to sedition.”







Visits: 140

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Death Threats and Intimidation Demanding Votes for Jim Jordan

Republicans resort to death threats and intimidation demanding Republican congressmen vote for Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House


Terrifying voicemail left for GOP lawmaker’s wife over Jim Jordan vote


Fox News and Sean Hannity have been caught conspiring to make Jim Jordan speaker, sending emails to Republican Reps which seem like extortion



Republican Jim Jordan has caused his supporters to threaten the wives of members of the GOP who have voted against him as Speaker of the House.


GOP lawmaker’s wife received anonymous texts pushing Rep. Jordan. Hear who lawmaker voted for today

CNN’s Jake Tapper speaks with GOP Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) about the anonymous texts his wife received telling her to pressure Bacon to vote for Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to be Speaker of the House.





Visits: 169

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Why Republicans Blame George Soros for EVERYTHING

George Soros has been the boogeyman of conservatives and nationalists for decades. From his funding of progressive prosecutors to his millions of donations to liberal causes across the globe, George Soros and his Jewish heritage have made him an easy scapegoat for conservative fearmongering. And the antisemitism has become all the more overt since the election of Donald Trump.


Republicans prove how STUPID they are by blaming EVERYTHING on 92 Year Old George Soros



Visits: 162

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McCarthy & Republicans Responsible for No Speaker of the House

McCarthy & Republicans have been trying to blame democrats for McCarthy being removed and for No Speaker of the House when it’s HE and REPUBLICANS FAULT. Just another example of what LYING pieces of SHIT Republicans are.

Steve Schmidt exposes Republican lies blaming Democrats for their dysfunction

Steve Schmidt reacts to Rep. Adam Scott’s CNN interview and other instances of Republicans lying to blame Democrats for their own incompetence. Steve explains that MAGA gaslighting doesn’t change the fact that Republicans are solely responsible for the ouster of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, their inability to select a new speaker, and the overall dysfunction in the House of Representatives.


Fed-up Fox News reporter FACT-CHECKS McCarthy after he tries to blame Democrats for speaker CHAOS


Democrats watched tape of McCarthy bashing them ahead of motion to vacate vote

McCarthy only has himself to blame for getting no support from Democrats by trashing them with lies and falsely trying to blame them for nearly shutting down the government when it was 100% Republicans fault. In the top video on this page, Steve Schmidt states a list of reasons why McCarthy was unfit to be Speaker in the first place.


Katherine Clark Destroys The ENTIRE Republican Party


GOP lawmaker who voted to oust McCarthy defends negotiating with Democrats


Visits: 202

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Jim Jordan Bid to Become Speaker Goes Down in Flames!

Radical Right Wing Chaos Caucus LUNATIC Jim Jordan LOSES Bid to Become Speaker… and it couldn’t happen to a more DESERVING ASSHOLE



GYM Jordan drops out of House speaker race

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, will no longer be running for House speaker after Republicans held a secret ballot vote behind closed doors.





The Bully is LOSING: The downfall of Jim Jordan

The Bulwark’s Charlie Sykes on the spiraling fortunes of aspiring Speaker of the House Jim Jordan, once considered a rising star in the Republican Party.


GOP infighting escalates as Jordan loses second speaker vote


Jordan’s House Speaker Bid Is In SHAMBLES

Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio, won even less votes to become House Speaker in the second vote, even as one of his republican colleagues received threats to vote for him


Jordan gets HUMILIATED in FAILED SPEAKER VOTE, Moskowitz Responds


Nicolle: ‘Strategic Humiliation’ Jim Jordan’s continued struggle to get the Speaker’s gavel


Losing again: Trump teams up with Jim Jordan and gets a ‘McCarthy-style’ drubbing


Rep. Swalwell on Jim Jordan’s failed speaker vote: ‘We’re competent, they’re chaotic’

California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell joins MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss whether Democrats are willing to work with Republicans if the GOP is unable to elect a Speaker of the House.









Visits: 192

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Tommy Tuberville Falls Down Steps!

Tommy Tuberville get his Karma and just deserts by falling down Airplane Passenger Boarding Stairs



Liberals Laughing at Dumb-Ass REPUBLICAN Tommy Tuberville 







Visits: 38

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Trump BANNED from being Speaker of the House

According to a rule already passed by House Republicans, Donald Trump is ineligible to be Speaker of the House on the basis of his criminal indictments



Visits: 203

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Conspiracy Nut Lunatic

Robert F. Kennedy is a unhinged conspiracy Nut Lunatic WEIRDO who’s being funded by Republicans to hurt Biden. His Radical Right Wing Conspiracy theories which aligns well with anti-science, fact-denying Republicans.


The Case Against RFK Jr.


RFK Jr’s campaign of conspiracies: ‘The leader of everybody’s brain worms’


Robert F. Kennedy is not his father, and he’s not his uncle. He trades in baseless conspiracy theories, antisemitism, and racism. He should be ashamed of himself.


Robert F. Kennedy: Spouting off non-stop bullshit with his WEIRD sound voice


RFK Jr Campaign PLOT To Elect Trump?

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss a viral video of an RFK Jr. campaign official pitching the independent candidate to NY Republicans, including that a vote for Bobby will help Donald Trump.



You know who is a “greater threat to democracy than Trump”; COVID-denier Bobby Kennedy Jr as he sends out a fundraising mailer declaring that the most violent of the Jan6 defendants who remain pretrial detained are really “Jan6 ACTIVISTS STRIPPED OF THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTIES”. Michael Popok explains why Kennedy —who blamed his marketing firm for the “typo” about the Jan6 violent defendants, is just “not a serious person” and doesn’t understand the nature of the jan6 prosecutions or the reason that its most violent defendants remain behind bars pending trial or sentencing.



Polls show Trump beating Biden with JFK Jr. as the “spoiler”. That’s why Republicans are funding JFK Jr. campaign



Donald Trump and RFK Jr have the same largest donor

GOP mega-donor Timothy Mellon in January gave $5m to Super PACs supporting both the Republican’s and independent’s 2024 campaigns.

Per the above article: “The biggest individual contributions to Donald Trump’s and Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s 2024 presidential Super PACs in January both came from the same longtime Republican mega-donor, according to filings.

Timothy Mellon, heir to the Mellon banking fortune, donated $5 million to the Trump-aligned MAGA Inc. fundraising attempts in January, as well $5 million to a Super PAC supporting the Democrat-turned-independent’s presidential bid the same month, Federal Election Commission (FEC) listings reveal.

Mellon gave American Values a total of $15 million in 2023, according to FEC filings, covering a period when Kennedy Jr. ran as a Democratic and independent presidential candidate. The billionaire was also found to have donated $10 million to the Trump-aligned MAGA Inc. in the second half of last year, making him the largest contributor to both Super PACs.

Reacting to multimillion dollar donations from Mellon, Alex Floyd, rapid response director for the Democratic National Committee (DNC), said in a statement: “Today’s news that Donald Trump’s largest donor has given another $5 million to RFK Jr.’s Super PAC confirms what we already knew: RFK Jr. is a stalking horse for Trump in this election.”

“RFK Jr. powered by MAGA/Trump. Same biggest donor Timothy Mellon,” the billboards read.



RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dished out wild COVID-19 conspiracy theories this week during a press event at an Upper East Side restaurant, claiming the bug was a genetically engineered bioweapon that may have been “ethnically targeted” to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.


‘His candidacy is an embarrassment’: JFK’s grandson blasts RFK Jr.

Jack Schlossberg, former President John F. Kennedy’s grandson, speaks out against his cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign


Rep. Connolly criticizes RFK Jr. for appearance at House hearing

At a Republican-led hearing on censorship by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Rep. Gerry Connelly, D-Va., criticized Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for appearing on the panel, which Connelly said was convened only to embarrass President Biden. Connelly said that the appearance by Kennedy, a longtime critic of vaccines, “brings shame on a storied name that I revere.”


‘My head was spinning’: Reporter reacts to RFK Jr.’s conspiracy theories

Vanity Fair’s Joe Hagan details his new piece on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his White House bid.


Panelists react to ‘deranged’ and ‘nauseating’ false claim by RFK Jr.

CNN’s Jake Tapper speaks to a panel of political analysts about Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy’s false claim, reported by the New York Post, that “Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese” people are “most immune” to Covid-19.


“RFK Jr.’s lies as House GOP witness have a Trumpian echo”

“MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell describes how “Kennedy privilege” allows Robert Kennedy Jr. to amplify his lies denouncing the work of scientists, physicians, and public health experts to the delight of Trump Republicans”.


RFK Jr. Blames Anti-Depressants for School Shootings

RFK Jr. spews conspiracy theories about ‘ethnic bioweapons’ and big pharma causing school shootings.

Per the above article: Prior to launching his 2024 campaign, the 69-year-old Kennedy spent well over a decade as a leading voice in the anti-vax movement, amplifying the falsehood that vaccines cause autism (including in the pages of this magazine, in a 2005 exposé that was later discredited) and, more recently, spreading conspiracy theories about injuries supposedly caused by Covid-19 vaccines. In 2021, such content earned him a permanent Instagram ban, but his account was reinstated this week. During the Space, Kennedy suggested that “the government pressured Mark Zuckerberg” to have him de-platformed.


GOOD RIDDANCE to WEIRD looking / sounding Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who dropped out as a Democrat candidate and is now running as an Independent. Those of us who live in the REAL WORLD knew RFK Jr had a ZERO chance of becoming the Democrat Presidential candidate. He’s an embarrassment and proved he’s delusional by running for President in the first place.

He was not wanted or respected by Democrats because his beliefs and values are out of step with Democrats. He acts like a Republican because his baseless Conspiracy theories about Covid Vaccines and other BS align well with dumb-ass, anti-science, fact-denying Republicans. He doesn’t even look or talk like a “Kennedy”. Listening to him talk is like running “fingernails across a chalkboard”.  Makes me cringe and wanna scream STFU! Has a MEAN, GRUMPY expression on his face. He’s just plain WEIRD!


