Louie Gohmert Complaining: You Can’t Lie to Congress

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Louie Gohmert is really upset that Republicans aren’t allowed Lie to Congress or the FBI or they might get arrested


After former Trump advisor Peter Navarro was arrested Friday, Republican Representative Louie Gohmert went whining to Newsmax about how allegedly “unfair” the justice system is to Republicans. Gohmert actually said, “if you’re a Republican, you can’t even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they’re coming after you.” That’s quite an admission about how Republicans operate, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.


Texas Paul REACTS to Top Republican whining that Republicans Can’t Lie to the FBI

Texas Representative (and Texas Paul’s Congressman) Louie Gohmert whined about the indictment of former Trump White House aide Peter Navarro, complaining that Republicans “can’t even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they’re coming after you.”



Republicans must lie to survive: They have no other choice

The Republican Party has a problem. A big problem. As the party of the wealthy and big business, how in the world can it convince the working class to vote for its candidates? This is no small matter. It is not some little glitch.

Per the above article; “The GOP exists to serve the interests of the wealthy and big business that comprise the richest 1%. No party, however, can ever win an election with only 1% of the vote. So to win elections, the GOP must necessarily reach beyond its own wealthy core and attempt to convince a large segment of working people in the 99% to vote for Republicans.

Normally, a political party wins elections by offering policies that benefit the voters. These policies attract the voters who then cast their votes for the political party.

But for the Republican Party, this is not an option. A candidate could not possibly campaign on the policies favored by the 1%. Just imagine the stump speech. “Vote for me and I will slash your health care! In fact, I’ll do even better — I’ll fight like mad to completely eliminate your health care!”

“Vote for me and I will get rid of your pensions! This would save corporations a bundle and boost profits to the shareholders! Screw the workers!”

“Vote for me and I promise to ship your jobs overseas under globalization! The exact same labor can be hired in Asia for only pennies! Hurray!”

The Republican Party is left with only one option. It cannot possibly be honest about its true intentions and actual policies. The working class would never vote for them.






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