Trump Rants & Raves at Mar-a-Lago After 2020 Election Loss

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Videos & reports about Trump’s Insane Rants, Raves & Fuming at Mar-a-Lago after being voted out, rejected & defeated by Joe Biden in 2020 election loss

Description from YouTube: “Trump gave a speech at a wedding that took place at Mar-a-Lago over the weekend, and it was just as crazy you’d imagine. He spent his time ranting about Joe Biden and all of the problems that America is facing – problems that are a direct result of his failed policies. Trump is clearly obsessed with Biden, and he will never get over the fact that he lost the election to him”.


Trump Crashes Wedding To Give SAD Speech


Loser Trump Spends Easter Ranting About His Election Loss

Lunatic Trump appears to be completely losing his mind down at Mar-a-Lago, and he issued a statement on Easter to prove it. He sent out one of his ridiculous memos saying that he wishes everyone a Happy Easter, and then included a statement about the 2020 election allegedly being rigged – a claim that has been thoroughly debunked. The former President is not well, and his mental instability seems to be increasing with each passing week. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.


Description from YouTube: “Trump suffered what appeared to be a complete mental breakdown this past weekend, as he lashed out at both Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell. Trump accused the two of doing nothing to stop the certification of the election, and then proceeded to go on an unhinged tirade about winning states that no one thought he would win and how the whole election was stolen (even though we know it was not.) This is your guy, Republicans, so you may want to calm him before he turns even more voters away”.


Truck tows massive Trump ‘LOSER’ sign while driving on an interstate


Trump Taunted By Banner Planes Above Mar-A-Lago


Banner flown over Trump’s Mar-a-Lago during impeachment trial reads: “CONVICT TRUMP AND LOCK HIM UP”


Trump is getting trolled by Banner Planes above his Mar-A-Lago retirement home with captions like “HA HA HA”, “Worst President Ever”, “Convict Trump and Lock Him Up” , “You Pathetic Loser and “Go Back to Moscow”


Moment US TV networks declared Joe Biden as the next President of the United States



Fuhrer Trump finds out he’s lost the election





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