Shocking Connection Between RFK Jr. and Trump

(Per the article below) Timothy Mellon, heir to the Mellon banking fortune, donated American Values a total of $15 million in 2023, according to FEC filings, covering a period when Kennedy Jr. ran as a Democratic and independent presidential candidate. The billionaire was also found to have donated $10 million to the Trump-aligned MAGA Inc. in the second half of last year, making him the largest contributor to both Super PACs.


Donald Trump and RFK Jr have the same largest donor

GOP mega-donor Timothy Mellon in January gave $5m to Super PACs supporting both the Republican’s and independent’s 2024 campaigns.

Per the above article: “The biggest individual contributions to Donald Trump’s and Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s 2024 presidential Super PACs in January both came from the same longtime Republican mega-donor, according to filings.

Timothy Mellon, heir to the Mellon banking fortune, donated $5 million to the Trump-aligned MAGA Inc. fundraising attempts in January, as well $5 million to a Super PAC supporting the Democrat-turned-independent’s presidential bid the same month, Federal Election Commission (FEC) listings reveal.

Mellon gave American Values a total of $15 million in 2023, according to FEC filings, covering a period when Kennedy Jr. ran as a Democratic and independent presidential candidate. The billionaire was also found to have donated $10 million to the Trump-aligned MAGA Inc. in the second half of last year, making him the largest contributor to both Super PACs.

Reacting to multimillion dollar donations from Mellon, Alex Floyd, rapid response director for the Democratic National Committee (DNC), said in a statement: “Today’s news that Donald Trump’s largest donor has given another $5 million to RFK Jr.’s Super PAC confirms what we already knew: RFK Jr. is a stalking horse for Trump in this election.”

“RFK Jr. powered by MAGA/Trump. Same biggest donor Timothy Mellon,” the billboards read.


Polls show Trump beating Biden with JFK Jr. as the “spoiler”. That’s why Republicans are funding JFK Jr. campaign


Republicans Boosted RFK Jr And Now He Might Ruin Their Chances In 2024

Conservative media has been propping Kennedy up for months, touting his positions that have alienated the support he once had from Democrats. An independent bid would likely siphon more votes from Republicans than from Democrats



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LIAR Rudy Giuliani Sues Joe Biden for calling him a “Russian pawn”

SLEAZEBALL LIAR Rudy Giuliani, who told so many lies about the 2020 election being “Rigged & Stolen” has the gall to sue Joe Biden for calling him a “Russian pawn” during the debates for the 2020 presidential election.


Giuliani was Indicted, Arrested and charged on 13 counts:

Violation of the Georgia RICO act
3 counts of solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer
3 counts of false statements and writings
Conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer
2 counts of conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree
2 counts of conspiracy to commit false statements and writings
Conspiracy to commit filing false documents



Rudy Giuliani DESERVES to be Indicted, Arrested & spend the rest of his miserable life in prison for his lies about the 2020 election, plus SUED for everything he’s got for false statements about Georgia Election workers.




Jesse talks about the sweet irony that Rudy Giuliani is now facing racketeering charges in this latest Georgia indictment, which are the same charges he “pioneered” the use of during his time as a U.S. Attorney in NYC


Rudy Giuliani conceded that he made “false” statements about two Georgia 2020 election workers in a court filing Tuesday related to their lawsuit about baseless claims of fraud that he made against them. Jul 26, 2023


Rudy Giuliani, who put dozens of mobsters behind bars using RICO, is now indicted under a similar RICO statute along with Donald Trump in Georgia.


This is who Rudy Giuliani has been all along

“’What happened to Rudy?’ You hear that a lot. Well if you take a closer look, there is a case to be made that Rudy has actually been this version of Rudy the whole time,” says Chris Hayes, following Giuliani’s indictment on RICO charges in the Trump election case in Georgia.


Dominion SUES Rudy Giuliani for $1.3 BILLION over False Election Claims!




Rudy Giuliani a Target in Georgia 2020 Election Probe


Giuliani told by prosecutors he is a target in Georgia 2020 election probe

Rudy Giuliani has been told by prosecutors in Georgia that he is a target of the special purpose grand jury investigating whether former President Donald Trump and his allies violated the law in their efforts to flip the 2020 election results in Georgia


Giuliani Reportedly Told He’s Target Of 2020 Georgia Election Probe

The New York Times is reporting that Rudy Giuliani’s lawyers were told he was the target of a criminal investigation relating to possible interference in Georgia during the 2020 election. Giuliani was set to appear in front of a special grand jury in Atlanta after being subpoenaed as a “material witness.”


Rudy Giuliani Suspended from Practicing Law!

Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in New York after a state court ruled that he made “false and misleading statements” about the 2020 election.




Michael Rapaport reacts to news that Rudy Giuliani was Suspended from Practicing Law



Rudy Giuliani Farts During Michigan Voter Fraud Hearing!


Federal agents executed a search warrant at the Manhattan apartment of Rudy Giuliani, advancing a criminal investigation by federal prosecutors that has been underway for months, according to two people familiar with the matter.


Feds RAID Rudy Giuliani’s Home AND Office!




Feds Closing In On Rudy Giuliani’s Business

While the full details of the federal investigation into Rudy Giuliani haven’t been released, information was leaked this week that shows that the feds are looking into Giuliani’s consulting firm to determine whether or not he acted as an unregistered foreign agent. Giuliani swears that he never lobbied the government on behalf of his clients, but he did boast about landing a massive Ukrainian contract shortly before that whole scandal began.


Giuliani Criminal Probe Expands As Trump Braces

The probe into Trump ally Rudy Giuliani is expanding as feds now look into his consulting in Romania in addition to their investigation into his dealings in Ukraine. In a separate lawsuit he’s facing concerning the insurrection at the Capitol, Giuliani’s lawyers offer up a new defense.


Rudy’s Downfall: Giuliani Being Investigated By The Same Office He Once Ran

“And now this guy—the guy whose entire life and career have been about going after crooks, finds himself on the wrong side of search warrants, staring down the barrel of an indictment by his former office.


Michael Cohen Says Rudy ‘Knows He’s In Trouble’ And Will Flip On Trump

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen joins MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber to discuss the escalating probe into Rudy Giuliani, why Cohen believes Giuliani will flip on Trump and how this investigation will affect the former president. Cohen also discusses his own experience being under investigation by the feds.


Michael Cohen: The SDNY Now Has A “Treasure Trove Of Information” After Raiding Giuliani’s Home

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former personal attorney and author of ‘Disloyal,’ joins Ali Velshi to discuss the raid on Rudy Giuliani’s home and whether he may turn on Donald Trump as a result. Cohen says, “Do I think Rudy will flip on him? Look, Rudy has looked like he has lost his mind several times. I don’t think he has gone that far that he is going to stay loyal to somebody who is going to throw him under the bus.” With all the information obtained, Cohen predicts this will go far beyond Ukraine. “This could be about a multitude of other issues that Shady Rudy has been involved with.”


‘He’s In Deep Trouble’: Giuliani Goes On Tirade Against Feds After Raid

Trump ally Rudy Giuliani spoke out for the first time on Fox News after his apartment and office were raided by the feds as their Ukraine probe escalates. Giuliani claimed he offered investigators Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drives and that they rejected his offer. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber, former federal prosecutor Danya Perry, and former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman discuss his allegation and new updates in the case.


Federal agents execute search warrant on Rudy Giuliani’s apartment

Federal agents executed a search warrant at the Manhattan apartment of Rudy Giuliani, advancing a criminal investigation by federal prosecutors that has been underway for months, according to two people familiar with the matter.



Liberals Laughing at Rudy Giuliani!



PA Attorney General: Giuliani Stoking The Big Lie’ Contributed To Jan. 6

Giuliani’s law license was suspended by a New York State appellate court today over lies he told following the November 2020 election.



Rudy Giuliani Makes a FOOL out of Himself, Claiming Election Fraud With Hair Dye Running Down His Face!

Black Hair Dye Was Running Down Rudy Guiliani’s Face

Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani held a press conference Thursday repeating unfounded claims that there was widespread voter fraud in the Nov. 3 election. But there’s a good chance most people had trouble focusing on what he was saying, thanks to some black liquid dripping down both sides of his face. He was sweating so much, hair dye was running down his face.


Rudy Giuliani acted like a lunatic making insane false Election Fraud conspiracy claims while hair dye is running down his face.


Reacting to the latest intelligence on the 2020 election, MSNBC Political Analyst Claire McCaskill lit into Rudy Giuliani calling him a ‘treasonous traitor’ who worked directly with an American adversary to affect our democracy.


Title from YouTube; “Trump Fires Lawyer Who Was Too Crazy For Rudy Giuliani’s Team”

Description from YouTube; “Sidney Powell, the Trump lawyer who said last week at a press conference that Hugo Chavez, George Soros, and the Clinton Foundation somehow rigged the election for Joe Biden is now no longer a part of the Trump legal team. Rudy Giuliani issues a brief press statement over the weekend distancing himself from Powell, but the whole country already saw her on stage next to his melting face spewing insane conspiracy theories. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening”.



Trump-Appointed Federal Appeals Court Judge Rejects trump / Giuliani’s Attack on PA Elections Results. a Federal District Court judge in Pennsylvania dismisses Trump’s lawsuit attacking the elections results in PA, calling Giuliani’s legal arguments akin to “Frankenstein’s monster.”

Then today, a three judge panel also rejected Trump/Giuliani’s claims in the strongest possible terms. Notably, all three appellate court judges were appointed by Republican presidents, with the judge who authored the opinion having been appointed by Trump himself. Justice is coming and justice matters.


