Space Flights For Billionaires are a Obscene Waste of Money

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If people like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk & Richard Branson had any decency, they’d use their money to help the sick & poor rather than waste it on Billionaire Space Flights

Bernie Sanders stated; “Am I supposed to be impressed that a billionaire went to space while he’s paid zero in federal income taxes some years and the workers at his company struggle to afford their medical bills, rent, and food for their kids? Nope. It’s time to invest in working people here on Earth”.


Column: The Bezos-Branson-Musk space race is a huge waste of money and scientifically useless

The big news on the spaceflight front last week was the announcement by billionaire Richard Branson that he would ride his Virgin Galactic spacecraft aloft on July 11, beating fellow billionaire Jeff Bezos to the edge of space by nine days.

Per the above article; ‘The Bezos-Branson-Musk space race is a huge waste of money and scientifically useless. The big news on the spaceflight front last week was the announcement by billionaire Richard Branson that he would ride his Virgin Galactic spacecraft aloft on July 11, beating fellow billionaire Jeff Bezos to the edge of space by nine days.

Big news, that is, for anyone mourning the demise of the TV show “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” which ran out its string more than 15 years ago.

For anyone else anchored here on planet Earth, the competition to be the first billionaire in space should mark a milestone in the towering vanity of the wealthy”.


Opinion | The billionaire space race is a glut of waste and ego

It’s the most 2021 of all 2021 storylines: after gorging themselves on the best of a plague-torn planet, the billionaires are going to space. Corporate giants Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have all drawn on public coffers – as well as their own enormous fortunes – to breach the bounds of earth.

Per the above article; Jeff Bezos’ live Blue Origin space launch is the pinnacle of waste. It’s the most 2021 of all 2021 storylines: after gorging themselves on the best of a plague-torn planet, the billionaires are going to space. Corporate giants Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have all drawn on public coffers — as well as their own enormous fortunes — to breach the bounds of earth. What they seek to leave behind is a planet burning and flooding and full of the kind of small and ordinary suffering such fortunes could alleviate in an instant.


We must tax the wealth of multi-billionaires.

We have a tax code in this country that allows multi-billionaires to pay NOTHING in federal income tax. That is outrageous. It is time for them to pay their fair share.

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