Catholic Priests Sexual Abuse PROVE Religion is BULLSHIT

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Kids abused by Catholic Priests and people being shot in Churches Proves Religion is a Scam & Prayer Don’t Work

More than 1,000 children were victims of priest abuse, according to grand jury report.

If there were a God who watched out over each of us… he / she / it would not allow Priests to abuse kids, would not allow worshipers to be shot & killed in churches as they have been on numerous occasions… would not allow children to be killed as they were at Sandy Hook or in the numerous High School shootings, would not allow children to abused by their parents… would not allow women to be raped.

The Catholic Church teaches that Priests are intermediaries to God so the fact that so many has engaged in vile, UN-godly conduct is more proof that Religion is a scam.

If there were a God who really cared about humans and responded to prayers, he / she / it would have struck down these abusive Priests with lightning bolts or given them an instant heart attack when they attempted to molest innocent kids. Worst yet, leaders within the Catholic church proved how lawless & corrupt they were by covering up and doing nothing about abuses committed by their Priests.


Survivors give horrific accounts of ‘parade’ of sexual abuse at Catholic high school

Four survivors shared their stories more than 50 years after they were brutally physically and sexually assaulted by priests at an all-girls Catholic high school in Baltimore


Texas Church Shooting Kills 26 People

There have been NUMEROUS church shootings. If there were a god which intervened in human’s lives, he / she / it would not allow worshipers to be shot & killed in churches (Gods own house) as they have been on numerous occasions.


9 Dead in Charleston Church Shooting


Final Solution by David Cesarani review – the Holocaust on the hoof

Why did the Nazi regime murder up to 6 million Jews during the second world war? This masterful overview argues that the Reich’s plans were often improvised and muddled

If there were a God who watched out over each of us… he / she / it would have prevented the genocide / slaughter of 6 million Jews (God’s own, chosen people as some believe).

The fact that unspeakable horrors happen to people every day with no intervention proves there is no God which intervenes in people’s lives.


Amazing how religious people continue to believe in prayer and faith when it’s clear praying doesn’t work and never has.

These are just a few examples of how religion, going to church & praying is a waste of time and how Religion is a “smoke and mirrors” scam which conditions believers into believing unscientific, unproven BS.



Churches & religions are a Multi-Billion Dollar business which uses fear tactics to make people fall in line, such as threats that if you don’t do this or if you do that you’ll ‘Go to Hell’. If prayers aren’t answered then ‘it’s the will God’.  Preachers & Priests often uses “God” to project & justify their personal prejudices, claiming God wants this and God hates that. They refer to God as “HE”, as though the Creator of the Universe is some MALE humanoid, because they’re of such low intelligence, that’s all they’re capable of envisioning.

It’s obvious that there’s an intelligent “God” energy which created everything, but the fact that unspeakable horrors happen to people every day with no intervention proves this ‘God energy’ doesn’t get involved or intervene in our personal lives. Therefore churches and prayer is a waste of time.


Religion Is A Gigantic Fraud

Religious beliefs are against common sense. There is no god. There are no angels, devils, heavens, hells, ghosts, witches, nor miracles.

Per the above article; “433,000,000 Mohammedans believe that the Koran was brought by an angel from heaven; 335,000,000 Hindus believe one of their gods, Siva, has six arms; 153,000,000 Buddhists believe they will be reincarnated; 904,000,000 Christians believe a god made the world in six days, Joshua stopped the sun by yelling at it, and Jesus was born of a virgin and nullified natural laws to perform miracles.

There is absolutely no scientific proof of any of these claims. Science has shown them to be contrary to all known facts. It is more intelligent to classify them as false. Religions are all based upon the primitive superstitions of ignorant, stone-age men who had no knowledge of science and thought the world was flat. The Catholic Church imprisoned Galileo for life and burned Bruno at the stake because they disagreed with these superstitious beliefs.