Rudy Lawsuits Fail so Trump Tries Some Arm-Twisting of Michigan State Legislators. It Won’t Work

Rudy Giuliani withdraws failing Michigan lawsuit while Trump attempts to pressure members of the Michigan Board of Canvassers AND Michigan state legislators to corruptly throw him the election. Here’s why Trump will continue to fail on all fronts.


The dangerously stupid machinations of Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani

These clowns might bring down democracy


Per the above article; “Giuliani and another Trump lawyer, Sidney Powell, spun out a wholly fictional conspiracy theory about how the president had the election stolen from him via a voting software conspiracy involving George Soros, the Clinton Foundation, and the late Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. The election was determined by “the massive influence of Communist money through Venezuela, Cuba, and likely China,” Powell said.

Pressed for evidence of these wild assertions, lawyer Jenna Ellis promised it was coming — just not now. “Your question is fundamentally flawed when you’re asking ‘Where’s the evidence?'” Ellis told reporters. “You clearly don’t understand the legal process.”

Taken as a whole, the trio’s performance was reminiscent of John Yerkes Iselin, the buffoonish senator who made wild (and false) accusations of “communists in the Defense Department” in the classic movie, The Manchurian Candidate. But it was also kind of predictable — Giuliani, Powell, and Ellis don’t exactly belong to the top tier of Republican lawyers.

Trump was unable to win the presidency at the polls. He has been unable to win it through legal challenges to the vote. So he is trying now to win the cultural battle — by once again putting on an entertaining show for his supporters, a conspiracy thriller in which he plays the hero. It might not actually help him retain the keys to the Oval Office. But as The Atlantic’s Yoni Appelbaum pointed out, “Democracy depends on the consent of the losers.” Thursday’s dog-and-pony show was part of Trump’s effort to deny that consent to Biden. And that effort might well be successful: A new poll shows that half of Republicans believe that Trump really did win the presidency — even though he didn’t”.








Visits: 183

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Paul Gosar & Trump can EAT SHIT Calling for Gen. Milley to be Hung

Republican Rep Gosar & Trump are insane, lawless, fascist Pieces of SHIT who can EAT SHIT saying Gen. Milley should be executed.  Rep Gosar & Trump should be arrested and imprisoned for inciting a coup to overturn the United States Government and steal the 2020 election to make Trump an UN-elected dictator


Republican Congressman Calls For HANGING Of General Mark Milley

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) published a shockingly violent and homophobic tirade against General Mark Milley, suggesting the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff be put to death.

Gosar’s Congressional office released a newsletter on Sunday which claimed that the FBI, the DHS, and other federal agencies allowed the U.S. Capitol to be attacked by Donald Trump’s rioting supporters on January 6. From there, the newsletter blasted Milley for speaking with Nancy Pelosi after the riot, agreeing with her that Trump was “crazy,” and assuring the former House speaker that Trump wouldn’t be able to seize control of America’s nuclear arsenal during his last days in office.”


Steve Schmidt explains why Donald Trump’s plans for retribution can’t be taken lightly


Trump’s Long, Bizarre History Of Accusing People Of Treason


‘He is scum’: George Conway on the moral differences between Gen. Milley and Trump


Fmr. Defense Secretary Esper on Mark Milley’s legacy and the nation’s biggest threats.

Katy Tur spoke to former Secretary of the Department of Defense, Mark Esper, about General Mark Milley’s legacy, as well as the US’s top international concerns.


Trump calls media ‘enemy of the people’ as concerns of violence spike

New York Times Washington Correspondent Michael Schmidt and former FBI Counterintelligence Agent Pete Strzok join Nicolle Wallace to discuss the warnings of political violence after Donald Trump’s continued attacks on prosecutors, the media and General Mark Milley.


Fmr. Defense Secretary Esper on Mark Milley’s legacy and the nation’s biggest threats

Unlike the draft-dodging former president, General Milley is a Patriot and American hero who helped save our country from Trump treachery. Trump engaged in TREASON by inciting riots, an insurrection and coup to overturn the United States Government & the 2020 Election.

TRUMP is the one who’s guilty of TREASON by violating his Oath of Office and Constitution of the United States.


How Gen. Milley fought to contain an unstable Trump, protect ‘stability’ of democracy


Gen. Milley Responds to Trump’s Attack on Democracy and the Constitution. Ex-Prosecutor points out how Trump may have engaged in witness intimidation


Army Gen. Mark Milley delivered a full-throated defense of democracy and not-so-subtle swipes at former President Donald Trump during a packed ceremony as he closed out his four, often tumultuous years as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (Sept. 29)


Trump is a traitor’: Former Republican blasts Trump over indictment


Trump is a Traitor


Trump Engaged in Sedition, Insurrection and Treason by a coup d’etat, inciting riots & violence, causing 5 deaths by his brainwashed MOB of Supporters to make himself an UN-elected Dictator by stopping the certification of Democratically Elected Joe Biden.


Trump & Republicans incited violence, chaos and rioting in Washington, DC. Rioters stormed the House & Senate chambers, wrecking havoc, destruction and deaths at the United States Capital.





Rep Paul Gosar Should Be Arrested for Riots!

Arizona Republican Paul Gosar helped Instigate the DC Riots at our nations Capital on January 6th 2020 so he should be arrested and Prosecuted


Paul Gosar’s Family Blames Him for the Capitol Attack

Rep. Paul Gosar was one of the biggest proponents of the Big Lie that the 2020 election was illegitimate. His own siblings note that “he tried to push this lie every chance he could.” Lies have consequences – and these lies directly led to the January 6 attack on our Capitol.



The most dangerous Republican member of Congress is Paul Gosar, who is now closely aligned with a white nationalist leader banned from Twitter. Jennifer Gosar, Rep. Paul Gosar’s sister, and Professor Kurt Braddock join Mehdi Hasan to discuss the danger of Paul Gosar.


Brother Of Rep. Paul Gosar: ‘He Thumbed His Nose At His Oath’

Tim Gosar, brother of Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), joins Lawrence O’Donnell to tell him why he believes the congressman is “just as guilty as the mob” who invaded the Capitol last week and why his siblings are calling for the congressman’s removal.


Some of Rep. Paul Gosar’s Siblings Call for his Expulsion from Congress


Paul Gosar: A Disgusting Piece of Shit for Violent AOC Video

Paul Gosar Tweets Threatening Video Depicting Violence Against AOC & Biden!

Paul Gosar has proven to be a disgusting piece of shit & human garbage who’s unfit to be a DOG CATCHER for the anime video which depicts killing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other outrageous behavior.

No employer would tolerate such behavior and would fire anyone who engages in it. Our Government must adhere to the similar standards, only higher.

It’s Republicans who have destroyed the once dignified institution of Congress. The deterioration began when Republican Joe Wilson yelled “You Lie” at President Obama when he was delivering a State of the Union address and the bad behavior accelerated after the election of Trump. Before then, such outrageous behavior had never been seen before. Trump normalized it to the point that Republicans are now embolden to behave like they’re in a brawl at a bar where anything goes.


Title from YouTube; What Rising Tide Of Gosar-Level Threats Says About Health Of Democracy

Description from YouTube; “We should be concerned about what it means in terms of the safety of members of Congress and the nature of the modern Republican Party. But what it means for the very health of our American democracy,” says Chris Hayes in the wake of Rep. Gosar’s censure over his violent AOC video.


When Kathy Griffin posted a photo of her holding Trump’s cut-off head, Republican’s heads EXPLODED. Democrats (which has proven to be the party of law, order and decency) joined Republicans in their outrage.

Republicans who failed to vote to censure Gosar has proven once again that today’s Republican party stands for LAWLESSNESS, VIOLENCE, LIES, DIS-ORDER and INSANITY.


Description from YouTube; “Republican Rep. Paul Gosar posted a photoshopped anime video to his Twitter and Instagram accounts showing him appearing to kill Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and attacking President Joe Biden”.


Description from YouTube; “The most dangerous Republican member of Congress is Paul Gosar, who is now closely aligned with a white nationalist leader banned from Twitter. Jennifer Gosar, Rep. Paul Gosar’s sister, and Professor Kurt Braddock join Mehdi Hasan to discuss the danger of Paul Gosar”.


Title from YouTube; “Brother Of Rep. Paul Gosar: ‘He Thumbed His Nose At His Oath”

Description from YouTube; “Tim Gosar, brother of Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), joins Lawrence O’Donnell to tell him why he believes the congressman is “just as guilty as the mob” who invaded the Capitol last week and why his siblings are calling for the congressman’s removal”.


Gosar’s sister labels lawmaker a ‘sociopath’ after Ocasio-Cortez, Biden tweet

Rep. Paul Gosar’s (R-Ariz.) sister said Tuesday that other lawmakers do not hold her brother accountable after he tweeted a video earlier this week that depicted violence against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and President Biden. “I have proximity to this sociopath who has been elected from a very gerrymandered district.



Video Showing Trump Likeness Attacking News Media


Watch video evidence of REPUBLICAN Trump promoting violence


Capitol Police officer crushed in door by REPUBLICAN Trump Supporting MAGA TERRORISTS, brainwashed with lies that the 2020 Election was Rigged & Stolen


REPUBLICAN Marjorie Taylor Greene Endorsed Killing Democrats


REPUBLICAN BULLY Marjorie Taylor Greene Harassed Parkland High School Student David Hogg


REPUBLICAN BULLY Marjorie Taylor Greene HARASSES Democrats minding their own business on Capitol steps


REPUBLICAN BULLY Marjorie Taylor Greene Harassed Cori Bush causing her to have to move her Office


REPUBLICAN BULLY Marjorie Taylor Greene harasses Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez












Visits: 245

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Elon Musk: TRAITOR Who’s Helping RUSSIA

Elon Musk is proving to be a Anti-Democratic TRAITOR who’s helping Russia and it’s brutal Murderous Fascist Dictator Putin and hurting democratic ally of America, Ukraine. Just another example of how Elon Musk is a Anti-Democratic FASCIST Right-Winger who is the ENEMY of Democracy


Ukraine War: Elon Musk sparks fury after thwarting a Ukrainian attack on Russia

Military analyst Sean Bell provides an update as anger mounts in Kyiv over Elon Musk’s admission that he thwarted a major Ukrainian attack.


