Beverly Hills Anti-Maskers Who Harassed Parents Should be SUED

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People have a civil right to wear a mask anyplace they choose without fear of being attacked by violent radical-right wing LUNATICS who have been brainwashed with lies and false information.

The Anti Maskers who harassed Parents walking masked kids to school in Beverly Hills CLEARLY seem to be following FOX News Tucker Carlson’s instructions.

In my opinion, those who harassed parents of masked kids & traumatized their children should be ARRESTED and SUED for Harassment by the parents being harassed along with FOX News and Tucker Carlson for instigating & encouraging the harassment.

I fully support people’s right to peacefully protest. But when you get in people’s faces who are minding their own business, confront them, yell at them, accuse them of “Rape” and traumatize children, that’s crossing the line into criminal harassment and should be treated as such by law enforcement (IMO).


Young Turks discusses Anti Vaxxers who Harassed Parents At Beverly Hills Elementary School


L.A. Anti-Mask Group Vows More Actions: “It’s Like a Flash Mob”

Amid the last gasps and bellows of the Trump presidency, it seems no place is immune to recent spikes in outgoing MAGA madness – not even deeply blue Los Angeles County. Over the past few weeks, numerous sites across the city have been converted into ideological battlegrounds pitting maskless, Trump-supporting agitators against, well, everyone else, even as more than 7,000 people are hospitalized for COVID-19 around the L.A.

Per the above article:  “L.A. Anti-Mask Group Vows More Actions: “It’s Like a Flash Mob”

“As COVID-19 cases spike to new heights in L.A., protesters continue harassing businesses across the city. As seen in videos posted to social media, a dozen or so provocateurs converged at the mall for seemingly one purpose: to openly defy and verbally ridicule the mask-wearing mandates that nearly every private business in L.A. has been following for the past several months. Participants — several of whom were wearing MAGA paraphernalia — can be seen browsing the aisles of stores as they shout down anyone who requests that they put on a mask”.


Tucker Carlson Wants Anti-Maskers to Take Action. Now Some Are Harassing Children at School

“Maybe people should stay and fight and take back the schools, which belong to us. They’re ours.” So said Tucker Carlson to millions of viewers on Tuesday night. It was the latest installment of the Fox News host’s months-long crusade against school , one that has included multiple calls for concerned Americans to take action against the “lunatics” requiring children to wear facial coverings in the classroom.

Per the above article “Tucker Carlson Wants Anti-Maskers to Take Action. Now Some Are Harassing Children at School

“Maybe people should stay and fight and take back the schools, which belong to us. They’re ours.”So said Tucker Carlson to millions of viewers on Tuesday night. It was the latest installment of the Fox News host’s months-long crusade against school mask mandates, one that has included multiple calls for concerned Americans to take action against the “lunatics” requiring children to wear facial coverings in the classroom.

The next day, his call was answered as shown in the videos above


On April 26, 2021, FOX NEWS Tucker Carlson told his millions of viewers to confront & harass people minding their own business who they see wearing masks in public and demand they remove their mask. He further encouraged his viewers to call the police on parents who’s children are seen wearing masks in public, calling it “Child Abuse”.

Carlson attracts a Radical Right Wing audience who believe the lies that the 2020 election was “Rigged & Stolen” and other outrageous conspiracy theories. This makes his viewers especially dangerous.

Carlson violated the civil rights of every American who chooses to wear a mask by telling his millions of radical right-wing viewers to demand mask wearers take off their mask. He instructed his viewers to violate people’s civil rights who only wish to be left alone and live in peace. He put the well being everyone who wears a mask at risk of being verbally accosted or attacked by his radical right-wing, brainwashed viewers, some of whom may be the very same people who attacked the Capital on January 6, 2021.

Carlson encouraged potentially criminal behavior by demanding his followers call the police on parents of children wearing masks and file false “Child Abuse” reports.

