Lincoln Project Videos Shows Ron DeSantis is an IDIOT

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Lincoln Project Videos shows Ron DeSantis is an IDIOT unfit to be a DOG CATCHER


Chris Christie OBLITERATES Ron DeSantis For Dodging Questions

DeSantis REFUSES to answer a debate question about Israel and Chris Christie is having none of it. Join The Young Turks John Iadarola, and Democratic presidential candidates Cenk Uygur, Marianne Williamson, and Rep. Dean Phillips


DeSantis Trade School


All the personality of a burnt meatball. Ron DeSantis isn’t presidential material.


DeSantis wants to be the next Republican president, yet he doesn’t remember the day every American can never forget. He’s not ready for primetime.

Lip Lickin’ Liar


DeSantis Lies


Ron DeSantis’ Hurricane Ian Photo Op.


DeSantis: Bad for business



DeSantis is turning Florida into Communist East Germany


Raging Ron

Like a toddler in a suit, Ron DeSantis just can’t control his emotions.


Governor Freedumb

The worst governor in America.


Strong Man

DeSantis’ idea of strength is attacking drag queens and Mickey Mouse, but backing down to strongmen. He’s not presidential material.



DeSantis is not the tough-talking bully he portrays at his theatrical news conferences or in his SNL-worthy ads. Especially not if Donald Trump might be in the room,

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