Elon Musk seen as working counter to U.S. interests in dealings with Russia, China

Elon Musk’s financial interests put him in a position of having his own personal foreign policy, but new reporting shows that whether it’s manufacturing in China or the Starlink network being used by Ukraine, Musk’s decisions can run counter to stated U.S. policy.


Ronan Farrow says Elon Musk has Ukraine and the US government ‘at gunpoint’

Journalist Ronan Farrow, a contributor to The New Yorker, joins “CNN This Morning” to discuss his latest reporting on Elon Musk and his growing influence on the war in Ukraine and the US government


Dem Congressman says he’ll ‘dig into’ Musk role in Ukraine war

Congressman Jason Crow spoke with MSNBC’s Alex Witt about reports Elon Musk refused to provide Starlink access to the Ukrainian military for its operations against Russia.











Visits: 281

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MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell Acting Like an ASSHOLE!

Lawsuit Deposition Shows MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell acting like a MEAN SPIRITED ASSHOLE!

Description from YouTube:MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell had to sit for a deposition in the voting machine defamation lawsuit that he’s facing, and the videos were released late last week. The videos of the deposition show that Lindell immediately went off the rails at the very start of the deposition, and things continued to get worse from there. Lindell was insulting, angry, vulgar, and essentially the complete opposite of the lovable “Pillow Guy” persona that he’s tried to project for so long”


Title from YouTube: “Mike Lindell Has Mental Breakdown During Deposition”



Swig 🇺🇸 on Twitter: “This is so fucking awesome lol / Twitter”

This is so fucking awesome lol

Extended video of Deposition



Mike Lindell has been “vulgar, threatening, loud (and) disrespectful” in Colorado defamation lawsuit depositions, attorneys say

Eric Coomer, a former executive at Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems, is suing Lindell in his personal capacity, as well as in his capacity as the CEO of both MyPillow and FrankSpeech

Per the above article: “Mike Lindell has been “vulgar, threatening, loud (and) disrespectful” in Colorado defamation lawsuit depositions, attorneys say Eric Coomer, a former executive at Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems, is suing Lindell in his personal capacity, as well as in his capacity as the CEO of both MyPillow and FrankSpeech

As part of the motion, Coomer’s lawyers included deposition transcripts and video clips, including one in which Lindell calls one of Coomer’s attorneys an “ambulance-chasing asshole.” Lindell also referred to Coomer as a “scumbag” and blasted U.S. District Judge Nina Wang, who is overseeing the case.

“Mr. Lindell refused to provide a direct answer to virtually every question asked, instead opting to shout over Dr. Coomer’s counsel and then provide lengthy, meandering filibusters that each consumed substantial amounts of time and several pages of transcript,” the motion said. “Counsel objected to these non-sequiturs as non-responsive no less than 33 times.”

Coomer, the former director of product strategy and security for Dominion, filed his 67-page lawsuit against Lindell, MyPillow and FrankSpeech in April 2022. The lawsuit alleges Lindell falsely accused Coomer of being a “traitor against the U.S.” as part of claims that Coomer rigged the 2020 presidential election in Joe Biden’s favor.

“The damage caused to Coomer by defendants’ conduct is immense,” the lawsuit says. “After more than 15 years as a respected professional at the top of his field, Coomer’s reputation has been irreparably tarnished. He can no longer work in the elections industry on account of the unwarranted distrust inspired by defendants’ lies, and instead now endures frequent credible death threats and the burden of being made the face of an imagined criminal conspiracy of unprecedented scope in American history.”


Mike Lindell’s belligerent Dominion depositions: Hawking MyPillow dog blankets on Steve Bannon’s podcast and scaring away court reporters

A belligerent Mike Lindell yelled at a former executive’s lawyers and paused a deposition to promote MyPillow products on Steve Bannon’s podcast.

Per the above article: “Mike Lindell’s belligerent Dominion depositions: Hawking MyPillow dog blankets on Steve Bannon’s podcast and scaring away court reporters.

Over the past year, Mike Lindell sat for three depositions in a defamation lawsuit brought by Eric Coomer, a former Dominion Voting Systems executive who was the subject of a false conspiracy theory that he was on an “Antifa conference call” to rig the 2020 election.

None of them went well.

Throughout the depositions, the MyPillow CEO called Coomer and his lawyer “criminals,” “disgusting slime,” and “evil” and rambled so much that the court reporter transcribing one deposition refused to show up the next day, according to court filings and deposition video and transcripts reviewed by Insider.

During the final deposition, on August 23, Lindell left the room in the middle of questioning to call into Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, where he hawked his company’s pillows, sandals, and dog blankets.

“Dr. Coomer’s counsel finally suspended the deposition when Mr. Lindell again stood up and walked out of the room to take a call, shouting that Dr. Coomer’s counsel was a ‘jerk’ as he left,” Coomer’s lawyers wrote. “The video record of these events is provided herein and is demonstrably worse than any attempt to describe the conduct.”














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Republicans Has Been Telling Lies to Get Elected for YEARS

An old Chris Mathews Hardball Video from 2012 shows Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan telling Bald-faced lies to get elected in 2012. So Republicans lying to get elected is nothing new… they’ve been doing it for years.


Mitt Romney Lie of the Year


PolitiFact – Lie of the Year: the Romney campaign’s ad on Jeeps made in China

It was a lie told in the critical state of Ohio in the final days of a close campaign — that Jeep was moving its U.S. p


This video shows Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, looking directly into a camera and Lying to millions of Americans to get elected in 2012

Republicans must lie to survive: They have no other choice

From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump, the path to Republican political success is rooted in profound deception

Republicans Must Lie to Survive: They have No Other Choice

Per the above article; “The GOP exists to serve the interests of the wealthy and big business that comprise the richest 1%. No party, however, can ever win an election with only 1% of the vote. So to win elections, the GOP must necessarily reach beyond its own wealthy core and attempt to convince a large segment of working people in the 99% to vote for Republicans.

Normally, a political party wins elections by offering policies that benefit the voters. These policies attract the voters who then cast their votes for the political party.

But for the Republican Party, this is not an option. A candidate could not possibly campaign on the policies favored by the 1%. Just imagine the stump speech. “Vote for me and I will slash your health care! In fact, I’ll do even better — I’ll fight like mad to completely eliminate your health care!”

“Vote for me and I will get rid of your pensions! This would save corporations a bundle and boost profits to the shareholders! Screw the workers!”

“Vote for me and I promise to ship your jobs overseas under globalization! The exact same labor can be hired in Asia for only pennies! Hurray!”

The Republican Party is left with only one option. It cannot possibly be honest about its true intentions and actual policies. The working class would never vote for them. Instead, the only option is to lie”.



Study: PolitiFact says Republicans lie more

The fact-checking organization PolitiFact has found Republicans to be less trustworthy than Democrats, according to a new study.

According to PolitiFact, Republicans Lie Three Times More Often Than Democrats.

The study found Republicans to be less trustworthy than Democrats, based on the number of false claims made during President Obama‘s second term.

The study, by Center for Media and Public Affairs (CMPA) at George Mason University, took into account 100 PolitiFact-checked statements made by Democrats (46 claims) and Republicans (54 claims) in the first four months of Obama’s second term.

“PolitiFact rated 32% of Republican claims as “false” or “pants on fire,” compared to 11% of Democratic claims – a 3 to 1 margin. Conversely, Politifact rated 22% of Democratic claims as “entirely true” compared to 11% of Republican claims – a 2 to 1 margin”.

“A majority of Democratic statements (54%) were rated as mostly or entirely true, compared to only 18% of Republican statements. Conversely, a majority of Republican statements (52%) were rated as mostly or entirely false, compared to only 24% of Democratic statements”.

CMPA President Dr. Robert Lichter stated: “While Republicans see a credibility gap in the Obama administration, PolitiFact rates Republicans as the less credible party.”

The reason Republicans can get away with lying more than Democrats is because Republican constituents has been conditioned to not trust the “Liberal Media”. So they are more likely to not question lies from Republican politicians.

When the news media calls out Republicans lies, average Joe Republican voters feels the “Liberal Media” is picking on the person who’s lying and lets the lies slide.


Telling lies has become the norm for today’s Republicans | CNN Politics

To assume lies would sink House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is to misunderstand the nature of today’s Republican Party: They actually demonstrate his credentials to lead it.

Per the above article: “To assume lies would sink House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is to misunderstand the nature of today’s Republican Party: They actually demonstrate his credentials to lead it.

For a minority party joining blue-collar voters driven by cultural resentment with affluent donors fixed on the bottom line, gaining and wielding power requires dissembling beyond the conventional equivocation that politicians in all parties have always used to amass popular support.

One of the GOP’s most successful political consultants of recent decades issued that judgment in a confessional 2020 memoir. Stuart Stevens titled his book: “It Was All a Lie.”

A Public Religion Research Institute poll earlier this year showed about one-fourth of Republicans are drawn to the bizarre fantasies of QAnon, a movement that contends Satan-worshipping pedophiles control the government and the media.

With the 2020 big lie, Republicans use false claims of fraud to pretend Trump didn’t lose at all. In fact, House Republicans have made telling the truth about the election a disqualification. They fired Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming as conference chair and ostracized Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, the two Republican members participating in a House committee investigation of January 6.”


Ex-Bush Speechwriter: A ‘Loyal’ Republican Is Now Either A Sucker Or A Liar

Michael Gerson also named the group of Republicans who have “the most to atone for.”

Former Bush Speechwriter Says Loyal Republicans Are Either “Liars Or Suckers”

Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush, said in order for someone to call themselves a “loyal Republican” they would either have to be a liar or a sucker… because it takes both Liars and Suckers to keep the Republican Party alive today.



