Vietnam War Caused Troops to Die for NOTHING

Daniel Ellsberg Exposes the US Government Pentagon Papers Documentary – Part 1

Two Presidents… Johnson & Nixon kept the Vietnam War going because their egoes wouldn’t allow them to admit defeat. This caused thousands of our Troops to Die for NOTHING… because in the end, nothing was gained from the war.


Daniel Ellsberg Exposes the US Government Pentagon Papers Documentary – Part 2


Daniel Ellsberg Exposes the US Government Pentagon Papers Documentary Part 3


Daniel Ellsberg Exposes the US Government Pentagon Papers Documentary Part 4


Daniel Ellsberg Exposes the US Government Pentagon Papers Documentary  Part 5


Daniel Ellsberg Exposes the US Government Pentagon Papers Documentary  Part 6


Daniel Ellsberg Exposes the US Government Pentagon Papers Documentary  Part 7


Daniel Ellsberg Exposes the US Government Pentagon Papers Documentary  Part 8


Daniel Ellsberg Exposes the US Government Pentagon Papers Documentary  Part 9


Only after it was clear to Johnson that he stood no chance of getting re-elected did he then try to broker a peace deal to help Hubert Humphrey.


Nixon records show that in 1968, as a presidential candidate, he used Anna Chennault as his liaison in Vietnam, to persuade them to refuse a cease-fire being brokered by President Lyndon Johnson. This was done to hurt Democratic Presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey and help Nixon.

Johnson called the Republican Senate Minority Leader, Everett Dirksen to complain that “they oughtn’t be doing this. This is treason.” “I know,” was Dirksen’s feeble reply.

This treason cost the lives of thousands of Troops. To Nixon, getting re-elected was more important. I’ll never understand why Johnson didn’t out Nixon as he should of for his treason and costing the lives of our troops.

If there’s a HELL, I hope BOTH of these BASTARDS rot there forever.

The Americans people and our Troops has been getting ABUSED and SCREWED for years by incompetent Presidents and an incompetent, fucked-up Government.

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