Baby Trump Throwing Temper Tantrum Videos

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Baby Trump Throws Temper Tantrum at a meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in the Whitehouse demanding his border wall


Baby Trump Throws Temper Tantrum at Covid 19 Briefing, berating a reporter


NBC News Peter Alexander responds to Baby Trump’s attack during a press briefing on coronavirus


Baby Trump is confronted with his Coronavirus lies


Baby Trump Trashes The White House


Giant inflatable chicken resembling Donald Trump outside White House


‘Trump Baby’ balloon takes flight at protest in London


Title from YouTube: “White House Aides Admit They Treat Trump Like A Child To Protect Him”

Description from YouTube: “According to a report, aides to Donald Trump admit that they have to treat Donald Trump like a child in order to placate him. For example, they’ve admitted to using distraction techniques to appease him when they have no intention of actually doing what the man says. These are the kinds of reports that should spark some sort of action from leaders in Washington to remove Trump from office”

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