Here’s just a few of the possible adverse situations Carlson’s comments may cause…

* Confrontations & violence between his viewers and people who chose to wear a mask
* Deaths as a result of confrontations inspired by Carlson’s demands that his viewers confront mask wearers.
* False reports of Child Abuse filed to Police by Carlson’s millions of viewers
* Wasted time & resources by Law enforcement called about False Child Abuse reports.
* Interactions with Police over calls about masks & child abuse. Some may end in fatalities


People have a civil right to wear a mask anyplace they choose without fear of being attacked by violent radical-right wingers who have been brainwashed with lies and false information.

  • Anyone who is confronted by someone who tells them to take off their mask should call 911 to report the harassment and record the encounter.
  • While recording, ask the harasser if he/she is a Tucker Carlson viewer who’s acting on his call to have people take off their mask.
  • If the harasser admits they were influenced by Tucker Carlson, that admission on camera would support a LAWSUIT against Tucker Carlson and FOX.
  • Even if they don’t admit to being influenced by Tucker Carlson, he is the one who has repeatedly called for his millions of viewers to harass mask wearers, so HE and FOX should be held liable and SUED.


Tucker Carlson Demand Viewers Harass Parents of Children Wearing Masks

Tucker Carlson is now calling for his viewers to get aggressive with outdoor mask-wearers, and even call the cops if they see kids wearing masks.


Tucker Carlson Says HARASS Mask-Wearers

Jesse talks about Tucker Carlson’s embarrassing display of ignorance and propaganda last night when he gave instructions to his audience to call the police on people whose children wear


Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA) reacts to threats against his family and says Fox News’s Tucker Carlson is to blame


Recording of  a brainwashed right wing LUNATIC harassing Swalwell.  IMO, Swalwell should SUE Carlson & FOX for everything they’ve got for this harassment. PLUS he should sue all who calls and harasses / threatens him and demand they be arrested.


Tucker Carlson Acting Like an Unhinged, Psychotic Lunatic

Tucker Carlson acts like a Unhinged, Psychotic Lunatic in the above video cutting off an ex-cop, abruptly ending the interview when confronted with information which didn’t fit his narrative. The way he cut this ex-cop off shows what tyrant & asshole Carlson is and how he’s not mentally up to the task of debating his guest like an adult.


Tucker Carlson Grew Up as a Entitled, Spoiled Rich BRAT

“Nothing says “spoiled child” like Tucker Carlson. The son of wealthy Republican William Carlson, a former Los Angeles television anchor who became the head of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and a U.S. ambassador, Carlson used his family connections to sail into journalism. Except for a brief moment when he seemed willing to ruffle the powers that be – his first George W. Bush profile for Talk magazine comes to mind – he has done nothing but afflict the afflicted and comfort the comfortable in his career. Examples of his partisan ethics abound, but my favorite was his shrill defense of Scooter Libby in the Valerie Plame case while never acknowledging that his father headed Libby’s defense fund. Wealthy Republican family values at work”.  (Source:

Description from Youtube; “Tucker Carlson has branded himself as a populist, condemning the “liberal elite” that he argues makes up the American “ruling class.” It’s a good shtick, and it’s helped him stand out from other Fox News hosts. But while Tucker decries the “elite” on his show, he regularly ignores major stories of Republican economic policies that harm the working class, choosing instead to focus on bogus culture war stories.

That isn’t an accident. Carlson’s show is meant to distract Fox News viewers from Republican economics, channeling their frustration and anger at groups that don’t deserve it. That kind of misdirection produces what Marxist theorists call “false consciousness”: when workers are tricked into accepting their own exploitation”.



Calling the Police on Parents of Children Wearing Masks & Falsely Accusing them of “Child Abuse” Could be Illegal

Former Obama White House health policy director Dr. Kavita Patel and former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi react to a Fox News host telling people to call the police when they see children wearing masks outside, and discuss how doing so could potentially be illegal.






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