Republicans Pathological Hatred for Dr. Fauci

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Anti-Science Pro-Trump Neanderthal Republicans tried to have Dr. Fauci fired due to him contradicting Trump’s ridiculous statements about Covid-19.


Dr. Anthony Fauci has served the American people for over 40 years.


Dr Fauci on Fox News on the “Fauci Files” and Elon Musk: “I have no idea what he’s talking about … I don’t have a Twitter account. I’ve never had a Twitter account. I don’t intend on having a Twitter account.”


Hear Fauci’s response to Elon Musk’s attacks

During an interview with CNN’s David Axelrod, Dr. Anthony Fauci responded to a series of tweets from Elon Musk that suggested Fauci be prosecuted.


Elon Musk is a FUCKING IDIOT and a DUMB-ASS. I don’t give a shit how much money he has. As a spiritually woke, anti-materialistic being… money, wealth, fame and power means NOTHING to me. I have no fear of anything or anyone.


DUMB-ASS DeSantis calls for grand jury to investigate Covid vaccines. Hear Fauci’s response


Fauci: There Are Threats Against My Life ‘Because People Are Lying About Me’

Dr. Anthony Fauci responded to accusations made by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and told members of the Senate that he and his family have received threats “because people are lying about me.” He also accused the senator of fundraising off of “completely untrue” assumptions against him.


Old video surfaced of Sen. Rand Paul telling students that spreading misinformation can be a great tactic




Fox News wants to make Fauci Public Enemy No. 1

CNN’s Brian Stelter breaks down how the right-wing media and GOP politicians have focused attacks on Dr. Anthony Fauci in an attempt to vilify him.


Fox News’ Lara Logan Compares Dr Fauci to Nazi Doctor Josef Mengele

Holocaust survivor Michael Bornstein and his daughter, Debbie Bornstein Holinstat, respond to Fox News host Lara Logan making a comparison between Nazi doctor Josef Mengele and Dr. Anthony Fauci.


‘More testing, not less’: Fauci contradicts Trump on coronavirus testing

Top health officials contradicted Donald Trump over claims the president made at a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Saturday when he told supporters that he told his people ‘to slow the testing down’ for the coronavirus. Dr Anthony Fauci and other health officials told a House panel they had never been instructed to slow down testing.


Trump suggests using Lysol, Bleach and Ultraviolet Light to Treat Coronavirus

Radical Right-Wing, Anti-science IDIOT Republican / “Conservatives” would rather listen to the advice of a LUNATIC than Science Professionals.


Dr. Fauci Reacts To Attacks By Right-Wing Media And Trump Echo Chamber

Dr. Anthony Fauci talks with Rachel Maddow about the contrast between the pressure and criticism he received from AIDS activists and the smear campaign by the Trump-loyal media and politicians, which he characterizes as anti-science.


Holocaust survivor responds to Fox News host comparing Fauci to a Nazi

Holocaust survivor Michael Bornstein and his daughter, Debbie Bornstein Holinstat, respond to Fox News host Lara Logan making a comparison between Nazi doctor Josef Mengele and Dr. Anthony


Dr. Fauci Blasts Rand Paul as being an Idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about during testimony in Congress as Delta variant cases spike



‘You look like an idiot’: Don Lemon reacts to Rand Paul’s dustup with Fauci

CNN’s Don Lemon reacts to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) heated exchange with Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Dr. Jonathan Reiner discusses why Paul continues to try and pick a fight with Fauci.



Unhinged Fox Host Tells Supporters To Ambush Fauci And Deliver ‘Kill Shot’

Fox News host Jesse Waters told his followers this week that they needed to start ambushing Dr. Anthony Fauci if they see him in public so that they could deliver a “kill shot.” The rhetoric he used is loaded with violent buzzwords, but he left it just vague enough to avoid being faced with criminal charges. But that doesn’t excuse what he said, and even Fauci sounded off on it saying that he should be fired on the spot.


Fox Host Calls For VIOLENCE Against Dr. Fauci

Longtime Fox News host Jesse Watters advised the crowd at the Turning Point USA event America Fest to ambush and press Dr. Fauci on his guidance and suggestions regarding the coronavirus pandemic. Specifically, Watters called for activists to get Fauci with a “kill shot”, which would be accusing Fauci of funding the Chinese lab that ’started’ the pandemic.



Fox News responds to Fauci’s call to fire network host

Dr. Anthony Fauci is calling on Fox News to fire host Jesse Watters after he told a group of conservatives to “ambush” Fauci with questions and “go in for the kill shot” – rhetorical language that the nation’s top infectious disease doctor and President Biden’s chief medical adviser believes goes too far.


Nothing sends the willfully ignorant into a whiny tailspin like being reminded that others learn

The GOP’s obsession with Dr. Fauci reveals the deep insecurities driving the movement

Why they hate him: Dr. Fauci triggers the right because he reveals their deepest insecurities

Per the above article;  “Dr. Fauci has been the favorite target of “who does he think he is”-style rants by pretty much every right-wing pundit and politician out there for over a year now. He’s easily the most reliable hate object they’ve had since Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Those three are some readers — and that reliably triggers the bullying response in the Jesse Watters types. Despite all of their chest-thumping bravado, this knee-jerk hostility to those perceived as intellectually curious evinces a deep insecurity driving right-wingers”.


Scientists, medical professionals defend Fauci after heated exchanges with Republicans

Dozens of scientists and medical professionals have signed a letter defending White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci after he faced fierce criticism from Republican lawmakers during a hearing earlier this week. “We deplore the personal attacks on Dr. Fauci,” the letter, obtained by Politico, said.

Over 100 of America’s top doctors and scientists sign an open letter defending Dr. Fauci from attacks by Rand Paul

Per the above article; “Dozens of scientists and medical professionals have signed a letter defending White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci after he faced fierce criticism from Republican lawmakers during a hearing earlier this week.

“We deplore the personal attacks on Dr. Fauci,” the letter, obtained by Politico, said. “The criticism is inaccurate, unscientific, ill-founded in the facts and, increasingly, motivated by partisan politics. It is a distraction from what should be the national focus — working together to finally overcome a pandemic that is killing about 500,000 people a year.”

It added that Fauci has “unswervingly served the United States guiding the country to very successful outcomes” and has the scientific community’s “unreserved respect and trust as a scientist and a national leader.”


Amusing how “NO NFL SEASON” is one of the reasons right-wingers hate Fauci… putting Football & Sports above stopping the spread of a killer pandemic! How NEANDERTHAL! LOL




Science says Conservatives are Dumb!




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Polls consistently show more Americans approved of Dr. Fauci than Trump. Fauci is also more popular & respected than most Republicans. That’s why Republicans hate him. SOUR GRAPES!






(On your knees REPUBS! LOL)



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