These primitive beliefs have been kept alive by a vast army of priests, preachers, and rabbis because it is to their great profit to promote them, first, by imposing them on the helpless brains of children, and second, by saturating the air, TV, press, and schools with their childish superstitions and unreasonable claims. They fool the ignorant and make the gullible and the intelligent alike pay tribute to them. Their multi-billion-dollar properties and incomes are exempt from taxes; they get half-fare on trains, busses, and planes; and receive billions of dollars in grants of taxpayers’ money to help build up their political power, wealth, and luxurious living. Taxes could be cut 10 percent if churches paid their just share”.


How Religious Beliefs are Products of Human Imagination


A powerful and thought-provoking speech about Religion, Jesus, and the Bible.


How Religion made Republicans Believe Delusional BS, Lies and Conspiracy Theories


The above video explains how religion can cause permanent damage to the brain, making an individual closed minded / “conservative” or more open minded / “liberal” if they are less religious.

Established Religions have been used as a way to “control the masses” and brainwashes people into believing things which are fiction & illogical.


There’s millions of people in the US (primary right-wingers) who really believe televangelists like Kenneth Copeland saying his “Wind of God” will destroy Covid-19 and Hank Kunneman “God is sparing the U.S. from Coronavirus because of the Trump administration”.

This is why Republicans (who overwhelmingly claim to be Religious) are used accepting and believing BS which defy truth and logic, including lies from FOX pundits and political leaders like Trump who has according to fact checkers, made over 30,000 false or misleading statements since being installed as President by the Electoral College (wasn’t elected by the majority).


Why So Many QAnon Believers Are Evangelical Christians


3 Ways Christianity Was Largely Responsible For The Holocaust

While Christianity wasn’t the sole catalyst for the Holocaust, there is no doubt that Christianity set the stage for the Holocaust to happen.


Most of the problems in our society are caused by Ignorant, Radical Right-Wing Religious “Conservatives”. Hitler was a violent Right-Winger and so is War Criminal Vladimir Putin.

Per the above article; “Christianity was culturally oppressive to the Jews – In the eyes of the Christian church, Jews were heretics and Jesus-killers. Since they rejected the teachings of salvation, they deserved to go to Hell. Hitler hijacked German Christians’ existing prejudice towards Jews. Hitler merely played on the prejudices created by Christianity to blame the problems that were largely created by Christianity, on the Jews. Thus, Christianity played a central role in setting the stage for the Holocaust”.



Similar to Hitler who stated, “I am fighting for the work of the Lord”, Republican Christian Nationalists use religion to justify their extreme conduct while believing God is on they’re side.



The above Video explains how Religions and Conservatives have been brainwashing people for generations.


10 Traits of Christian Religious Fanatics

1- They actually know a lot less than many Atheists and Agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history — but still call themselves a Christian

2- They define 0.01% as a “high success rate” when it comes to answered prayers. They consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And they think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.

3- While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince them otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in “tongues” may be all the evidence they need to prove Christianity.

4- They believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share their beliefs — though excluding those in all rival sects — will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet they consider their religion the most “tolerant” and “loving”.

5- They are willing to spend their life looking for little loop-holes in the scientifically established age of the Earth (4.55 billion years), but find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by pre-historic tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that the Earth is a couple of generations old.

7- They laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.

8- Their face turns purple when they hear of the “atrocities” attributed to Allah, but they don’t even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in “Exodus” and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in “Joshua” — including women, children, and trees!

8- They laugh at polytheists, but have no problem believing in a Trinity god

9- They feel insulted and “dehumanized” when scientists say that people evolved from lesser life forms, but they have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt

10- They vigorously deny the existence of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of their god.



According to the above video, there have been many other “Jesus” figures going back thousands of years.

I was raised in a Catholic family and forced by my parents to go to church every Sunday. I was taught you must be Catholic, believe in & worship “Jesus Christ” to be accepted into heaven. I never liked church. It bored me to death and couldn’t wait until it was time to leave.