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Marjorie Taylor Greene can EAT SHIT for Demanding Democrats be Arrested for NO REASON

Marjorie Taylor Greene can EAT SHIT for Demanding Democrats be Arrested for NO REASON

Marjorie Taylor Greene proves once again what a DUMB-ASS MORON and LAWLESS piece of SHIT she is, unfit to hold Public Office for demanding Republican Attorneys General arrest Democrats for no reason other than to get even after Republicans being arrested and held accountable for their CRIMES.


Lawless, vindictive scum of the earth republicans seek retribution for Trump being held accountable for his crimes


Democratic Strategist James Carville calls Marjorie Taylor Greene “White Trash”. I think that fits her PERFECTLY!



The fact that Marjorie Taylor Greene supports Trump and thinks he’s one of the greatest Presidents proves she’s a fucking DUMB-ASS MORON


Marjorie Taylor Greene is a piece of SHIT for saying Biden is a Piece of Shit, advocating Democrats be executed, harassing Parkland High School teenagers, a Qanon Conspiracy Nut saying Parkland High School shooting was fake and claiming Trump’s impeachment was a “Witch Hunt”.



David Hogg Responds to Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Harassment


Marjorie Taylor Greene should be arrested for advocating Democrats be executed, she’s lawless & unfit to hold office for failing to vote to impeach Trump for Insurrection & Inciting the Capital Riot, an idiot for claiming Trump’s impeachment is a “Witch Hunt”, filing Impeachment against Joe Biden on day one of his Presidency, harassing teenager David Hogg, insinuating Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland FL was fake and other outrageous behavior.


Description from YouTube; “Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene launched into a rant that has been described as “psychotic” against President Joe Biden. In a video she put out on the conservative social media site Gettr, Greene called Biden a “Piece of Shit”, and then went into how he’s a failure of a president. Not surprisingly, her temper tantrum is filled with misinformation, but that’s the only thing she fights with”.



In response to Marjorie Taylor Greene telling Biden to ‘your a piece of shit’, Farron Cousins tells HER ‘YOUR A PIECE OF SHIT’!  Greene outrageous behavior justifies people using what-ever expletives they want to call her out.


Marjorie Taylor Greene has been behaving like a unhinged lunatic ever since she burst onto the national scene. She even called for Democrats to be executed, so she deserves what-ever push-back and comments she gets!


Marjorie Taylor Greene Should Be Expelled After Suggesting Using 2nd Amendment Against Democrats

Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has finally crossed a line that should result in her immediate expulsion. During an interview this week, Greene suggested that it might be time to use the “2nd Amendment” against what she believes to be tyrannical Democrats running the government. There really is only one way to interpret this statement, and there is absolutely no excuse for a human being like this to remain an elected official in this country.


Jamie Raskin Demolishes DUMB-ASS LUNATIC Marjorie Taylor Greene over her stupid remarks about Russia and Ukraine


Jamie Raskin’s response to LUNATIC Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ludicrous suggestion that members of the House’s Jan. 6 committee are “communists.”


Marjorie Taylor Greene is a ANTI-DEMOCRATIC FASCIST who worships an INSANE Wanna-be Dictator


Marjorie Taylor Greene told to F*CK OFF by Neighbors



The above is a screen capture from the video above in which MTG calls Democrats “Communists” and claims they are “Terrified”. Just another example of what a dumb-ass lunatic Marjorie Taylor Greene is because Democrats aren’t “Communists” and they aren’t “Terrified” of anything.

The law and the majority of Americans are on Democrats side. MTG is a dumb-ass PIECE OF SHIT who can EAT SHIT!




Democrats (liberals) are consistently accused of being wimps because most aren’t aggressive. They just want to live and let live. They have a history of being Doves who want peace while Republicans (right-wingers) have a history of being Hawks who are ready for WAR. They have a “shoot first’ and ask questions later attitude. It’s in Republicans / Right Wingers DNA to be aggressive BULLIES who will do what ever it takes to get what they want. That’s why they have a much higher indictment rate (as shown above) and are getting arrested. Trump even LOOKS and ACTS like a RUTHLESS BULLY.



The fact that GUNS & the 2nd Amendment is one of Republicans / Right-Winger TOP priorities prove they’re aggressive bullies.



A Republican Trump supporter asked, to applause from the crowd… “When do we get to use the guns? No, that’s not a joke. I mean, literally, where’s the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?”.  A rational, intelligent person wouldn’t be a Trump supporter in the 1st place. A rational person wouldn’t believe the “election was stolen” unless there were facts to back it up so this shows how Right Wingers are more likely to be intellectually inferior (stupid). It also shows how Right Wingers are aggressive.


Videos show how Republican “Conservatives” are Bullies who threaten, advocate, condone and engage in Violence as a means of getting what they want.


Throughout history, it’s Right Wingers who are the Dictators and aggressors who start wars. Examples include Putin invading Ukraine, Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Mussolini


Expert Compares Trump’s Politics to Fascism

Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley explains why he claims President Donald Trump’s politics are akin to fascism, a political movement based around a leader.


Republicans are constantly demonizing Antifa (Anti-Fascist) as being BAD because Antifa supports Democracy and is a threat to Fascism. Republicans equate Black Lives Matter as being one and the same as Antifa. They’ll say “BLM Antifa Protestors” in the same sentence as though a BLM protestor is a automatically a member of “Antifa”.  Not true.

Antifa is an ideology, not an organization” stated FBI Director Chris Wray in sworn testimony to congress on September 17, 2020.

Being against Antifa means your against Democracy and FOR anti-democratic, authoritarian Fascism. German Nazis were Right-Wing “Conservative” Fascist.

The full name of Hitler’s party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. In English, that translates to National Socialist German Workers’ Party. But it was not a socialist party; it was a right-wing, ultranationalist party dedicated to racial purity, territorial expansion and anti-Semitism and total political control.

The Nazi party was largely supported by small-business men and conservative industrialists (just like today’s American Republican party).


Listen to Republican Christian Nationalist Nick Fuentes say in the above video; “Can we give a round of applause to Russia!” while the crowd chants “Putin”, “Putin”. Then he says; “We need a dictatorship”, “We need to take control of the media or take control of the government and force the people to believe what we believe.”


Famous Quotes About Fascism Which Apply to Today’s Republican Party…

Benito Mussolini – “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”

George Orwell – “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

Sinclair Lewis – “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism – “Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt – “The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power…. Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in history is growing.”

Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom – “When Fascism came into power, most people were unprepared, both theoretically and practically. They were unable to believe that man could exhibit such propensities for evil, such lust for power, such disregard for the rights of the weak, or such yearning for submission. Only a few had been aware of the rumbling of the volcano preceding the outbreak.”

Henry A. Wallace – “If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.”

Upton Sinclair – “Fascism is capitalism plus murder.”

Mehmet Murat ildan – “Let fascism find not even a single passage to power or else that poisonous snake will infiltrate into every vital corner of the country and kill the future of the nation!”







Visits: 273

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Trump Proves Half of Americans are Morons

With polls showing 71% of Trump voters trust Trump over their own friends and family, and half of Americans support Trump prove half of the United States population are stupid brainwashed morons



Either “malpractice” or “criminal”: Dr. Justin Frank on power, drugs and Trump’s White House

“Trump basically gave the people in his White House permission to not obey the law”

Per the article referenced in the above video at;

Donald Trump has repeatedly shown that he is a lawless person — but his malign influence extends far beyond himself.

We are a society more divided than united. Many of us are anti-intellectual and don’t want to think. That makes such people attracted to strongmen and bullies like Trump. Trump has made his followers reject the truth for alternate facts – and that makes most of us insecure and uncertain about what to believe.

Trump’s “dangerous charisma” attracts already corrupt and ethically compromised people into his orbit. He also exerts a malignant perfidious influence over people who are vulnerable to such energy and temptations, but for whatever reason have not yet fully surrendered to them. This is a defining feature of dangerous leaders.

Dr. Frank continues to warn about Trump’s extremely dangerous mind and overall pattern of behavior and why as seen with the second E. Jean Carroll court case for defamation, and escalating threats of violence and retribution against his “enemies”, that the corrupt ex-president will not be stopped by “the walls closing in.” Instead, Dr. Frank predicts that Trump is a malignant narcissist who will go down in a blaze of glory before he ever surrenders or is otherwise made to yield in his assaults on society, human decency, and the rule of law.

From the time Trump was five years old, he hated rules and couldn’t control himself. If Trump didn’t like something, he would convert feelings into immediate action. He threw rocks at a toddler who lived next door when he was five. He punched out his second-grade teacher because he got mad at him. As a father, Trump knocked out his son, Don Jr., when he was in high school because he wasn’t dressed appropriately. Trump has always been like this. As people age, they generally do not change; they instead become more of their true selves. His capacity for self-restraint is becoming a thinner veneer over fundamental destructiveness. He is increasingly no longer able to fake it. This is why Trump is in court acting out, mumbling, being angry and disruptive.

In my opinion, Donald Trump is a “segmental thinker”. He lives in the moment and is attracted by a shiny object and forgets everything else.

The main thing that I am worried about is the complacency of the public and specifically the country’s leaders and law enforcement and other people in positions of authority and power who are still letting Trump run wild. Trump is extremely dangerous. Trump does not believe in laws and rules. He wants to be a lawless dictator. This is why I continue to share my conclusion, based on the evidence, that Donald Trump appears to be psychotic. He is a person who is detached from reality. Even with the trials and other pressures, Trump is not capable of breaking down, of being cowed and/or broken. If anything, Trump will go down in flames if he goes down at all. Trump is an extreme narcissist who will destroy anyone who has ever done anything to hurt him, to oppose him, or defy him.


Proof that TRUMP is an IDIOT


IDIOT Trump shows what a lunatic he is (who should be institutionalized) by suggesting that injecting COVID-19 patients with disinfectant or powerful beams of light could be effective treatments.



