Melania Trump: Worst First Lady?

It’s Official: Melania Is America’s Least Favorite First Lady

To recap some of her greatest hits: there was the “I don’t really care, do you?” jacket debacle, the Melania doppelganger conspiracies, and, of course, who could ever forget what she did to that poor rose garden?


Melania’s Statement on US Capitol Siege


Melania has ‘blood on her hands’ over Capitol riots, says former aide

Melania Trump has been accused of having “blood on her hands” by a former friend and adviser following the deadly riots by a pro-Trump mob at the US Capitol on Wednesday. Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, who previously served as an aide to the first lady, penned a scathing editorial of the president and Mrs Trump in The Daily Beas t.

Per the above article; “Mrs Trump has issued no public statement about the events and offered no condolences to police officer Brian Sicknick’s family after he died during the riots. Four other people were killed.

Hours after the riot Stephanie Grisham, Mrs Trump’s chief of staff, announced she would be leaving her position in the administration in protest of the Capitol riots.

But Ms Wolkoff said the resignation might not be quite what it seemed.

“It came as no surprise to learn, with less than two weeks to go, Grisham jumped ship during Trump’s self-imposed reprehensible implosion. Grisham was probably fired and used this opportunity to pretend she had a moral line in the sand,” the former aide wrote.

The former aide called the first lady “an extension of her husband, just as hypocritical, speaking out of both sides of her mouth, when it suits her best”.

Melania Trump has been accused of having “blood on her hands” by a former friend and adviser following the deadly riots by a pro-Trump mob at the US Capitol on Wednesday.

Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, who previously served as an aide to the first lady, penned a scathing editorial of the president and Mrs Trump in The Daily Beast.

“It was an assault on human life and our great democracy. Unfortunately, our president and first lady have little, if any, regard for either,” Ms Wolkoff wrote following the Capitol riots, calling the violence “shocking, awful, disheartening and shameful”. [END OF QUOTE]


Leaked audio tapes reveal Melania Trump saying; “Who gives a Fuck about Christmas Stuff”.

Imagine how Republicans (like Sean Hannity & Rush Limburger) would have reacted if Michelle Obama had said something like that. They’re heads would explode and they’d be having a self-righteous hissy fit! But when it’s one of their own…. CRICKETS! Repubs are such double-standards Hypocrites!


Melania Trump wears “I really don’t care, do u?” jacket on trip to migrant children

Her spokesperson says the $39 Zara jacket had “no hidden message,” but Trump tweeted otherwise.

Melania Trump wears “I really don’t care, do u?” jacket on trip to migrant children

Imagine how Republicans (like Sean Hannity & Rush Limburger) would have reacted if Michelle Obama had worn a jacket which says “I really don’t care, do u?” while on trip to visit migrant children.


The above video clip reminds me of the “The Stepford Wives”. Someone on twitter posted she was doing a “reboot”.


Description from YouTube; “Lawrence looks at First Lady Melania Trump’s cyber bullying prevention event “for our children,” held on a day her husband spent the day cyber bullying. Meanwhile, 565 children separated from their parents at the border by the Trump Administration still have not been reunited.”


“First Lady Melania Trump slams Democrats: “Children watching and learning about politics in our country deserve a better display of political responsibility.”


Melania Trump has got a lot of nerve saying ANYTHING about “Democrats” after how ROTTEN and DISGUSTING her own husband behaves…. how he has LIED and made over 30,000 false / misleading statements to the American people. The above video is only ONE example.


Trump repeatedly lied about the 2020 election being “Rigged & “Stolen”, inciting violence, chaos and rioting in Washington, DC. in a futile attempt to stage a coup to remain in power and be a UN-Elected Dictator. Rioters stormed the House & Senate chambers, wrecking havoc, destruction and deaths at the United States Capital.


IMO, no DECENT person could stand by, and support Trump

Melania Trump: America’s Embarrassing First Lady

America’s latest First Lady Melania Trump is not someone who should be admired, and quite frankly, is a horrible role model for girls and women.

The above article states;

“America’s latest First Lady Melania Trump is not someone who should be admired, and quite frankly, is a horrible role model for girls and women around the world.

And I say this not because she posed nude in photos that surfaced during her time as a model in her younger years. Melania has every right to define self-expression on her own terms. Even though she inexcusably lied about having a college degree, I don’t disparage Melania for being a college dropout. College isn’t for everyone and Melania committed herself to a fashion and modeling career. And she certainly isn’t the first person to take a phone number from a man who is on another date with someone else in a club.

If anything, these publicly known life choices reflect her keen self-awareness and sense of agency. This is how Melania Trump should be viewed – as a woman controlling her own destiny who is fully accountable for her actions.

We have no idea what ultimately attracted Melania to Donald Trump — it could have been money, curiosity, or his narcissistic brashness misinterpreted as confidence. She may not have been aware of Trump’s racist past or his poor track record with women. Nevertheless, she decided to have a relationship with Donald and have a child with him. And she’s been all in ever since.

