Wimpy Joe Biden Says Republicans are “Not Our Enemy”

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Wimpy Joe Biden Says Republicans are “Not Our Enemy” as they try to destroy our Democracy.

Joe Biden is a nice old man and comes from a bygone era of decency and civility. That is not the world we live in today.


During the 8 years Obama was President, Republicans did everything possible to obstruct and destroy his presidency, disrespecting the overwhelming wishes of the majority which elected him to being President.


No Compromising with the GOP Cult

Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich explains why it would be a grave mistake for Joe Biden to try and compromise with today’s conspiracy-fueled, hate-filled Republican Party.


Republicans proved to be LAWLESS by not holding Trump accountable for his crimes. They are bullies who need to be dealt with RUTHLESSLY. Playing Hard-Ball is all they understand. This is why I wanted someone else who has some BALLS to be the Democratic candidate and President.

Tim Ryan and Richard Ojeda were my choices. I think either would have been way more energizing and gotten more votes than Biden, who IMO is a boring dullard.


Rep Tim Ryan’s reaction to Republicans who voted against an independent commission to investigate the January 6 attack on the Capitol


Tim Ryan gives FIERY House floor speech slamming Republicans


Tim Ryan


Richard Ojeda


Richard Ojeda




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