By the time I was 14, I concluded church teachings that you must be a Catholic to be accepted into heaven to be ridiculous. How about people who practice other religions, or no religion… native Indians, tribes of people who live in jungles… all being condemned to hell because they weren’t Christians who worshiped “Jesus Christ”? Totally absurd!

My parents told me I could stop going to church when I turned 16, so I quit when I turned 16. I identify with being “Spiritual but not religious” and feel absolute peace, tranquility and “At One with the Universe“. I have no fear of anything, including death due to a life changing spiritual experience.



NDE’s prove the afterlife is a natural transition which every human being will experience when they die.

People from around the world… who believed in different religions or no religion, and didn’t believe in a God, had similar experiences. Some describe having a ‘life review’ in which a person rapidly sees the totality of their life. They report being shown how every living person creates a ripple which is felt by people they interact with, and that ripple can be felt by other people they never met. They report seeing the faces of people they encountered during their lives and feeling joy when they helped someone. They also felt the pain they caused for those who they hurt. This appears to be part of the ‘judgment’ reference in the bible.

Clinically Dead Man Travels To The Afterlife A powerful and profound story on death, the afterlife, and NDE. Featuring the story of Mellen-Thomas Benedict


Harvard Neurosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander had an NDE (Near-Death Experience) and discovered what happens after death. He saw seven beings/angels, and after leaving his body was shown future events. Gary’s NDE (Near-Death Experience) showed him that there is life after death, and it was a life-altering experience that changed him forever.


Woman’s Near-Death Experience After Ending Her Life


Paramedic Dies In Crash; Shown That Life Goes On Forever During Incredible Near Death Experience


Woman With 22 years Of Research Into After Effects Near Death Experiences, Gave Her View On Mankind


Surgeon Struck by Lightning : Discovers the God Energy

Tony Cicoria shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, leaving his body after being Struck by Lightning in a phone booth during a family gathering on Sleepy Hollow Lake in New York. During his encounter on the Other Side, he traveled outside of his body into a river of pure positive energy and came to realize that his Spirit continues forever. Upon his return to his body, he began to hear classical music in his dreams and taught himself how to compose the music he heard on the piano. Tony shares how the Experience transformed his life and how his relationship with Death was changed forever.


We are born with a physical body and spiritual body. When we die, we naturally transition into the spirit world and become enlightened.


The general belief among religious people that “god” is perfect presents a dichotomy. If god is perfect, why would he / she / it create such flawed, imperfect creatures as humans?

Missing details from the bible, such as the creation of man; “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”… were found in ancient Sumerian clay tablets pre-dating the bible by thousands of years.

According to ancient Sumerian texts (explained in the video above), humans were created to be slaves for an alien race called the Anunnaki who came from the planet Nibiru to mine gold from our planet earth. Anunnaki means “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came”. They needed laborers to do their work and created humans to be just intelligent enough to do the work required. They designed humans to not be as intelligent as they were.

If this story is true, it would explain why humans are so imperfect, why so many are incredibly stupid, why they are constantly at war with each other and why humans seem incapable of governing themselves.

The fact that almost 1/2 of the people in the United States support Trump, (who is a lunatic) and the other 1/2 chose Biden when there were so many better, younger and more motivating candidates shows mass stupidity runs rampant in humans.


The above video really puts our place in the universe in perspective. When you consider how vast the universe is, perhaps you can understand why I feel “God” is intelligent energy which created everything instead of some creature which looks like humans (God made in man’s image).


The Religious belief that a God created the universe solely for humans is a ridiculous, out-dated belief and yet millions still believe it and are living in the “dark ages”. In the cosmic scope of things, this entire planet is but a grain of sand in a gigantic universe.


God is Intelligent Energy (this is what I believe)


Our planet is a grain of sand in a gigantic universe…

Life could be so much better be if we made science, logic, reason and compassion for all living things our guide.


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