John Boehner Speaking Out While Omitting His Own Faults

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John Boehner has been promoting his book while criticizing Republicans currently in congress, but failing to take responsibility for the dysfunction he caused.


The John Boehner 2013, 113th Republican Majority House of Representatives was the least productive in history


John Boehner on how the rise of ideologues harms America

In 2015 House Speaker and 13-term Republican Congressman John Boehner decided to end his career on the Hill, his departure hastened by clashes with ideologues within his own party. Now, in a scorching new memoir, “On the House,” Boehner writes that those forces are hurting the country, and threaten the GOP’s survival. Boehner talks with “60 Minutes” correspondent John Dickerson about the January 6th insurrection, partisan media, and what he calls “political terrorists” who play to the party base.


Former House Speaker John Boehner joins Morning Joe to discuss his new book ‘On the House,’ what he thinks about the January 6 Capitol riot and the 2020 election. Aired on 04/13/2021.


“Lucifer In The Flesh” – Former Speaker Boehner Unloads On Sen. Ted Cruz

Former Speaker John Boehner makes his first visit to A Late Show to talk about the challenges of being Speaker of the House, and to share how he really feels about Texas Senator Ted Cruz.


John Boehner, former Republican House Speaker, reflects on his tenure in office in his new book, “On the House: A Washington Memoir.” CNN’s Brian Todd breaks down some key stories from the book, including the time Alaska Rep. Don Young held a knife to his throat


Boehner calls Cruz ‘Lucifer in the flesh’


Hear John Boehner Tell Ted Cruz To Go F Himself!

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