Unhinged Trump Erupts Over Sliding Poll Numbers

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Trump Erupts At Campaign Manager Over Poll Numbers

New 2020 battleground polls with Joe Biden in the lead are showing the impact Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic is having on his re-election effort. The president was also reportedly angry with campaign officials over his numbers. Aired on 4/30/2020.



Trump Orders CNN To Apologize For Poll Showing Biden Winning

President Snowflake is at it again, this time demanding that the CNN network apologize to him for publishing a poll that showed Trump was losing to Joe Biden, massively. The poll was conducted correctly, but it hurt Trump’s little feelings and now he needs the cable news network to make him feel better.


Trump Demands CNN Apologize For Poll Showing Him Down Big To Biden


Trump Threatened To Sue His Campaign Manager Over Bad Poll Numbers

According to reports, Donald Trump allegedly threatened to sue his campaign manager Brad Parscale over the latest round of polling showing that Trump is losing to Joe Biden. Trump took to Twitter to claim that all of these reports were fake news, but given his history of reacting irrationally to bad poll numbers, this one definitely seems plausible. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.


Trump ERUPTS, Threatens HIS OWN Campaign Manager

-Donald Trump erupts in an unhinged tirade after seeing polls that show him trailing Joe Biden, subsequently screaming at and threatening to sue his own campaign manager Brad Parscale


Liberals Laughing at Dumb-ass Trump!


As the coronavirus pandemic complicates the 2020 presidential election, sources say President Donald Trump erupted at his campaign manager Brad Parscale.


Trump Reportedly Rages Over Cracks In His Coronavirus Bubble

Rachel Maddow shares reports that Donald Trump and his aides are looking for a way to re-assess COVID-19 deaths to reduce the reported number, and news that Trump reportedly became enraged at the breaching of his personal coronavirus bubble when his valet tested positive. Aired on 05/07/2020.


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