“AIRHEAD” Republican Female Says Women Shouldn’t Vote

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Republican Female Senate Candidate says Women Shouldn’t be allowed to Vote because they’re too emotional… husbands should vote for them


This GOP House candidate once railed against women voting

According to his past writings and associations, John Gibbs, a GOP congressional candidate supported by Donald Trump, once railed against women voting.


Conservative pundit Ann Coulter speaks at Missouri State, says women shouldn’t have the right to vote

Speaking before a more than 150-person crowd including elected officials, conservative pundit Ann Coulter urged Missouri State University conservatives to focus on the issues of “crime, immigration, and wokeness” to win elections. The Republican firebrand also doubled down Thursday night on her controversial view that women should not have the right to vote “because women see the government as their husbands.”

Per the above article: “If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat president. It’s kind of a pipe dream, it’s a personal fantasy of mine,” she said in a 2007 New York Observer interview.

Speaking before a more than 150-person crowd including elected officials, conservative pundit Ann Coulter stated; I’d give up my vote in a heartbeat as long as the rest of you stop voting…” she said. “Women see the government as their husbands. I mean when you look at the Democrats getting in there and spending $4 trillion… wherever women are given the vote in whatever state, in whatever country you see spending going through the roof.”

The problem isn’t Democrat’s spending. It’s Republican’s spending.


Republicans constantly blame “entitlements” for causing the the National Debt. In the above video ‘old school Republican’ Ronald Reagan explains how Social Security has nothing to do with the National Debt.


The national debt was increased by a projected 8 Trillion by Trump and Republicans due to military spending and tax breaks for the RICH.


Republicans accuse Democrats of being fiscally irresponsible. But as the video above shows, it’s Republicans who are responsible for running up the Debt & Deficits due to their excessive Military Spending and Tax Breaks for the Rich.


National Debt exploded under REPUBLICANS Ronald Reagan & George H.W. Bush due to excessive military spending and tax breaks for the RICH.

This was all part of the “Two Santa Clauses” plan whereby they run up the debt & cut taxes when a Republican is President so they are viewed as a good “Santa Clause”. Then when a Democrat is President, Republicans scream about the National Debt, refuse to increase the debt ceiling, shut down the government if necessary to stop Democrats from spending any money on social programs which could help working Americans.


REPUBLICANS increase the National Debt with excessive military spending and tax breaks to the RICH so there’s no money for Social Programs which benefit the middle class & the poor


The above video explains how for the past 40 years since Ronald Reagan was President, Republicans have been victimizing American using a tactic called the “Two Santa Clauses”,  whereby they run up the debt & cut taxes when a Republican is President so they are viewed as the good “Santa Clause”. Then when a Democrat is President, Republicans scream about the National Debt, refuse to increase the debt ceiling, shut down the government if necessary to stop Democrats from spending any money on social programs which could help working Americans.

In this way, Republicans are literately punishing Americans for voting for Democrats who are dedicated to helping the middle class and the poor while doing everything possible to make sure Democrats can’t help the middle class and the poor, to make them look like the “Bad Santa Clause”.



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