Trump Email Tells Supporters They are Traitors

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Desperate and Aggressive Trump Email Tells Supporters They are Traitors if They Don’t Send Money

A copy of an email sent from the NRCC shared by Andrew Sollender was outright threatening.


It reads: “You’re a traitor… You abandoned Trump. We were told you were a tried & true, lifelong patriot. But when Trump said he’d run for President if we took back the House from Nancy Pelosi … You did nothing. Was Trump wrong about you? This is your final chance to prove your loyalty or be branded a deserter. We’re giving you one final chance to stand with Trump. You only have 17 minutes.”


Trump Asks Supporters for $45 to “Solve” Election Fraud

Trump asks his supporters to donate $45 to “solve” election fraud in the latest attempt to grift his own followers


Trump Rally Attendees Completely Delusional

Attendees at Donald Trump’s latest rally in Iowa are interviewed, and it’s as disastrous as anyone could imagine.



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