Promoting Racism

As a wife of a presidential candidate, and now First Lady, Melania Trump has promoted racism. She did her best to reach national audiences to promote racist birtherism lies about former President Obama by insinuating America’s first Black president wasn’t legally American. This was a future First Lady messaging to young white girls and women that it’s okay to be racist. It should come as no surprise that Melania remains in union with a man who will go down as the most racist president in modern history because she helped him legitimize racism as a campaign tool.

Melania was born in Slovenia, and as the Washington Post reported, possibly violated terms of her work permit and American visa requirements. And in doing so, arguably engaged in a deportable offence upon her arrival in the United States. Ironically, she has seen her husband happily engage in systematic child abuse and family torture with his cruel and heartless “zero tolerance” immigration policy that is separating children from their families around the country. Regardless, Melania chooses to stay married to a man committing crimes against humanity and sends a dangerous message to girls and women that marital tolerance knows no bounds.

The Thief in Chief

Melania and her decision to plagiarize a speech given by former First Lady Michelle Obama during the Republican convention should also never be forgotten. Melania messaged to girls and boys that it’s okay to steal when it suits your immediate needs.

Melania has also chosen to stay in her marriage even though her husband has committed countless acts of adultery, admitted that he’s a sexual predator, and had multiple women come forward with allegations of sexual assault. Trump has publicly humiliated Melania on multiple occasions and only God knows how he treats Melania in private. Melania sends the worst possible message of incomprehensible tolerance of spousal disregard of emotions and feelings and marital violation of wedding vows is okay.

The Cyber Bully Enabler

In spite of her decisions and the man she’s married to, Melania has the audacity to start a Be Best campaign and here is the stated mission: “The mission of BE BEST is to focus on some of the major issues facing children today, with the goal of encouraging children to BE BEST in their individual paths, while also teaching them the importance of social, emotional, and physical health. BE BEST will concentrate on three main pillars: well-being, social media use, and opioid abuse.”

Melania has co-signed spending her life with a man committed to destroying the environment, children and families with his policy and actions. Her husband is America’s first presidential cyber bully and neither one of them are aggressively addressing the opioid crisis that’s happening around the nation.

Melania has no credibility to speak about anything that suggests empowerment and well-being. She chooses to stay with a man that models for their son how to live a life of disrespecting women and using power to harm, threaten and ruin lives. If she can’t put her own son’s well-being first, Melania sure as hell won’t give a damn about other people’s children”. (END OF QUOTE)



Here’s how Fox News covered Michelle Obama vs. Melania Trump

Here’s a list of comment made about Michelle Obama…

22 Times Michelle Obama Endured Rude, Racist, Eexist or Plain Ridiculous Attacks


1 She’s “strikingly ungracious.” (Jim Geraghty, writing for National Review)

2. She doesn’t look like a first lady (and she did push-ups). (Virginia voter Bobbie Lussier)

3. She disrespected the flag, as determined by lip readings of Obama whispering something inaudible to her husband during a ceremony. (Washington Times, American Thinker, Debbie Schlussel)

4. She weighs too much to care about health: “The problem is — and dare I say this — it doesn’t look like Michelle Obama follows her own nutritional, dietary advice. And then we hear that she’s out eating ribs at 1,500 calories a serving with 141 grams of fat per serving, yeah it does — what do you mean, what do I mean?” (Rush Limbaugh)

5. She “needs to drop a few” pounds before she can be taken seriously on the issue of nutrition. (Keith Ablow, prominent member of the Fox News “Medical A-Team”)

6. She eats too much, as demonstrated by a cartoon of a chubby Michelle chowing down on a burger and fries, telling a skinny Barack to “shut up and pass the bacon!” (Big Government)

7. She didn’t support dessert enough, and she “cannot trust parents to make decisions for their own children.” (Sarah Palin)

8. She forced children in day care to be weighed. (Urban legend, debunked by Snopes)

9. She has “no business being involved” in what people eat. (New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie)

10. She’s a “feminist nightmare” for focusing on her family. (Michelle Cottle, writing in Politico)

11. She is actually a man, and she murdered Joan Rivers to cover it up. (Alex Jones)

12. She’s not classy enough and is an “atrocity” as first lady: “She makes a fool of herself — every time she comes on TV, I have to turn it off. Laura Bush was so classy, and that’s what we really need again.” (Laurie Boilard, quoted by Bloomberg Politics at a party for a Republican candidate’s wife)

13. She dared to talk about the enslaved people who built the White House.

14. She is an “ape in heels.” (Pamela Ramsey Taylor, director of Clay County Development Corp., Clay, W.Va., who later swore she was not racist.)

15. She has a “gorilla face.” (Patrick Rushing, mayor of Airway Heights, Wash.)

16. She is a “poor gorilla” who “needs to focus on getting a total makeover (especially the hair), instead of planning vacations.” (Georgia schoolteacher Jane Wood Allen)

17. She put her left elbow on a table once. (Salon)

18. She ” ‘voluntarily surrendered’ her law license in 1993. after a Federal Judge gave her the choice between surrendering her license or standing trial for Insurance fraud!” (Chain email)

19. She went “to Buckingham Palace in a sweater.” (Oscar de la Renta)

20. She’s President Obama’s “baby mama.” (Fox News)

21. She wore shorts.

22. She expressed some mixed feelings about being proud of America as a black woman, which was obviously unpatriotic. 



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