LUNATIC Trump Dines With Antisemite & White Supremacist

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Election Denying LUNATIC Trump Dines With Antisemite / Hitler Loving “NO TALENT” Rapper Kanye West and Putin Loving White Supremacist / Christian Nationalist / Holocaust Denier Nick Fuentes


Republican Leader Trump’s Dinner With Racist Forces Reckoning For Normal Americans

Rachel Maddow shares some of the fringe perspectives of the racist, Christian fascist who Donald Trump hosted for dinner at Mar-a-Lago, and considers the implications of Trump elevating racist perspectives while still the most influential figure in the Republican Party and the most likely Republican nominee in 2024 despite his 2020 defeat.


Trump Calls For Suspension Of Constitution, Refuses To Distance Himself From Extremists


Why Trump Hosted Ye And White Nationalist Nick Fuentes At Mar-a-Lago Dinner

Just two days before Thanksgiving, Donald Trump was planning to have a private, uneventful dinner with an old friend: Ye, the rapper formerly known as Kanye West.

The two had arranged to break bread Tuesday night at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in Florida after weeks of private phone conversations as Ye lost lucrative partnerships and became a mainstream cultural pariah for his antisemitic remarks, according to those familiar with the talks between the two men.

But Trump may have been walking into a trap in Mar-a-Lago’s gilded halls — one that leveraged his own penchant for spectacle and showmanship against him. Ye arrived with three guests, including white nationalist and antisemite Nick Fuentes.

Trump has since said he didn’t know Fuentes or his background when they dined together, a claim Fuentes confirmed in an interview, but others at the crowded members-only club figured out his identity. News of the meeting prompted an avalanche of criticism, from some Republican rivals and allies of Trump and his then-week-old presidential campaign.


Trump Is Privately Raging About Kanye West For Trying To ‘F Him’

According to reports this week, Donald Trump is may be playing it cool on the surface about his ill-fated dinner with Kanye West and downplaying what happened, but behind the scenes he is raging uncontrollably. One report said that Trump angrily shouted that Kanye was trying to “f*ck him” and his campaign, and that may not be an inaccurate statement. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses the behind-the-scenes drama at Mar-a-Lago.


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