White House Aides Admit They Treat Trump Like A Child


A book called “The Toddler in Chief” details more than 1,000 documented reports by Cabinet members, Oval Office advisers, Republican Party officials and the President himself having childlike behavior and temper tantrums.


Former DHS official claims classified memos had to be ‘dumbed down’ so Trump could understand them


Required a ‘Special Folder’ with flattering news and photos about himself Twice a Day


Staffers claim Trump was unable to stay focused & had a 2 – 4 minute attention span


Numerous Mental Health professionals have stated Trump is “Textbook Narcissist

According to the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) have at least five of the symptoms listed below;

  • Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment by others
  • Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
  • Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
  • Needing constant admiration from others
  • Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
  • Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
  • Unwilling to empathize with others’ feelings, wishes, or needs
  • Intensely jealous of others and the belief that others are equally jealous of them
  • Pompous and arrogant demeanor.


Anyone with a BRAIN can look at this idiot and tell he’s a LUNATIC


Psychiatrist Warns That Trump Has Become More ‘Psychotic’ As Trials Get Closer

Per the article referenced in the above video at;

Donald Trump has repeatedly shown that he is a lawless person — but his malign influence extends far beyond himself.

We are a society more divided than united. Many of us are anti-intellectual and don’t want to think. That makes such people attracted to strongmen and bullies like Trump. Trump has made his followers reject the truth for alternate facts – and that makes most of us insecure and uncertain about what to believe.

Trump’s “dangerous charisma” attracts already corrupt and ethically compromised people into his orbit. He also exerts a malignant perfidious influence over people who are vulnerable to such energy and temptations, but for whatever reason have not yet fully surrendered to them. This is a defining feature of dangerous leaders.

Dr. Frank continues to warn about Trump’s extremely dangerous mind and overall pattern of behavior and why as seen with the second E. Jean Carroll court case for defamation, and escalating threats of violence and retribution against his “enemies”, that the corrupt ex-president will not be stopped by “the walls closing in.” Instead, Dr. Frank predicts that Trump is a malignant narcissist who will go down in a blaze of glory before he ever surrenders or is otherwise made to yield in his assaults on society, human decency, and the rule of law.

From the time Trump was five years old, he hated rules and couldn’t control himself. If Trump didn’t like something, he would convert feelings into immediate action. He threw rocks at a toddler who lived next door when he was five. He punched out his second-grade teacher because he got mad at him. As a father, Trump knocked out his son, Don Jr., when he was in high school because he wasn’t dressed appropriately. Trump has always been like this. As people age, they generally do not change; they instead become more of their true selves. His capacity for self-restraint is becoming a thinner veneer over fundamental destructiveness. He is increasingly no longer able to fake it. This is why Trump is in court acting out, mumbling, being angry and disruptive.

In my opinion, Donald Trump is a “segmental thinker”. He lives in the moment and is attracted by a shiny object and forgets everything else.

The main thing that I am worried about is the complacency of the public and specifically the country’s leaders and law enforcement and other people in positions of authority and power who are still letting Trump run wild. Trump is extremely dangerous. Trump does not believe in laws and rules. He wants to be a lawless dictator. This is why I continue to share my conclusion, based on the evidence, that Donald Trump appears to be psychotic. He is a person who is detached from reality. Even with the trials and other pressures, Trump is not capable of breaking down, of being cowed and/or broken. If anything, Trump will go down in flames if he goes down at all. Trump is an extreme narcissist who will destroy anyone who has ever done anything to hurt him, to oppose him, or defy him.


Dr. John Gartner stated; “If we could construct a psychiatric Frankenstein monster, we could not create a leader more dangerously mentally ill than Donald Trump. He is a paranoid, psychopathic, narcissist who is divorced from reality and lashes out impulsively at his imagined enemies. And this is someone, as you said, who is handling the nuclear codes.”


Psychiatrist: Donald Trump Is Delusional Even Out Of Office

Dr. Lance Dodes, retired Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss Donald Trump reportedly making false claims that he will be “reinstated” as president by August and why “lack of power is the thing Trump can’t stand and doesn’t acknowledge.”


Dr. Lance Dodes joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss Trump’s mental state as he’s banned from Twitter and why he will get worse once he leaves office and faces legal jeopardy


Renowned Psychologist : Like Hitler, Trump suffers from Sadism, Malignant Narcissism & Paranoia

Per the above article: “Renowned Psychologist Dr. John Gartner, who specializes in borderline personality disorder, biopolar disorder, and depression stated; Trump has the most dangerous form of mental illness that you can find in a leader… Malignant Narcissism”.

“Gartner stated that Malignant narcissism is a combination of 4 traits, which includes narcissism, paranoia, antisocial personality disorder (the psychology of a criminal and someone who routinely lies) and sadism”.

“The sadist aspects of Trump’s apparent mental illness, according is Gartner, means that “he is driven and gets intense pleasure from harming, humiliating, and degrading other people.”

“He has actually gotten intense pleasure from [other people’s] pain. He is reveling in the chaos and the destruction he is causing,” Gartner explained. “The more he feels threatened by the Mueller investigation, the more he needs to experience the exaltation of feeling drunk with power, through his ability to harm and humiliate and degrade other people.”

“While Gartner stopped short of saying that Trump is the next incarnation of Hitler, he did emphasize the importance of looking back at history as a means to try and prevent the catastrophes of the past from happening yet again”.

In speaking of Trump, Gartner did not imply that Trump would follow in the path of Hitler, but he did underscore his belief that “these are the kind of people who really can commit genocide,” when comparing the two men.

“I’m not saying he’s Hitler. I’m saying he has the same psychology. He’s of the same type, cut from the same cloth…. He is someone, who if given the chance, would enact that same kind of destructive agenda.”

Gartner accentuated his observations that Trump is demonizing immigrants similarly to how Hitler”.


The lunatic on the left is what half of Americans support


TRUMP Proves what an Insane Lunatic he is by demanding he be “Reinstated as President Immediately” 2 years after he LOST the 2020 election


Trump STOLE over 300 Classified Documents!

More proof “Trump is NUTS” because no one in the right mind would STEAL Classified Documents.


27 Psychiatrists Assess The Dangerous Case Of Donald Trump

In a new book, 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts asses President Donald Trump’s behavior. Do his impulses explain his decisions? The book’s editor Dr. Brandy Lee and Tony Schwartz, co-author of Trump’s “The Art of the Deal


Trump’s mental health: ‘The elephant in the room’

As psychologists and psychiatrists continue to warn about President Trump’s mental health, the Columbia Journalism Review called Trump’s mental health “the elephant in the room. Lee Siegel, who wrote the CJR column, and Dr. Lance Dodes join Lawrence.


IDIOT Trump Wanted to Launch Missiles into Mexico

Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper said in his new memoir “A Sacred Oath: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense During Extraordinary Times”, that President Trump suggested to him at least twice during the summer of 2020 that the United States could “shoot missiles into Mexico to destroy the drug labs,” and that it could be done secretly. Trump even said the operation could be conducted “quietly” and that the U.S. could simply deny it had anything to do with it. “No one would know it was us,” Trump said, according to Esper.

Trump also suggested shooting migrants trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border and shooting Black Lives Matter protesters demonstrating outside of the White House. “Can’t you just shoot them?” Trump asked, according to Esper.


Trump shows what a lunatic he is (who should be institutionalized) by his insane rants about Windmills


Staffers Treated Trump Like Toddler By Playing Music To Calm His Tantrums


Trump Wanted SNL Investigated by the DOJ for Making Fun of Him

Trump is such a narcissistic nutcase that he tried to get government lawyers to shut down and censor SNL Saturday Night Live for mocking him.

According to two people familiar with the matter, Trump asked advisers and lawyers in early 2019 about what the Federal Communications Commission, the court system, and most confusingly to some Trump lieutenants the Department of Justice could do to probe or mitigate SNL, Jimmy Kimmel, and other late-night comedy outlets which made fun of Trump.

This is how TYRANTS & DICTATORS behave where everyone must worship the “Dear Leader” or “Off with their heads!”.


Trump thinks he’s a very smart person


Mashup of Trump talking about his ‘very, very, very large … brain’


Video shows Trump bragging on how he’s the best at everything. Normal people don’t behave like this.


Trump has said he has “One of the Great Memories of All Time” (except when admitting to remembering could get him in legal hot water… then he claims he can’t remember – LOL)


Trump, The Mad King



Visits: 203

World Celebrates Trump’s Arrest & Mugshot!

Trump’s Mugshot in Newspapers Around the World!



People Celebrates after TRUMP is FINALLY held ACCOUNTABLE for his CRIMES by being ARRESTED, BOOKED, FINGERPRINTED & his MUGSHOT shown around the world!






Liberals Laughing at Trump!




Inmate PO 1135809 Song








Visits: 288

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Right-Wing Republicans Rage Over Barbie is NUTS

Radical Right-Wingers who rage over the Barbie Movie and destroy a Barbie Dream House like Tennessee REDNECK Greg Locke is shown doing in a video is NUTS. He’s also desecrating a bible by using it as an instrument of destruction, propaganda and violence.

This is another example of how VIOLENCE, INSANITY and behaving like mean spirited ASSHOLES is the new norm for Radical Right Wing MAGA Republicans.




Radical Right-Winger, mascaraing as a “pastor” Curses Barbie Movie.

The MAJORITY of Americans see this type of behavior as outrageous and NUTS.


It’s obvious stunts like destroying a Barbie House is an attempt to get attention and more followers. It doesn’t appear to be working because this photo from the “Barbie House” destruction stunt shows Locke’s TINY “congregation”, YEARS after his other stunts like telling people who’s wearing masks to GET OUT, Book Burnings, ranting about Democrats and other insane bullshit.

All Locke is doing is making a FOOL out himself… proving to the world, he’s a mean spirited REDNECK ASSHOLE with ANGER issues, who’s behavior is the antithesis of everything Christianity is supposed to stand for.


