Republican States Sue Biden over Keystone Pipeline

States sue Biden in bid to revive Keystone XL pipeline

BILLINGS, Montana — Attorneys general from 21 states on Wednesday sued to to overturn President Joe Biden’s cancellation of the contentious Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada. Led by Ken Paxton of Texas and Austin Knudsen of Montana, the states said Biden had overstepped his authority when he revoked the permit for the Keystone pipeline on his first day in office.

Republican States Sue Biden over the Keystone Pipeline claiming he overstepped his authority to cancel the pipeline. If that’s true then Trump overstepped HIS authority by authorizing the pipeline in the first place, so their lawsuit is BULLSHIT.


Native Indians who has been getting SCREWED ever since foreign invaders stole their land, don’t want the pipeline.


Keystone XL / Tar Sands Pipelines: the Dirtiest Oil on Earth

IMO, those who want the F-ing pipeline can cram it and their lawsuits up their ass

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