Description from YouTube: “Pastor Greg Locke Threatens Church Members Who Wear Masks” (Anyone who believes, supports and listens to this crap needs to have their head examined!)


Video shows Radical Right Wing Greg Locke ranting & raving about Democrats not being Christians, when it’s REPUBLICANS who are LAWLESS and GODLESS by supporting Trump.


Hate-Pastor Greg Locke Threatens Another Insurrection. Says Bible Tells Him to “TAKE IT BY FORCE!”

Jesse talks about unhinged hateful Christian Nationalist MAGA-pastor Greg Locke who freaked out on stage recently yelling at his congregation and warning them not to vote for Democrats. In addition to his hate-fueled ranting about politics, he also threatened another insurrection, stating, “Everyone wanna talk about the insurrection? Mmmm. Let me tell you something: You ain’t seen the insurrection yet. You keep on pushing our buttons, you low-down, sorry compromisers, you God-hating communists, maybe you’ll find out what an insurrection is. Because we ain’t playing your garbage. We ain’t playing your mess. My Bible says the church of the living God is an institution, that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and the Bible says that we’ll take it by force.”

MORE PROOF that Greg Locke is NOT a Christian or man of God… he just a mean spirited ASSHOLE and Tennessee REDNECK with Anger Issues who craves attention


Tennessee Redneck Greg Locke held a public book burning where he encouraged congregants to bring books dealing with “witchcraft”, like Harry Potter and Twilight. Locke is the leader of the Global Vision Bible Church and held the book burning to reportedly fight “masonic and occult influences in society”


Book Burnings is what IGNORANT, FASCIST, NAZIS did in the 1930’s (who MURDERED 6 million Jews).




Christians Who Supports Trump and Votes Republican are Hypocrites

There is no area where the Republican Party and Christianity intersect, and yet far too many Christians claim that they vote for Republicans on religious grounds. This is pure hypocrisy – you can’t be both a good Christian and a Republican loyalist, as the two truly are mutually exclusive.



Evangelicals now think Jesus was a liberal wimp


Is Jesus Too ‘Liberal’ For U.S. Evangelicals?


Trump Golden Statue WORSHIPED at CPAC 2021 by Supporters

Donald Trump Golden Calf Statue IDOL the CPAC 2021 Conference, showing that in the eyes of Republicans and Conservatives, Trump is a false idol like the Golden Calf from the bible.



PROOF: Christians / Evangelicals who Support Trump are following / supporting / worshiping a FALSE IDOL

LYING: Fact checkers claim Trump has made over 30,000 false statements and lies. Here’s what the bible says about lying;

Matthew 15:19
For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.

Revelation 12:9
And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

Proverbs 19:9
A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.

Exodus 20:16
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

Proverbs 12:22
Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.

Proverbs 13:5
The righteous hates falsehood, but the wicked brings shame and disgrace.

Proverbs 19:5
A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape.

Psalm 101:7
No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.

Bragging & Boasting: Trump is a compulsive and obnoxious braggart. Here’s what the bible says about boasting;

James 4:16
As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.

Psalm 94:4
They pour out their arrogant words; all the evildoers boast.

Romans 2:23
You who boast in the law dishonor God by breaking the law.

Proverbs 27:2
Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.

Jeremiah 9:23
Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches

Proverbs 16:5
Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished.

Adultery: Trump paid off women before the 2016 election to not reveal his cheating on his wife. Here’s what the bible says about Adultery;

Exodus 20:14
“You shall not commit adultery.

Hebrews 13:4
Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.

Proverbs 6:32
He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself.

Deuteronomy 5:18
“‘And you shall not commit adultery.

Matthew 15:19
For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.

1 Corinthians 10:8
We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of them did

Trump refuses to apologize, repent or take responsibility for ANYTHING.

These are only a few example of how Trump violates christian laws and principles, yet so-called “Christians” continue to praise him and give him a pass.



Democrats have done a hell of a lot more to stand up for the Middle Class and the Poor than any Dumb-ass, Anti-Democratic, Fascist, Republican, Tax Breaks Whores for the RICH ever has.


Report Shows White Evangelicals Overwhelmingly Supported Corrupt Trump In 2020

A new report from Pew Research showed that white evangelicals – those who attended religious services a few times per month or more – overwhelmingly supported one of the least religious candidates in modern history: Donald Trump. More than 70% of white religious voters voted for Trump in 2020, while voters of color who attend service regularly voted for Biden. This new data is very telling about what actually matters to religious voters


‘Most un-Christian person ever’: the white evangelical love affair with Donald Trump gets worse


Trump is a liar, braggart, vengeful, hateful, selfish, vulgar, immoral, an adulterer, has no humility, never apologies or repents and behaves in the most outrageous, obnoxious, disgusting manner ever seen by a so-called “President” who the majority didn’t vote for and will NEVER support.



Today’s Republicans Love Violence, Insane, Disguising & Lawless Conduct

Republicans have proven they LOVE insane, disguising and lawless Conduct.  Christians continue to support Trump after he engaged in disgusting conduct in front of women & children during a rally in Minnesota regarding Lisa Page & Peter Struck.


Today’s Republicans have no principles or policies. The more insane & disruptive GOP politicians behave, the more they are liked & supported by GOP voters.


Radical Right Wing Republican Christians continue to support Trump after he admitted sexually assaulting women by grabbing them by the PUSSY


Radical Right Wing Republican Christians continue to support Trump after numerous credible complaints of him sexually assaulting women.


Radical Right Wing Republican Christians continue to support Trump after he has Incited Violence for Years


Radical Right Wing Republican Christians continue to support Trump after he reportedly told more than 30,000 lies while in office — these were some of the biggest.


Radical Right Wing Republican Christians continue to support Trump after being the most LAWLESS President in history, indicted (4) times for a total of 91 criminal offenses

These are only a few examples of how Christians have given REPUBLICAN Trump a pass on ALL of his OUTRAGEOUS & DISGUSTING conduct.




Renowned Psychologist : Like Hitler, Trump suffers from Sadism, Malignant Narcissism & Paranoia

Per an article titled: “Renowned Psychologist Dr. John Gartner, who specializes in borderline personality disorder, biopolar disorder, and depression stated; Trump has the most dangerous form of mental illness that you can find in a leader… Malignant Narcissism”.

“Gartner stated that Malignant narcissism is a combination of 4 traits, which includes narcissism, paranoia, antisocial personality disorder (the psychology of a criminal and someone who routinely lies) and sadism”.

“The sadist aspects of Trump’s apparent mental illness, according is Gartner, means that “he is driven and gets intense pleasure from harming, humiliating, and degrading other people.”

“He has actually gotten intense pleasure from [other people’s] pain. He is reveling in the chaos and the destruction he is causing,” Gartner explained. “The more he feels threatened by the Mueller investigation, the more he needs to experience the exaltation of feeling drunk with power, through his ability to harm and humiliate and degrade other people.”

“While Gartner stopped short of saying that Trump is the next incarnation of Hitler, he did emphasize the importance of looking back at history as a means to try and prevent the catastrophes of the past from happening yet again”.

In speaking of Trump, Gartner did not imply that Trump would follow in the path of Hitler, but he did underscore his belief that “these are the kind of people who really can commit genocide,” when comparing the two men.

“I’m not saying he’s Hitler. I’m saying he has the same psychology. He’s of the same type, cut from the same cloth…. He is someone, who if given the chance, would enact that same kind of destructive agenda.”

Gartner accentuated his observations that Trump is demonizing immigrants similarly to how Hitler”.


According to the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) have at least five of the symptoms listed below;

  • Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment by others
  • Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
  • Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
  • Needing constant admiration from others
  • Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
  • Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
  • Unwilling to empathize with others’ feelings, wishes, or needs
  • Intensely jealous of others and the belief that others are equally jealous of them
  • Pompous and arrogant demeanor.


Psychiatrist Warns That Trump Has Become More ‘Psychotic’ As Trials Get Closer

Per the article referenced in the above video at;

Donald Trump has repeatedly shown that he is a lawless person — but his malign influence extends far beyond himself.

We are a society more divided than united. Many of us are anti-intellectual and don’t want to think. That makes such people attracted to strongmen and bullies like Trump. Trump has made his followers reject the truth for alternate facts – and that makes most of us insecure and uncertain about what to believe.

Trump’s “dangerous charisma” attracts already corrupt and ethically compromised people into his orbit. He also exerts a malignant perfidious influence over people who are vulnerable to such energy and temptations, but for whatever reason have not yet fully surrendered to them. This is a defining feature of dangerous leaders.

Dr. Frank continues to warn about Trump’s extremely dangerous mind and overall pattern of behavior and why as seen with the second E. Jean Carroll court case for defamation, and escalating threats of violence and retribution against his “enemies”, that the corrupt ex-president will not be stopped by “the walls closing in.” Instead, Dr. Frank predicts that Trump is a malignant narcissist who will go down in a blaze of glory before he ever surrenders or is otherwise made to yield in his assaults on society, human decency, and the rule of law.

From the time Trump was five years old, he hated rules and couldn’t control himself. If Trump didn’t like something, he would convert feelings into immediate action. He threw rocks at a toddler who lived next door when he was five. He punched out his second-grade teacher because he got mad at him. As a father, Trump knocked out his son, Don Jr., when he was in high school because he wasn’t dressed appropriately. Trump has always been like this. As people age, they generally do not change; they instead become more of their true selves. His capacity for self-restraint is becoming a thinner veneer over fundamental destructiveness. He is increasingly no longer able to fake it. This is why Trump is in court acting out, mumbling, being angry and disruptive.

In my opinion, Donald Trump is a “segmental thinker”. He lives in the moment and is attracted by a shiny object and forgets everything else.

The main thing that I am worried about is the complacency of the public and specifically the country’s leaders and law enforcement and other people in positions of authority and power who are still letting Trump run wild. Trump is extremely dangerous. Trump does not believe in laws and rules. He wants to be a lawless dictator. This is why I continue to share my conclusion, based on the evidence, that Donald Trump appears to be psychotic. He is a person who is detached from reality. Even with the trials and other pressures, Trump is not capable of breaking down, of being cowed and/or broken. If anything, Trump will go down in flames if he goes down at all. Trump is an extreme narcissist who will destroy anyone who has ever done anything to hurt him, to oppose him, or defy him.



Betty Bowers Exposes Republican Christians for the hypocrites they are


Trump exposed evangelical Christian supporters as the shameless hypocrites they’ve always been



Description from Youtube: “Born-again Christians testify about the rise of Antichrist. There are well over 150 videos on this channel about the Antichrist Donald Trump as he is foretold in the Holy Bible, with many scriptures cited in all videos. Don’t follow the Antichrist into eternal hell, do not take the coming mark of the beast”.

I agree that there’s a spiritual battle. If you support Trump, your on the WRONG SIDE of the battle and you’ve been deceived.

Trump’s behavior fits the Anti-Christ. Millions of people BLINDLY support and worship him… he’s immoral, an adulterer, has LIED over 30,000 times, has no humility, never apologies, never repents, a braggart and behaves in the most obnoxious, disgusting manner ever seen by a so-called “President” who the majority didn’t vote for and does not support.


Christian Magazine Called for Trump’s Removal

An influential Evangelical magazine, Christianity Today says that Trump should be removed from office.


Christian Pastor DEMOLISHES Evangelicals who Hated Obama and Supported Trump




Here’s another example of the type of nutcases which support Trump… “Pastor says God is sparing the U.S. from coronavirus because of the Trump administration”


Televangelist Kenneth Copeland Says COVID-19 Can Be Destroyed With ‘The Wind of God’

Televangelist acts like a lunatic, pretending he’s destroying Covid-19 with the ‘The Wind of God’. Anyone who believes this type of BS must still believe in Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy


Over 560,000 people have died from Covid-19 so those who claimed “God is sparing the U.S. from coronavirus because of the Trump administration” or that Prayer would make it go away have been proven to be LIARS, CON-ARTISTS and CHARLATANS


Trump’s spiritual adviser Paula White: “We command all satanic pregnancies and anything that was conceived in the satanic wombs to miscarry right now”. WTF?

She’s another example of the type of nutcases which support Trump.


The 2020 U.S. presidential election didn’t go the way Republican Religious Fanatics planned…and they’re freaking out.


Revising God’s Prophecy

Evangelical prophets predicted that Trump would win in 2020, and after pushing back the date that this would come to pass all the way to the inauguration date, they’re still doubling down. Watch televangelist Sid Roth double down on a failed prophecy. Watch Pastor Greg Locke freak out and Kat Kerr have a screaming meltdown. Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau, Mario Marillo, and Dutch Sheets hedge and make excuses as to why the prophecy failed on the Victory Channel’s show Flashpoint with Gene Bailey.


Description from YouTube: “Jesse Dollemore talks about Robin Bullock who is a self-proclaimed Christian prophet, who claims he spoke to god and was told about Donald Trump’s big return in August!”









Republicans must lie to survive: They have no other choice

From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump, the path to Republican political success is rooted in profound deception

Republicans Must Lie to Survive: They have No Other Choice

Per the above article; “The GOP exists to serve the interests of the wealthy and big business that comprise the richest 1%. No party, however, can ever win an election with only 1% of the vote. So to win elections, the GOP must necessarily reach beyond its own wealthy core and attempt to convince a large segment of working people in the 99% to vote for Republicans.

Normally, a political party wins elections by offering policies that benefit the voters. These policies attract the voters who then cast their votes for the political party.

But for the Republican Party, this is not an option. A candidate could not possibly campaign on the policies favored by the 1%. Just imagine the stump speech. “Vote for me and I will slash your health care! In fact, I’ll do even better — I’ll fight like mad to completely eliminate your health care!”

“Vote for me and I will get rid of your pensions! This would save corporations a bundle and boost profits to the shareholders! Screw the workers!”

“Vote for me and I promise to ship your jobs overseas under globalization! The exact same labor can be hired in Asia for only pennies! Hurray!”

The Republican Party is left with only one option. It cannot possibly be honest about its true intentions and actual policies. The working class would never vote for them. Instead, the only option is to lie”.







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Seat STOLEN from Florida Rep. Al Lawson may be Reinstated

Seat STOLEN from Florida Rep. Al Lawson by REPUBLICAN Gov DeSantis illegal “power grab” Gerrymandering may be Reinstated


Former Rep. Al Lawson’s Florida congressional seat could come back under new agreement

“This is a promising step forward for Black voters,” said the director of litigation and policy for the National Redistricting Foundation.

Per the above article: Former Rep. Al Lawson’s Florida congressional seat could come back under new agreement. “This is a promising step forward for Black voters,” said the director of litigation and policy for the National Redistricting Foundation.


Rep. Lawson criticizes ‘unconstitutional’ congressional redistricting map from Gov. DeSantis


Florida Lawmaker Says Gerrymandered State Maps Are Part of Racist Strategy, “Not Just a Culture War”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a gerrymandered voting map that virtually guarantees Republicans four more seats in Congress while likely cutting the number of Black Democrats elected. The measure passed along party lines Thursday but was delayed when Black Florida lawmakers staged an impromptu sit-in protest. “Republicans cannot continue to disenfranchise Black voters,” says state Senator Shevrin Jones, a Democratic member of Florida’s Legislative Black Caucus who took part in the protest and who calls the gerrymandering part of a larger suite of “racist tactics” enacted by Republicans across the country.




DeSantis pushes redistricting map that splits up Black voters

DeSantis’ proposed map also splits up Black voters around the Orlando area and proposes the creation of 18 Republican-leaning and eight Democrat-leaning seats, which, if passed, would effectively eliminate Democrats’ national redistricting advantage and threaten their slim majority in the House of Representatives.


Florida judge blocks DeSantis’ redistricting plan

A judge has ruled a congressional map drawn by Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ staff and approved by the Legislature is unconstitutional because it breaks up a district where Black voters can choose their representatives. May 11, 2022


The ruling was overturned by a corrupt Partisan Republican Appeals Court so DeSantis redistricting remained in place ensuring an unfair advantage to Republicans


Radical Right Wing Republican Ron DeSantis Rigged and stole House of Representative Seats from Democrats by Gerrymandering.



Visits: 322

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Trump Supporters Who Dox & Threaten Grand Jury Are LAWLESS MORONS

Trump Supporters who Dox & Threaten Georgia Grand Jury Members are LAWLESS MORONS for supporting & believing Trump, the most LAWLESS President in History who LIED over 30,000 times while in office.  Georgia Grand Jury members were only doing their job by voting to hold TRUMP accountable for his NUMEROUS crimes. If your against Georgia Grand Jury Members for doing their job, your a LAWLESS PIECE OF SHIT.

Doxing & encouraging people to threaten Grand Jury Members may be accessories to STALKING, HARASSMENT and VIOLENCE.


Trump is fomenting violence against judges, prosecutors



Trump is the BIGGEST PATHOLOGICAL LIAR IN HISTORY who fact checkers claim LIED over 30,000 times while President. Therefore, supporters who believe his LIES that he “Won the 2020 election in a landslide” and that the Election was “Rigged” and “Stolen” are GULLIBLE DUMB-ASS MORONS.



Names of grand jurors in Georgia are public, even in Trump indictment

The names of the Fulton County jurors are listed on Page 9 of the 98-page indictment released late Monday that criminally charges former president Donald Trump and 18 others, yet the grand jurors and three alternates took an oath to keep secret their deliberations, according to Washington Post reporting.


Trump supporters post names and addresses of Georgia grand jurors online

A fringe website featured the purported names and addresses of the Fulton County grand jury that indicted Trump and 18 other people for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Per the above article; “Trump supporters post names and addresses of Georgia grand jurors online”

A fringe website featured the purported names and addresses of the Fulton County grand jury that indicted Trump and 18 other people for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The purported names and addresses of members of the grand jury that indicted Donald Trump and 18 of his co-defendants on state racketeering charges this week have been posted on a fringe website that often features violent rhetoric, NBC News has learned.

NBC News is choosing not to name the website featuring the addresses to avoid further spreading the information.

The Fulton County District Attorney’s Office declined to comment. District Attorney Fani Willis faced racist threats ahead of the return of the indictment, and additional security measures were put in place, with some employees being allowed to work from home.

The grand jurors’ purported addresses were spotted by Advance Democracy, a nonpartisan research group founded by Daniel J. Jones, a former FBI investigator and staffer for the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee.

“It’s becoming all too commonplace to see everyday citizens performing necessary functions for our democracy being targeted with violent threats by Trump-supporting extremists,” Jones said. “The lack of political leadership on the right to denounce these threats — which serve to inspire real-world political violence — is shameful.”

Advance Democracy also noted that users were posting the names and images of people believed to have been grand jurors on other social media sites. The posts asserted that the jurors had posted on social media in support of Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., former President Barack Obama and the Black Lives Matter movement.

An FBI spokesperson in Atlanta, Tony Thomas, said in a statement that the agency “is aware of threats of violence against Fulton County officials and is working with the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office.”

“It is our policy not to discuss details of ongoing investigations,” Thomas said in the statement. “However, each and every potential threat brought to our attention is taken seriously. Individuals found responsible for making threats in violation of state and/or federal laws will be prosecuted.”

The grand jurors have come under attack in the days since Trump’s indictment, the fourth criminal indictment brought against the twice-impeached former president.

“These jurors have signed their death warrant by falsely indicting President Trump,” a post on a pro-Trump forum read in response to a post including the names of jurors, which was viewed by NBC News.


Trump supporters who believe Trump was “Falsely Indicted” and make “Death Threats” are









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